时间:2018-12-13 作者:英语课 分类:高中英语人教版2000年高三


[00:02.35]第二单元 库克船长

[00:04.70]Lesson 5  1 Dialogue

[00:07.73]第五课  1 对话

[00:10.76]Captain Cook (CC) is preparing for his first great expedition to the Pacific.


[00:18.13]He is talking to a seaman 1.


[00:21.60]S:What stores do you want me to order,Sir?


[00:25.97]CC:I insist on taking proper food for this expedition.


[00:31.84]The men often fall ill and suffer fever,


[00:36.70]so I have decided 2 to take live animals.


[00:41.67]S:Live animals?I didn't know we were going to take live animals with us,Sir.


[00:50.21]CC:That's right.We will take 10 pigs,10 sheep and sixty chickens.


[00:58.98]The chickens can eat the food that we would otherwise throw away.


[01:05.04]They will provide us with eggs and meat.


[01:09.30]S:What about vegetables,Sir?


[01:12.86]They usually go bad as soon as we are at sea.


[01:17.61]CC:I have decided to take a lot of cabbage in vinegar.


[01:23.17]S:I've never heard of that,Sir.Will the men enjoy eating it,Sir?


[01:29.94]I shall insist that they do from now on.


[01:34.62]Eating cabbage will keep them healthy.


[01:38.77]S:Have you decided which boat to take,Sir?


[01:43.03]CC:We will take the Endeavour.


[01:46.55]It is a good,strong ship,though not very fast.


[01:52.20]There will be a lot of room below for stores.


[01:56.27]S:Is there anything else that you want me to get?


[02:00.82]CC:Yes.I suggest taking a lot of vinegar.


[02:06.38]S:Why vinegar,Sir,if I may ask?


[02:11.55]CC:We will use it for cleaning the inside of the ship.


[02:16.91]If we do this,we shall have less sickness.


[02:21.95]Please get me 300 litres.I think that will be enough.


[02:28.11]Lesson 6


[02:36.58]2 Reading comprehension

[02:38.96]2 阅读理解

[02:41.33]Captain Cook (1)


[02:44.88]James Cook was born in the north of England on October 27th,1728.


[02:53.53]The local landowner took an interest in the young boy


[02:58.86]and paid for his schooling 3.


[03:02.33]He learnt to read and write and was particularly good at mathematics.


[03:09.28]At the age of 18 he joined a ship


[03:14.01]which was used to carry coal down the east coast of England.


[03:19.89]Cook learnt fast and quickly became a skilled 4 seaman.


[03:26.13]In 1756 the Seven Years War between Britain and France broke out


[03:33.86]and Cook joined the navy 5.


[03:37.34]He did very well and sailed with the navy to Canada,


[03:42.62]where the war with the French was also being fought.


[03:47.58]In 1759 the French army was defending the city of Quebec,


[03:54.66]which stood high on a rock above the St.Lawrence River


[03:59.99]Cook went up and down the river in order to chart all the dangerous rocks.


[04:06.83]Finally he was able to mark a path for the warships 7 to follow.


[04:13.07]He led the ships down the river to a place where the British army


[04:19.24]could land safely and take the enemy by surprise.


[04:24.39]After a short battle,the French were defeated and the city of Quebec was seized.


[04:31.93]After the war,Cook married and set up home in London.


[04:37.68]For several years he sailed to the east of America where he charted its coasts.


[04:44.94]In 1768 his big chance for a major expedition came.


[04:51.71]The navy was planning an expedition to the South Pacific Ocean


[04:58.27]with the purpose of watching a very unusual event,


[05:03.62]that is the planet 8 Venus passing between the earth and the sun in 1769.


[05:11.56]They also hoped to find a new continent


[05:16.03]which they thought existed in the Indian or Pacific Ocean.


[05:21.96]Cook was to be in charge of this expedition as captain of the ship Endeavour.


[05:29.40]The Endeavour was not a warship 6 but an old merchant ship,


[05:35.28]just like the one on which Cook had learnt his seamanship.


[05:40.74]It was just over 32 metres in length.


[05:46.31]It was not a fast sailing ship,but was strongly built.


[05:51.95]It also had plenty of space below for storing things


[05:57.51]and so was extremely suitable for an expedition.


[06:02.19]Cook knew that sailors often suffered fever while at sea


[06:08.35]and got sick because of the lack of fresh meat,fruit and vegetables.


[06:15.22]He was a strict but good captain,one who,unusually,


[06:21.47]took good care of the sailors on his ship.


[06:25.62]He therefore loaded the ship with litres of vinegar


[06:30.77]for the purpose of cleaning the inside of the ship.


[06:36.04]As well as the normal supplies of salted meat,cheese,plain biscuits and beer,


[06:43.98]he took live sheep,pigs and chickens.


[06:49.05]He also included stores of onions, cabbage in vinegar,


[06:55.11]and flour for baking bread.


[06:58.77]In July 1768 the Endeavour set out for the Pacific.


[07:05.43]The ship carried a total of 94 people,including scientists.


[07:12.20]Although 38 of thep eople died of diseases 9 during the expedition,


[07:17.94]Cook's diet of proper food kept the rest of them healthy.


[07:23.79]Lesson 7


[07:32.75]1 Reading comprehension

[07:35.24]1 阅读理解

[07:37.72]Captain Cook (2)


[07:41.79]In April 1769 Cook's expedition arrived at the beautiful island of Tahiti


[07:50.75]in the Pacific Ocean.


[07:53.99]There they spent three happy months


[07:58.15]and were also able to watch the planet Venus crossing in front of the sun.


[08:05.12]In July they set sail again and headed south and west in search of a new land.


[08:14.26]They finally reached New Zealand


[08:18.10]and for a period of six months Cook charted coasts of the two islands,


[08:25.26]separated by the narrow channel of water that he called Cook Strait.


[08:32.34]Cook then sailed west to Australia.


[08:36.70]Other sailors had already charted parts of the west and north coasts of Australia


[08:43.65]and the island of Tasmania in the south,


[08:48.20]but Cook was the first to map the east coast.


[08:53.76]They landed in a beautiful bay that Cook named Botany Bay


[09:00.53]Botany Baybecause of the beautiful plants that they found there.


[09:05.49]Later this was to become the place of the first foreign settlements in Australia


[09:12.33]They found Australia to be an astonishing land where the soil was red,


[09:18.99]bears climbed trees,birds ran but didn't fly


[09:25.16]and large animals jumped about on two legs


[09:30.23]carrying their young in a stomach pocket.


[09:33.88]Next they sailed up the east coast

[09:38.43]between the mainland 10 and the Great Barrier Reef 11.


[09:43.60]There the expedition nearly ended in disaster.


[09:47.70]The ship struck a coral bed,which tore a large hole in the side of the ship.


[09:55.85]But Cook ordered the crew to throw over the side of the ship guns,iron balls,


[10:04.60]pots and chains and even stores to raise the boat in the water.


[10:11.97]Then they beached the ship on the shore

[10:16.65]where they were able to repair the damage.


[10:20.72]Only Cook's quick thinking saved the expedition.


[10:26.47]The expedition passed close by the island of Java


[10:32.03]and then returned by the southern point of Africa,


[10:36.19]arriving back in England in July 1771.


[10:42.14]The whole country celebrated 12 Cook's return.


[10:46.82]He had sailed round New Zealand and up the east coast of Australia,


[10:53.77]charting over 8,000 miles of coastline that had been unknown before.


1 seaman
  • That young man is a experienced seaman.那个年轻人是一个经验丰富的水手。
  • The Greek seaman went to the hospital five times.这位希腊海员到该医院去过五次。
2 decided
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
3 schooling
  • A child's access to schooling varies greatly from area to area.孩子获得学校教育的机会因地区不同而大相径庭。
  • Backward children need a special kind of schooling.天赋差的孩子需要特殊的教育。
4 skilled
  • Unskilled workers usually earn less money than skilled workers.无技能的工人通常比有技能的工人挣钱少。
  • She was skilled enough in French to translate a novel.她法语娴熟,足以翻译小说。
5 navy
  • My brother is in the navy.我兄弟在海军服役。
  • He has transferred from the army to the navy.他从陆军转到海军。
6 warship
  • He is serving on a warship in the Pacific.他在太平洋海域的一艘军舰上服役。
  • The warship was making towards the pier.军舰正驶向码头。
7 warships
军舰,战舰( warship的名词复数 ); 舰只
  • The enemy warships were disengaged from the battle after suffering heavy casualties. 在遭受惨重伤亡后,敌舰退出了海战。
  • The government fitted out warships and sailors for them. 政府给他们配备了战舰和水手。
8 planet
  • Neptune is the furthest planet from the sun. 海王星是离太阳最远的行星。
  • Rubbish, however, is only part of the problem of polluting our planet. 然而, 垃圾只是我们这个星球的污染问题的一个方面。
9 diseases
n.疾病( disease的名词复数 );弊端;恶疾;痼疾
  • Smoking is a causative factor in several major diseases. 抽烟是引起几种严重疾病的病因。
  • The illness frequently coexists with other chronic diseases. 这种病往往与其他慢性病同时存在。
10 mainland
  • The new bridge will link the island to the mainland.新的桥梁将把该岛与大陆连接在一起。
  • Hong Kong's prosperity relies heavily on mainland.香港的繁荣在很大程度上依赖于大陆。
11 reef
  • The ship and its crew were lost on the reef.那条船及船员都触礁遇难了。
  • The ship was wrecked on a coral reef.这条船在珊瑚暗礁上撞毁了。
12 celebrated
  • He was soon one of the most celebrated young painters in England.不久他就成了英格兰最负盛名的年轻画家之一。
  • The celebrated violinist was mobbed by the audience.观众团团围住了这位著名的小提琴演奏家。
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