时间:2018-12-19 作者:英语课 分类:


 College students  created a legendary 1 version of herself to send out as a resume, it is not April fool joke, it is coming up on cnn students news. First up, we take use of the Korea Peninsula, North and South Korea have been involved in open conflict since 1953 when armistice 2 ended the fighting of the Korea war, but yesterday they were exchanging fire, not on land but its sea, Nothern sent a fax yesterday warning its  Southern neighbor that it would be doing live fire exercises meaning military exercise would be weapons, this is the first time in recent years North Korea has these kinds of drills, South Korea called it a hostile threat, it sent north korea shells in south korea waters, so responded by firing back against into the sea and sending fighting jeters to patrol the area, North Korea often provoke its neighbors by firing missles and rockets into the ocean around the Korean Peninsula, 

US tell Japan to stop a yearly whale haunt. Since 2005 there are many Japanese program captured hundreds of whales off the coast of arctic, commercial whaling is illegal, there is a loop in the law to allow whaling for scientific research , Japan says its arctic program is for science, the international court said the program now is banned, because there is being more killing 3 than scientific research, the ruling will not allow Japan haunting in another places, and smaller scale whaling by individuals is always allowed, but some Japanese says there is being unfairly singled out, their whaling in general is Japanese tradition and it should be respected as long as the whales are not in danger, 
Is this legate? It is estimate 65 percent of the world population has access to the internet, not legate, the cia has estimated there are just over 2 billion internet users world wide or about 30 percent of the global population, 
And more than half of those with internet access use facebook, more than a billion people, last week facebook founder 4 controversially called internet access a human right while that was debatable, Facebook is hoping to get people  connected in places where there is not, increasing the number of people online and potentially the people on Facebook, Imagine for the first time in History, humanity fired on all cylinders 5   Facebook is taking to the sky, an effort to bring the internet to the world, turning its effort to unman drones and satellites to reach the roughly 5 billion  who can not get the internet, CEO zakbuk is playing the version to cnn xxx here we use things like facebook to share news, and capture up our friends and then that use what their government can not decide, get access to the health care for the first time ever, and connecting our family members hundreds of miles away in decades, get access to the internet is really a big deal, 
Internet dogs facebook effort is to get the world biggest tech company find a way for people with no access to internet, but first facebook has to figure out how to use this technology to reach those people, many of whom lived in places Asia and Africa, Zekbog said the company had the effort from NASA, a UK based center, the developer of the longest line of solar power drones to help, Facebook xx said satellites are  consilfule the moon, so you have to find a way to capture the information from which one to them while they passing over pecific place, solar powered unman aircraft are the best solutions in the less populated areas 
So we are looking at a new type of architecture, that flies at roughly 23 thousand meters, twenty kilometers, xx points out whether the lowest but commercial airliners 6 are even above there, and actually can stay there for a month at a time, and there planes are solar powered, they sit there and they just circled and they have the ability to broadcast down significantly closer than a satellite does, Facebook says moves xxx, internet for all, but others pointed 7 out universal access to internet also opened a war on new potential customers. 

1 legendary
  • Legendary stories are passed down from parents to children.传奇故事是由父母传给孩子们的。
  • Odysseus was a legendary Greek hero.奥狄修斯是传说中的希腊英雄。
2 armistice
  • The two nations signed an armistice.两国签署了停火协议。
  • The Italian armistice is nothing but a clumsy trap.意大利的停战不过是一个笨拙的陷阱。
3 killing
  • Investors are set to make a killing from the sell-off.投资者准备清仓以便大赚一笔。
  • Last week my brother made a killing on Wall Street.上个周我兄弟在华尔街赚了一大笔。
4 Founder
  • He was extolled as the founder of their Florentine school.他被称颂为佛罗伦萨画派的鼻祖。
  • According to the old tradition,Romulus was the founder of Rome.按照古老的传说,罗穆卢斯是古罗马的建国者。
5 cylinders
n.圆筒( cylinder的名词复数 );圆柱;汽缸;(尤指用作容器的)圆筒状物
  • They are working on all cylinders to get the job finished. 他们正在竭尽全力争取把这工作干完。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • That jeep has four cylinders. 那辆吉普车有4个汽缸。 来自《简明英汉词典》
6 airliners
n.客机,班机( airliner的名词复数 )
  • The fog grounded the airliners. 大雾迫使班机停飞。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • They placed very stable and accurate atomic clocks on regularly scheduled jet airliners. 他们将非常稳定、准确的原子钟装在定期飞行的喷气式班机上。 来自辞典例句
7 pointed
  • He gave me a very sharp pointed pencil.他给我一支削得非常尖的铅笔。
  • She wished to show Mrs.John Dashwood by this pointed invitation to her brother.她想通过对达茨伍德夫人提出直截了当的邀请向她的哥哥表示出来。
aphakic angle-closure glaucoma
bill payble after sight
boom loader
by courier
capturing state
classic classified materia medica for emergency
coastal minehunter
Dehaasia triandra
density-dependent inhibition of growth
double acts
edible coating
El Crucero
exciting plate
expected monetary value decision
F. J.
Forza d'Agrò
front engine vehicle
fruit and vegetable peeler
genus Crocodylus
geometry on curve
give sb. to understand
guaranty of collection
hearth and side layer feeder
heavy media process
homology character
locked-up stress
lossless join
lutaceous anhydrite
macromolecular science
mechanical manipulation
metal powder printing
midget fuse
multi-station automatic nut cold header
novikoff hepatoma
oil groove
pale maille
Palm, Inc.
partially consistent observations
picture palaces
piezoelectric calibrator
played me
potential gradiant
potential stable reduction
procedures of collection
push-on starter
recharge basin
sample frame
securities underwriter
sheet thickness calibrator
starched fabric
stereoscopic model
turf court
turmbicula akamushi
twin energy
unable to reproduce
upsetting diameter
uranous oxychloride
variable frequency crystal oscillator