时间:2019-01-14 作者:英语课 分类:口语8000句


32  在外用餐时


[00:05.84]I'd like a hamburger and an iced tea. (要一个汉堡和一杯冰茶。 )

[00:16.48]May I have two hot dogs, please? (我要两个热狗。)

[00:24.69]With ketchup 1 and mustard, please.( 请加蕃茄酱和芥末。 )

[00:33.16]Will that be for here or to go? (在这儿吃还是带走? )

[00:41.96]Will that be to go?(您带走吗? )

[00:48.25]Will you be eating here? (您是在这儿吃吗?)

[00:54.73]To go, please. (带走。)

[00:59.90]For here, please.(在这儿吃。 )


[01:08.87]Could you recommend a good restaurant near here? (这附近您能推荐家好吃的饭馆吗? )

[01:20.75]I'd like some Italian food. (我想吃意大利菜。 )

[01:28.65]Which restaurant do you recommend? (您推荐哪家饭馆? )

[01:37.72]Is there a Mexican restaurant around here? (这附近有墨西哥餐馆吗?)

[01:48.51]Where is the closest Mexican restaurant? (最近的墨西哥餐馆在哪儿? )

[01:58.92]Are there any restaurants still open near here? (这附近有没有还在营业的饭馆?)

[02:10.79]Do I need a reservation? (我需要预订吗? )

[02:18.94]Hello, this is the Park Restaurant. May I help you? (您好,这是公园餐厅。我可以为您服务吗?)

[02:33.77]I'd like to make a reservation for eight people at six o'clock tonight. (我想订餐。今天晚上6点,8个人的位子。)

[02:51.71]We are a group of eight. (我们一共8个人。)

[02:58.81]I'd like to reserve a table for eight. (我想订餐8个人。)

[03:08.87]Could we have a table close to the band? (我们能不能要张离乐队近一点儿的桌子? )

[03:20.66]I'm sorry. We're all booked up tonight.(对不起,今天晚上都订满了。)

[03:31.33]How long is the wait?(要等多长时间? )

[03:38.37]We can wait. (我们可以等。 )

[03:43.65]What time can we make a reservation? (可以预订几点的? )

[03:53.06] How late are you open? (一直营业到几点? )

[04:00.51]How do I get there? (我怎么才能到那儿? )

[04:06.88]Do you accept credit cards?(可以用信用卡吗? )

[04:15.06]What is the price of a dinner course? (一顿饭多少钱? )

[04:24.58]What is your dress code? (衣着上有什么规定?)

[04:32.13]Should I wear a jacket and tie? (我必须得穿外衣打领带吗? )

[04:42.06]Should the ladies wear dresses? (女性必须穿礼服吗? )

[04:51.07]How many in your group? (请问您几位?)

[04:58.85]Two. (2个人。 )

[05:02.59]I'm sorry, but I have to cancel my reservation.(对不起,我想取消订餐。)


[05:19.76]Could I have a menu, please?(请给我菜单。 )

[05:26.16]Do you have a menu in Japanese?(有日语的菜单吗? )

[05:33.88]May I see the wine list, please? (请给我看一下酒单。)

[05:42.47]What kind of wine do you have?(你们都有些什么葡萄酒? )

[05:50.46]May I take your order?(点菜吗?/您来点点儿什么?)

[05:57.79]What do you recommend? (有什么菜可以推荐的吗?)

[06:04.34]Can I have the same as that? (我想要和那个一样的。)

[06:12.26]I'll take this and this. (我要这个和这个。 )

[06:19.53]Do you have any local specialties 2? (您这儿有什么地方风味吗?  )

[06:28.72]Could we have separate checks?(我们可以分别付款吗? )

[06:35.20]   I'd like to have dinner for sixty dollars including drinks. (我要一个60美元的晚餐包括酒水。)

[06:48.96]I'd like a steak.(我要一份牛排。)

[06:54.51]I'd like some red wine, please. (我要红葡萄酒。)

[07:01.74]How would you like it?(要几成熟的? )

[07:07.39]Well-done, please. (烤熟点。)

[07:12.05]Can you make it mild? (请做得清淡些。 )

[07:18.47]Are you having breakfast? (您用早餐吗?)

[07:24.45]Would you like some coffee? (来杯咖啡怎么样?)

[07:31.13]Is coffee included with this meal? (套餐里包括咖啡吗? )

[07:39.40]I'd like a cup of coffee, please. (请给我来一杯咖啡。)

[07:46.94]Anything else? (还要别的吗?)

[07:51.59]That's all for me.(够了/就要这些。 )

[07:57.64]I didn't order this. (我没有点这个菜。)

[08:03.21]My order hasn't come yet. (我点的菜还没上。 )


[08:13.51]I'm kind of hungry.(我有点饿了。)

[08:19.12]I'm starving. (我都快饿死了。 )

[08:24.71]I'm thirsty. (我渴了。 )

[08:29.18]It smells good.(闻着真香。)

[08:34.98]I'm on a diet. (我在节食。)

[08:40.48]This looks great! (看上去真好吃! )

[08:46.77]They all look good.(看上去都好吃。 )

[08:53.40]Can I eat this?(我可以吃这个吗?)

[08:59.26]You can't eat that.(你不能吃这个。 )

[09:05.45]Is this delicious?(这个好吃吗? )

[09:11.66]It's good.(好吃。 )

[09:16.52]It's not good.(不好吃。)

[09:22.32]This tastes strange.(味道很怪。 )

[09:29.59]I eat anything.(我什么都能吃。 )

[09:35.54]Don't overeat.(别吃太多。)

[09:41.59]He's a big eater. (他真能吃。)

[09:47.37]I don't feel like eating anything. (我什么都不想吃。 )

[09:55.75]I drink like a fish. (我是海量。 )

[10:02.88]I get drunk easily. (我酒量小。 )

[10:10.16]I can hold my own. (我酒量还可以。 )

[10:17.75]Cake is fattening 3. (吃蛋糕会发胖。)

[10:24.84]Would you like some coffee? (你喝咖啡吗?)

[10:32.42]Please pass me the salt. (请把盐递给我。)

[10:40.11]It's called misoshiru.(这是大酱汤。)

[10:47.20]How do you eat sushi? (寿司怎么吃呀?)

[10:53.33]You dip it in soy sauce. (你得蘸酱油。 )

[11:01.27]Can you use chopsticks? (你会用筷子吗? )

[11:08.75]What kind of fish is this? (这是什么鱼?)

[11:15.93]It's spicy 4.(真辣! )

[11:20.36]It's salty.( 真咸。 )

[11:25.22]It's sweet. (真甜。)

[11:29.57]It's crispy.(真脆。 )

[11:33.63]It's slimy. (真粘。 )

[11:38.32]This coffee is not hot enough.(这咖啡不够热。)

[11:46.54]This bread is soggy. (面包没烤透。 )

[11:53.15]These potato chips are stale. (这土豆片变味了。)

[12:02.19]This milk is sour. (这牛奶酸了。)

[12:09.01]This coffee tastes bitter.(这咖啡太苦了。 )

[12:16.58]This meat is tough.(这肉太老。)

[12:22.93]This has a strong flavor.(味很重。 )

[12:29.97]It's too salty. (太咸了。 )

[12:35.62]It's too greasy 5.(太油腻。 )

[12:41.46]It's too hot. (太烫了。 )

[12:46.81]My mouth is burning. (我的嘴都麻了。 )

[12:53.70]Would you like some? (你也来点儿吗?)

[12:59.83]I'd like some more wine. (我想再要一点葡萄酒。)

[13:07.72]I dropped my fork. (我的叉子掉了。)

[13:14.25]I'd like another cup of coffee. (再要一杯咖啡。 )

[13:21.98]That was good. (真好吃。 )

[13:27.24]I'm very full.(我吃饱了。 )

[13:33.20]There isn't enough food. (食物不够了。)

[13:40.21]Would you like another drink? (再喝一杯吗?)

[13:47.39]How do you like your coffee? (您喝什么样的咖啡?)


[13:59.55]Bill, please.(请结账。)

[14:03.45]Where should I pay? (在哪儿付钱? )

[14:08.97]It's on me. (我请客。)

[14:13.44]I'll take care of it. (我来付。 )

[14:18.54]What is this for?(这是什么的钱? )

[14:24.42]I'm afraid there is a mistake here. (我觉得这儿算错了。 )

[14:33.48]Let's go Dutch. (我们各付各的吧。 )

[14:39.14]We'd like to pay separately. (我们分开付款。)

[14:46.58]Keep the change. (不用找钱了。)

[14:51.44]May I have a receipt, please?(请开张发票。)

[14:58.98]THE END      


  • There's a spot of ketchup on the tablecloth.桌布上有一点番茄酱的渍斑。
  • Could I have some ketchup and napkins,please?请给我一些番茄酱和纸手巾?
n.专门,特性,特别;专业( specialty的名词复数 );特性;特制品;盖印的契约
  • Great Books are popular, not pedantic. They are not written by specialists about specialties for specialists. 名著绝不引经据典,艰深难懂,而是通俗易读。它们不是专家为专业人员撰写的专业书籍。 来自英汉 - 翻译样例 - 文学
  • Brain drains may represent a substantial reduction in some labor force skills and specialties. 智力外流可能表示某种劳动力技能和特长大量减少。 来自辞典例句
adj.(食物)要使人发胖的v.喂肥( fatten的现在分词 );养肥(牲畜);使(钱)增多;使(公司)升值
  • The doctor has advised him to keep off fattening food. 医生已建议他不要吃致肥食物。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • We substitute margarine for cream because cream is fattening. 我们用人造黄油代替奶油,因为奶油会使人发胖。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The soup tasted mildly spicy.汤尝起来略有点辣。
  • Very spicy food doesn't suit her stomach.太辣的东西她吃了胃不舒服。
adj. 多脂的,油脂的
  • He bought a heavy-duty cleanser to clean his greasy oven.昨天他买了强力清洁剂来清洗油污的炉子。
  • You loathe the smell of greasy food when you are seasick.当你晕船时,你会厌恶油腻的气味。
air-activated conveyor
alfalfa mosaic virus
aorto-pulmonary window
as agreed l/u
automatic control unit
Ban Du Son
benign hyperkeratosis of oral mucosa
Bering Str.(Beringov Proliv)
biological assay
blind carbon copy
buccal smear
bulk crystallization
business network
calligraphic etching
cancer cell image
centralized stock borrowing
code panes
combing machine for fur
completely inegrated circuit
consensual reflex
consultant's fee
contusion of palpebra
cooling oven
corporate family
Craigavon District
cumulated amount
deficiency indices
earth tilt
Eduard Buchner
electrooptical modulation transfer functions
family Ephemeridae
female heterogamety
fermentation alcoholic
final condition after damage
forms of social life
global parameter buffer
high speed film
high-resolution infrared radiation detector
hind wings
hold harmless
honey extractor
immediate social form of labor
kolomejka (poland)
linear array scan
liquor cerebropinalis
main amplifying circuit
marketing research analyst
minimum liquidity
mountain bike
mucilago tragacanthae
narrow gage
occupancy indication
onithochiton hirasei
open association
oral exams
pulled up short
purchase acquisition
quarte-wave choke
rock crushing
shrink to nothing
slowness vector
special system of point-group
specific gravimeter
syphilis innocentum
tergul de fete (rumania)
tetrathionic acid
the last account
tilting-tangential burner
trapeze dress
variegated silk
Viola conspersa
yellow porcelain