时间:2018-12-29 作者:英语课 分类:人教全日制普通高中英语(必修)高三(全一册)


 E: Ebenezer Scrooge      S: Santa Claus          Ca: Girl              Y: Young Scrooge       A: All

              B: Bob Cratchit                 C: Mrs Cratchit          L: Little girl        M: A boy

E: Where are we?

S: Ho, ho, ho. Don't you recognise it, Scrooge? You grew up here. Have a look through this window.

(They watch a young man and a young woman.)

G: It is over between us, don't you see?

E: It's Lisa and I. It can't be true! How can I be looking at myself?.

S: You aren't, Scrooge. These are but shadows of the past. Watch and listen.

G: You don't care about me any more. Another idol 1 has taken my place.

Y: What are you talking about? What idol has taken your place?

G: A golden one.

Y: What do you mean?

G: All you think about is how to become wealthy.

Y: Poverty is a terrible fate 2, so there is nothing wrong in making money.

G: That's not what life is about! You only have an eye for money. All your other hopes and dreams have flown into one single ambition. I've seen your nobler aspirations 3 disappear one by one, until only one, Gain, was left.

Y: So what? I've not changed towards you.

G: Our bond 4 dates back to the time when we were both poor and content to be so. You have changed. You were another man, then.

Y: Humbug 5! You've got it all wrong.

G: I wish I had! It's better for us to separate.

E: Let's go. I don't want to see this. I'm not like that.

S: Aren't you, Scrooge? Let's observe another little scene, as you might have in your life to come.

(They watch a family celebration.)

L: Father is late. I think it's because he walks slower than he used to, as of late.

C: I've known him walk with -- I've known him walk with Tiny Tim upon his shoulder, very fast indeed.

A: Tree.

C: But he was very light to carry, and his father loved him so. That was no trouble, no trouble at all.

L: Here he is!

B: My dears, what a beautiful goose you've got there. I'm sure never such a goose was cooked. And oh, what a wonderful pudding! A Merry Christmas to us all, my dears. God bless us!

A: Merry Christmas!

B: And we should'not forget Mr Scrooge. To Mr Scrooge, and thank him for this feast 6.

C: No. Not to Scrooge, that mean, hard, selfish old man. You know he is, Bob. Nobody knows it better than you do, poor fellow. He makes his clerks work so many hours and pays you so little. We never had money to buy medicines for Tiny Tim. God bless him.

B:" My dears, it's Christmas; we should not forget Mr Scrooge. Long life to him!

E: Santa, where's Tiny Tim? What happened? Tell me Tiny Tim will live. Have mercy!

S: Ho, ho, ho. Scrooge, these are shadows of what may happen in the future.

E: It may happen, but it doesn't have to, does it? Heaven, be praised for this! Santa! Hear me! I'm not the man I was. I'll change my life, believe me.

S: Ho, ho, ho. Good old Ebenezer Scrooge. It's Christmas Eve. Shouldn't you go somewhere?

E: Oh yes, indeed. I shall go to Fred. No, let's go to Bob first. No time to lose. Haha. I don't know what to do! A Merry Chrismaas to all the world! Boy, do you know the butcher shop around the comer?

M: Yes.

E: Good boy! Haha! Take this money and tell them to deliver their biggest turkey to Bob Cratchit. Haha. It's twice the size of Tiny Tim.

(Christmas Day: Scrooge goes to Bob Cratchit's house.)

E: Good morning, Bob.

B: Good morning, Mr Scrooge. A huge turkey was delivered here just now, I beg your pardon a thousand times, Mr Scrooge. There must be some terrible mistakes. I, I ...

E: Not at all, Bob, on the contrary. There is a turkey large enough for all of your family to enjoy, and when you come to the office tomorrow, we'll toast to the New Year with a glass of bishop 7 wine. I'm here to wish you all a Merry Christmas.

B: But Mr Scrooge, how generous of you! Thank you. And Merry Christmas to you!

A: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  • As an only child he was the idol of his parents.作为独子,他是父母的宠儿。
  • Blind worship of this idol must be ended.对这个偶像的盲目崇拜应该结束了。
  • The Titanic met her fate by crashing into a huge iceberg.泰坦尼克号客轮因撞上一个大冰山而沉没。
  • Your future is bound up with the fate of your motherland.你的前途同祖国的命运紧密相联。
强烈的愿望( aspiration的名词复数 ); 志向; 发送气音; 发 h 音
  • I didn't realize you had political aspirations. 我没有意识到你有政治上的抱负。
  • The new treaty embodies the aspirations of most nonaligned countries. 新条约体现了大多数不结盟国家的愿望。
  • This glue makes a good firm bond.这种胶水粘得很结实。
  • His word is his bond.他是讲信用的。
  • I know my words can seem to him nothing but utter humbug.我知道,我说的话在他看来不过是彻头彻尾的慌言。
  • All their fine words are nothing but humbug.他们的一切花言巧语都是骗人的。
  • After the feast she spent a week dieting to salve her conscience.大吃了一顿之后,她花了一周时间节食以安慰自己。
  • You shouldn't have troubled yourself to prepare such a feast!你不该准备这样丰盛的饭菜,这样太麻烦你了!
  • He was a bishop who was held in reverence by all.他是一位被大家都尊敬的主教。
  • Two years after his death the bishop was canonised.主教逝世两年后被正式封为圣者。
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