时间:2018-12-26 作者:英语课 分类:谈判英语


Dialog 2

In this dialog,Brenda deliberately 1 installed the air conditioning unit in open defiance 2 of the property manager. Brenda's lawyer meets the board's lawyer, and suggests that, in order to avoid expensive litigation, the board should accept the original plan and allow installation on the roof. Brenda's lawyer is Bob, and the board's lawyer is Gail.

Bob:That was a good lunch.It really hit the spot.Did you enjoy yours?

Gail:Very good, thank you. Shall we get to the matter at hand?

Bob:Yes,of course. I think I have an alternative that may solve everyone's problem.

Gail:What's that?

Bob:My client believes the present installation is fine as it is but she wants to avoid expensive litigation, so in order to appease 3 everyone, she'll move the unit to the roof at her own cost.

To prevent the conduit from being visible from the street,she is willing to pay to have it penetrate 4 the roof.

Gail:You know the board can't allow that. The building's documents don't give them the authority.

Bob:I've received the documents.I think they do.

Gail:I don't know how you can say that. That's a major change to the building's common area, the roof.

Not only is it against the documents,it's contrary to state law.

Bob:Well, I don't see how you can call that a major change to the common elements.

We believe it's a minor 5 change, and that it really affects no one but my client. Therefore, it is within the board's authority to grant my client's request.

Gail:Well, you may be right except for one thing: penetrating 6 the roof will compromise its integrity , and that is a major issue.

That definitely moves it beyond the scope of board's authority.

1 deliberately
  • The girl gave the show away deliberately.女孩故意泄露秘密。
  • They deliberately shifted off the argument.他们故意回避这个论点。
2 defiance
  • He climbed the ladder in defiance of the warning.他无视警告爬上了那架梯子。
  • He slammed the door in a spirit of defiance.他以挑衅性的态度把门砰地一下关上。
3 appease
  • He tried to appease the crying child by giving him candy.他试图给那个啼哭的孩子糖果使他不哭。
  • The government tried to appease discontented workers.政府试图安抚不满的工人们。
4 penetrate
  • Western ideas penetrate slowly through the East.西方观念逐渐传入东方。
  • The sunshine could not penetrate where the trees were thickest.阳光不能透入树木最浓密的地方。
5 minor
  • The young actor was given a minor part in the new play.年轻的男演员在这出新戏里被分派担任一个小角色。
  • I gave him a minor share of my wealth.我把小部分财产给了他。
6 penetrating
  • He had an extraordinarily penetrating gaze. 他的目光有股异乎寻常的洞察力。
  • He examined the man with a penetrating gaze. 他以锐利的目光仔细观察了那个人。