时间:2018-12-06 作者:英语课 分类:黑骏马.Black.Beauty


  11 Goodbye to old friends

  One day we were waiting outside one of the London parks when a dirty old cab 1 drove 2 up beside ours.The horse was brown,with bones that showed through her coat.I was eating some hay 3 and the wind took a little of it her way.The poor animal put out her long thin neck and picked it up,then turned and looked for more.There was a hopeless look in her dull eye and I wondered where I'd seen her before.Then she looked straight at me.

  'Black Beauty,is that you?'she said.

  It was Ginger 4!But how different she looked!Her face,which was once so full of life,was now miserable 5 and full of pain,and her breathing was very bad.

  I moved closer to her so that we could have a quiet talk,and it was a sad story that she told me.After twelve months'rest at Earlshall she was considered to be ready to work again,and was sold to a gentleman.She got on well for a little while,but after a long gallop 6 one day,she became ill again.She was rested,was seen by a horse-doctor,then sold.In this way,she went from owner to owner several times,each one poorer than the one before.

  'So at last I was bought by a man who keeps a number of cabs 7 and horses,and hires them out,'said Ginger.'You look happy and comfortable with life as a cab horse,and I'm glad,but it's different for me. They whip 8 me and work me seven days a week.They say that they paid more for me than I was worth,and now they're trying to get their money back by working me until I drop.'

  'You used to stand up and fight when people were cruel to you, 'I said.

  'Yes,I did once,'said Ginger.' But men are stronger than we are,and if they're cruel and have no feelings, then there's nothing we can do about it.Oh,I wish the end would come.I wish I was dead. '

  I was very sad.I put my nose against hers but could find nothing to say that would cheer her up.I think she was pleased to see me,because she said,'You're the only friend I ever had.'

  A few weeks after this,a cart 9 with a dead horse in it passed by our cab stand.It was a brown horse with a long thin neck,and I believe it was Ginger.I hoped it was,because then her troubles would be over.

  * * *

  There was one day when we were very busy.First a fat gentle-man with a large bag wanted to go to Bishopsgate Station;then we were called by a lady who wanted to be taken to Regent's Park;then a man jumped into the cab and called out,'Bow Street Police Station, quick!'

  After another journey or two,we came back to the cab stand and Jerry gave me some food,saying,'We must eat when we can on days like this,Jack.'And he took out the meat and bread Polly had given him.

  But neither of us had eaten many mouthfuls 10 before a poor young woman came along the street.She was carrying a child and she looked lost and worried.

  'Can you tell me the way to St Thomas's Hospital,please?'she asked.'I have to take my little boy there,and I'm a stranger in London.'The little boy was crying as she spoke 11.'He's in great pain and can't walk,but the doctor says that if I can get him to the hospital,then perhaps he'll get well again.

  'You can't carry him through the crowds,' said Jerry.' It's five kilometres,and that child is heavy.'

  I'm strong,'said the woman.'I think I can manage,if I know the way.' 'You can't do it.Just get into this cab and I'll drive you there.Don't you see that it's beginning to rain?'

  'No,sir,I can't do that,'she said.'I've only just enough money to get me home again.'

  'Listen,'said Jerry.' I've got a wife and children at home,and I'd be ashamed 12 of myself if I let a woman and a sick child put themselves in danger.Get in the cab and I'll take you for nothing.'

  'Oh,how kind you are!'said the woman, and began to cry.

  Jerry opened the door but two men ran up,calling out,'Cab!'

  'It's taken,'said Jerry,but one man pushed past the wom-an and jumped in,followed by the other.'This cab is already taken,gentlemen,'Jerry said again,'by this lady.'

  'Lady!'said one of the men unpleasantly,looking at the woman's poor clothes.'She can wait.Our business is very im-portant,and anyway,we were in first,and we'll stay in.'

  A smile came over Jerry's face as he shut the cab door.'Stay in as long as you like, gentlemen.I can wait while you rest yourselves.'He walked over to the young woman who was standing 13 nearby.'They'll soon be gone,don't worry,'he said, laughing.

  And he was right.When the two men realized that they were going to have a very long wait, they got out, calling Jerry all kinds of bad names. After this, we were soon on our way to the hospital.

  'Thank you a thousand times,' said the young woman, as Jerry helped her out of the cab.

  'I hope your child will soon be better,' said Jerry.He watched her go in,then patted 14 my neck.It was something he always did when he was pleased.

  The rain was now coming down fast and,just as we were leaving the hospital, a lady came down the steps calling,'Cab!'Jerry seemed to know her at once.

  'Jerry Barker,is it you?' said the woman.'I'm very glad to find you here.It's difficult to get a cab in this part of London today.'

  'I'll be proud to take you,'said Jerry.'Where do you want to go?'

  'Paddington Station,'said the woman.

  We got to the station and went in under cover.The lady stood beside the cab talking to Jerry for some time,and I dis-covered that she was once Polly's mistress 15

  'How do you like cab work in the winter?'she asked Jerry.'Polly was worried about your cough last year.'

  'She worries because I work all hours and in all kinds of weather,'said Jerry.'But I get on all right,and I would be lost without horses to look after.'

  'It would be wrong to harm your health in this work when you have a wife and two children,'said the lady.'There are many places where good drivers or grooms 16 are wanted.If you ever decide to give up cab work,let me know.'She put some-thing into his hand.'There's some money for the children.'

  Jerry thanked her and,after leaving the station,we went

  * * *

  Christmas and the New Year are no holidays for cab drivers and their horses.People go to parties and dances,and th6 work is often late Sometimes driver and horse have to wait for hours,shaking with cold.

  We had a lot of late work during Christmas week and Jerry's cough was bad.On New Year's Eve we took two gentlemen to a house in the West End,and were told to come for them at eleven'o clock.'You may have to wait a few minutes,but don't be late,'one of them said.

  Jerry arrived at the right time and we waited.The wind was very cold and it was snowing.Jerry pulled one of my cloths higher over my neck, then walked up and down, trying to keep warm.

  At half-past twelve,Jerry rang the door-bell and asked if the gentlemen still wanted the cab.The man at the door said,'Oh,yes,you'll be wanted.'

  At one o'clock the door opened and two men came out.They got in the cab without a word,and told Jerry where to drive.It was three kilometres away,and when the men got out they didn't say they were sorry for the long wait,but they were angry when Jerry made them pay for the extra waiting time.But it was money hard-earned.

  When we got home,Jerry could not speak,and his cough was terrible,but he groomed 17 me and made sure that I was warm and comfortable.

  It was late the next morning before anyone came, and then it was only Harry 18.He cleaned us and gave us our food but was very quiet. Later that morning he came again, and this time Dolly came with him.She was crying,and I discovered from their conversation that Jerry was dangerously ill.

  Two days passed, and only Harry and Dolly came to the sta-ble.On the third day,Mr Grant 19 from the cab stand arrived when Harry was in the stable 20.'I won't go to the house,boy,but how is your father?'he said.

  'He's very bad,'said Harry.

  'I'm sorry to hear that,'said Mr Grant.'He's the best man I know.'

  But when he came the next day,Harry was able to tell him,'Father is better today.Mother hopes he will get over it soon.'

  'Thank God!' said Mr Grant. He was a kind man, and did a lot to help the family during this time,because while Jerry was ill,he was earning no money,and we all had to eat.

  Jerry got slowly better,but the doctor said he must never do cab work again.The children talked a lot about what their mother and father would do,but a few days later Dolly ran into the stable to find Harry.

  'There's a letter from Mrs Fowler,mother's old mistress!'said Dolly.'She wants father to be her carriage driver,and we're going to live in a cottage in the country——with chick-ens,and apple trees,and everything!'

  This was bad news for me.I was not young now,and could not hope for a better master than Jerry,although Mr Grant promised to find a comfortable place for me.

  I never saw Jerry again and was very sorry to leave.

  11 告别老友










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1 cab
  • The cab drove over his legs.马车从他腿上碾过。
  • Shall we walk or take a cab?我们步行还是坐出租车?
2 drove
  • He drove at a speed of sixty miles per hour.他以每小时60英里的速度开车。
  • They drove foreign goods out of the market.他们把外国货驱逐出市场。
3 hay
  • Cows feed on hay.奶牛以干草为生。
  • They usually keep the hay in the barn.他们通常将干草存放在谷仓中。
4 ginger
  • There is no ginger in the young man.这个年轻人没有精神。
  • Ginger shall be hot in the mouth.生姜吃到嘴里总是辣的。
5 miserable
  • It was miserable of you to make fun of him.你取笑他,这是可耻的。
  • Her past life was miserable.她过去的生活很苦。
6 gallop
  • They are coming at a gallop towards us.他们正朝着我们飞跑过来。
  • The horse slowed to a walk after its long gallop.那匹马跑了一大阵后慢下来缓步而行。
7 cabs
出租车( cab的名词复数 ); (公共汽车、火车等的)司机室; 驾驶室; 出租马车
  • Cabs and carriages, their lamps gleaming like yellow eyes, pattered by. 公共马车和私人马车嗒嗒地驶过,车灯像一双双黄色的眼睛闪闪发亮。 来自英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹
  • Outside were cabs and taxis and a line of hotel runners. 外边停着出租的马车、汽车,还站着一排旅馆接待人。
8 whip
  • The cruel man lashed the horse with his whip.那个粗暴的人用鞭子抽马。
  • The cruel master beat his slaves with a whip.残酷的主人鞭打他的奴隶。
9 cart
  • We use this to cart the goods.我们用这个来拉运货物。
  • Let's go over and help them pull the cart.咱们过去帮他们拉车。
10 mouthfuls
(食物、饮料)一口之量( mouthful的名词复数 ); 很长的词; 很长的短语; 很重要的话
  • We bolted a few mouthfuls of food and hurried on. 我们匆匆地吞下几口食物,就赶着继续前进。
  • He finished it in a few mouthfuls, his tongue numb, his heart buoyant. 几口把它吃完,舌头有些麻木,心中舒服。 来自汉英文学 - 骆驼祥子
11 spoke
n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说
  • They sourced the spoke nuts from our company.他们的轮辐螺帽是从我们公司获得的。
  • The spokes of a wheel are the bars that connect the outer ring to the centre.辐条是轮子上连接外圈与中心的条棒。
12 ashamed
  • He is ashamed to show his face at the club.他不好意思在俱乐部露脸。
  • You ought to be ashamed of your foolish behaviour.你应当为自己的愚蠢行为而感到羞耻。
13 standing
  • After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
  • They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。
14 patted
v.轻拍( pat的过去式和过去分词 );拍成,拍至;表扬,称赞(某人/自己)
  • She patted the dog on the head. 她轻轻地拍着狗的头。
  • He leaned forward and patted me on the shoulder. 他向前倾着身子并拍我的肩膀。 来自《简明英汉词典》
15 mistress
  • Does his wife know he has a mistress?他的妻子知道他有一个情妇吗?
  • Is your mistress at home?你家女主人在家吗?
16 grooms
n.新郎( groom的名词复数 );马夫v.照料或梳洗(马等)( groom的第三人称单数 );使做好准备;训练;(给动物)擦洗
  • Plender end Wilcox became joint grooms of the chambers. 普伦德和威尔科克斯成为共同的贴身侍从。 来自辞典例句
  • Egypt: Families, rather than grooms, propose to the bride. 埃及:在埃及,由新郎的家人,而不是新郎本人,向新娘求婚。 来自互联网
17 groomed
v.照料或梳洗(马等)( groom的过去式和过去分词 );使做好准备;训练;(给动物)擦洗
  • She is always perfectly groomed. 她总是打扮得干净利落。
  • Duff is being groomed for the job of manager. 达夫正接受训练,准备当经理。 来自《简明英汉词典》
18 harry
  • Today,people feel more hurried and harried.今天,人们感到更加忙碌和苦恼。
  • Obama harried business by Healthcare Reform plan.奥巴马用医改掠夺了商界。
19 grant
  • If you grant my request, you will earn my thanks.如果你答应我的要求,就会得到我的感谢。
  • He requested that the premier grant him an internview.他要求那位总理接见他一次。
20 stable
  • I'm glad she has become such a stable character.我很高兴她变得如此沉稳。
  • This chair isn't very stable.这把椅子不大稳固。
acoustic sounding
Anatoliki Makedonia kai Thraki, Periochi
artificial characteristics
atypical vira pneumonia
bench sander
biological foundation
bright display
bulkhead floor
chicks before dicks
compass survey
direction component
electromagnetic viscosimeter
equipment for tomography
eragrostis multicaulis
European foul brood
feed on animal's blood
futures-style option
genus daubentonias
halme basifusca
high-speed low-voltage
higher national certificate
hoplostethus crassispinus
hourly earning
immunologic specificity
import specification list
inter-continental-ballistic missile (icbm)
livid lupus
malarial mosquitoes
moisture sensitivity
Muni, Paul
musculus levator arcus branch.
national autonomous region
offtime report
original order stratum
pachycondyla luteipes
papillae lenticulares
pitch man
Please excuse me for a little while
public library
purchase money bond
quota system for use of labo(u)r
radix lingu?
remote process call
rheumatic inflammation
rotary erase adjustment
seasonal product
security intelligence
selective cracking process
skewed to the right
soft operator
subharmonic response
synovium biopsy
to play havoc
to tune in
topping up
total value of fixed assets to be depreciated
transfer bed
transition system
wilde ballets
wrought iron bend