时间:2018-12-05 作者:英语课 分类:王迈迈大学英语四级预测与详解


   [00:02.57]Section A

  [00:04.27]11. W: Tom, how are you doing with your composition?
  [00:08.52]M: I've written and rewritten it so many times
  [00:11.61]that I wonder if I'll ever finish it.
  [00:13.68]Q: What can we learn about the man?
  [00:31.94]12. W: Have you seen my sister?
  [00:34.48]M: No, I haven't seen her since the year before last.
  [00:38.19]Q: When did he see the woman's sister?
  [00:56.86]13. W: I've just moved here from Houston.
  [00:59.79]M: Houston? My aunt used to live there.
  [01:02.55]Q: What does the man say about Houston?
  [01:20.89]14. W: Has your brother bought his books yet?
  [01:23.84]M: He bought a medical book.
  [01:25.11]The Chinese and English textbooks were sold out.
  [01:27.93]Q: Which book has the man's brother got?
  [01:46.54]15. M: I'll take these three books.
  [01:49.55]Are they fifty cents each?
  [01:51.53]W: These two books are, but this one is 75 cents.
  [01:55.02]Q: How much will the three books cost?
  [02:13.43]16. M: Thanks for reviewing my paper. What do you think?
  [02:17.78]W: Well, I wouldn't say it needs any major corrections.
  [02:21.52]Q: What is the woman's opinion on the paper?
  [02:39.86]17. M: Could you tell me when the next train leaves for Shanghai?
  [02:44.70]W: The next train leaves in three minutes,
  [02:47.24]if you run you might catch it.
  [02:49.75]Q: What will the man probably do?
  [03:07.66]18. W: Bob, are you going straight home after work today?
  [03:11.74]M: No, I have a meeting until one o'clock
  [03:13.94]and after that I'm going to spend a couple of hours
  [03:17.13]at the laboratory 1 before going home.
  [03:20.03]Q: When is Bob going home this afternoon?
  [03:40.96]Now you'll hear two long conversations.
  [03:44.32]Conversation One
  [03:46.89]M: Jean, were you able to get that report all typed up?
  [03:50.78]W: Not yet, Mr. Black.
  [03:52.61]Mrs. Smith asked me to type some letters for her.
  [03:56.11]I'll be finished pretty quick and then I'll start on that.
  [03:59.01]M: Don't forget I need it first thing in the morning.
  [04:01.80]I have to take it along to Chicago to the regional meeting.
  [04:06.32]W: Don't worry. I'll get it done.
  [04:08.27]My husband's on a business trip too.
  [04:10.51]He's in Detroit today, and tomorrow he'll be in Boston.
  [04:13.97]So I'm planning to stay late.
  [04:15.86]After it's typed up I'll leave it on your desk.
  [04:18.98]I should be finished by 8 : 00.
  [04:21.26]M: I'm sorry to keep you so late.
  [04:23.09]W: It's all right, Mr. Black.
  [04:24.42]Really, I don't mind at all.
  [04:26.28]Besides, I can use a little extra money.
  [04:28.66]My husband's birthday is next month.
  [04:30.71]I want to buy him a new watch.
  [04:32.50]M: What kind are you going to get him, a Bulova?
  [04:35.42]W: No. I thought I'd get a Rolex. Or an Elgin.
  [04:39.35]I don't really know much about watches.
  [04:41.53]What's your suggestion?
  [04:43.25]M: I've got one of those Seiko digitals.
  [04:46.33]I really like it. I'm sure your husband would like one, too.
  [04:49.77]The only problem is that they're a little bit heavy.
  [04:52.75]W: If they're that good, I think I'll go ahead and get him one.
  [04:57.21]Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  [05:02.43]19. What is Jean doing now?
  [05:20.76]20. Where is Mr. Black going?
  [05:38.31]21. Why can Jean go home late?
  [05:56.26]22. What kind of watch is Jean going to buy?
  [06:17.14]Conversation Two
  [06:19.62]M: Excuse me, I'm new in this apartment building.
  [06:22.32]Could I ask you about some of the regulations here?
  [06:25.52]W: Yes, of course.
  [06:27.14]M: First, about parking.
  [06:28.72]Is it OK to leave my car behind the building?
  [06:31.54]W: Sure. You'll see some parking spaces there for residents 2.
  [06:35.17]M: And what about when I have guests?
  [06:37.54]W: Well, guests aren't allowed to leave their cars in the back.
  [06:41.29]They have to park in the guest parking area in the front.
  [06:44.25]M: I see. And are there any rules about house pets?
  [06:47.67]Am I allowed to have a dog, for instance 3?
  [06:49.97]W: Cats are allowed, but I'm afraid dogs aren't permitted.
  [06:53.00]You see, they make a mess all over the place and they bark at night,
  [06:56.19]so the residents decided 4 against it.
  [06:58.55]M: I understand. Now what about the garbage?
  [07:01.70]W: Garbage has to be taken to the trash disposal 5 room.
  [07:04.88]There's one on each floor next to the elevator.
  [07:07.81]M: All right, fine. And do I have to sue 6 those special plastic bags for the garbage?
  [07:13.41]W: No, that's not necessary.
  [07:15.39]You can use the paper ones you get from the supermarket.
  [07:19.32]Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  [07:24.78]23. Where can a guest park his car?
  [07:43.28]24. What about the house pets?
  [08:01.24]25. What's the rule about the garbage disposal?
  [08:21.49]Section B
  [08:23.64]Passage One
  [08:25.64]Well, I guess that's it for today's discussion 7
  [08:28.40]on advertising 8 as an important aspect of marketing 9.
  [08:32.06]Next week, I'd like to move away from marketing and into distribution 10,
  [08:36.71]that is, the chain of movement of goods from their sources,
  [08:40.21]often factories to their final destinations——us the consumers.
  [08:45.06]For that discussion,
  [08:46.39]you'll need to read Chapter 5 in your text.
  [08:48.72]Make sure you read it carefully.
  [08:50.84]We may have a short quiz on it at the beginning of our next class.
  [08:54.17]As you are reading Chapter 5,
  [08:56.04]pay careful attention to the differences
  [08:58.85]and similarities between wholesalers and retailers 11.
  [09:02.53]They are the most important middlemen
  [09:05.31]in the chain of distribution of goods and services,
  [09:09.06]and it's crucial 12 for you to understand the roles they play
  [09:12.77]in getting goods from factories to consumers.
  [09:15.57]Oh, and one last thing,
  [09:17.43]don't forget to leave today's homework on my desk
  [09:20.27]as you leave the classroom.
  [09:21.70]I'll take a look at it this week
  [09:23.49]and get it back to you at our next class meeting.
  [09:27.45]Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  [09:34.03]26. Who was the speaker?
  [09:51.54]27. What was the topic of today's earlier discussion?
  [10:10.55]28. According to the speaker, what is distribution?
  [10:29.95]29. What might happen at the beginning of the next class?
  [10:50.11]Passage Two
  [10:51.71]A four year study conducted by
  [10:53.86]the Infant 13 Testing Center in San Francisco, California,
  [10:57.73]suggests that babies feel more comfortable
  [11:00.14]around other babies than with strange adults.
  [11:03.88]According to the study,
  [11:05.10]babies benefit by being with their fellow infants 14 daily.
  [11:10.06]Whereas a baby might show fear of an adult stranger,
  [11:13.31]he is likely to smile and reach out for an unfamiliar 15 infant.
  [11:17.38]By the time babies are one year old,
  [11:20.74]they have begun to friendships of a sort.
  [11:23.49]The above findings 16, based on observation of 100 babies
  [11:28.05]aged three months to three years might prove
  [11:31.29]interesting to working parents
  [11:33.42]who must find day care for their babies.
  [11:36.84]Family care in a private home,
  [11:39.98]with several babies together,
  [11:41.40]is probable 17 the ideal 18 way to care for babies under three.
  [11:45.92]Dr. Benjamin Spock,well known pediatrician
  [11:49.09]and author of books about babies supports the idea.
  [11:52.76]He says that family day care is sounder in theory
  [11:56.47]than hiring a housekeeper 19 or a babysitter.
  [12:00.61]Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  [12:05.76]30. What would be a good title for the talk?
  [12:24.46]31. Which of the following is a baby likely to feel more at ease 20 with?
  [12:44.91]32. According to the talk,
  [12:47.16]how should working parents provide care for their babies?
  [13:06.61]Passage Three
  [13:08.55]Most British families live in house,
  [13:10.87]perhaps you think this is not surprising.
  [13:13.97]After all where else can people live?
  [13:17.36]In fact, in some countries most people live in flats or in apartments.
  [13:22.66]So do some people in Britain, of course.
  [13:25.72]But in British towns,
  [13:27.16]it's more usual to find rows of houses rather than blocks of flats.
  [13:32.29]A typical British house has a garden at the front and the back.
  [13:36.40]And that is the impression you get
  [13:38.73]if you look at the advertisements in magazines and on TV.
  [13:43.47]Most British families are usually quite small.
  [13:47.25]An average family consists of a mother,
  [13:49.34]a father and two point four children.
  [13:52.63]It is quite rare in Britain for grandparents,
  [13:55.13]aunts and uncles to share the house with the family.
  [13:58.42]However, families often share the house
  [14:01.13]with dogs, cats, goldfish and even rabbits
  [14:04.47]which they keep not to eat but as companions.
  [14:08.88]Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  [14:15.10]33. How many children does an average British family have?
  [14:35.28]34. What do advertisements tell us about British houses?
  [14:54.67]35. For what purpose do British families
  [14:58.17]often share their houses with dogs,cats and other small animals?
  [15:18.29]Section C
  [15:20.18]Once open only to the rich,
  [15:22.08]who could afford the fees of expensive country club,
  [15:25.64]tennis is becoming more and more popular.
  [15:29.03]Tennis courts are springing up everywhere.
  [15:32.62]There are indoor and outdoor courts,
  [15:35.41]and even courts on the roofs of skyscrapers 21.
  [15:39.75]Sporting goods stores are doing a booing business in tennis equipment.
  [15:45.36]Tennis clothing has become an important item in the fashion world.
  [15:50.64]Early in its tennis was the sport of king
  [15:55.03]and if one or two of those kings were still ruling now,
  [15:58.58]perhaps no one would be playing the game today.
  [16:01.56]The French King Charles V loved to play tennis,
  [16:06.38]but he was very fat and must have been a comical sight on the tennis court.
  [16:12.27]One day he overheard 22 two women laughing at him as he played,
  [16:17.29]and he immediately banned the sport.
  [16:20.06]In England, Henry VI outlawed 23 tennis because the church leaders of his time
  [16:25.89]were angry that women wore less clothing when they played.
  [16:30.36]Tennis was also outlawed in Holland.
  [16:35.91]Once open only to the rich,
  [16:37.68]who could afford the fees of expensive country club,
  [16:42.28]tennis is becoming more and more popular.
  [16:46.73]Tennis courts are springing up everywhere.
  [16:50.63]There are indoor and outdoor courts,
  [16:53.23]and even courts on the roofs of skyscrapers.
  [16:59.08]Sporting goods stores are doing a booing business in tennis equipment.
  [17:06.44]Tennis clothing has become an important item in the fashion world.
  [17:12.64]Early in its tennis was the sport of king,
  [17:17.98]and if one or two of those kings were still ruling now,
  [17:21.62]perhaps no one would be playing the game today.
  [18:14.64]The French King Charles V loved to play tennis,
  [18:19.41]but he was very fat and must have been a comical sight on the tennis court.
  [18:25.22]One day he overheard two women laughing at him as he played,
  [18:30.27]and he immediately banned the sport.
  [19:23.13]In England, Henry VI outlawed tennis because the church leaders of his time
  [19:28.87]were angry that women wore less clothing when they played.
  [19:33.33]Tennis was also outlawed in Holland.
  [20:26.95]Once open only to the rich,
  [20:28.66]who could afford the fees of expensive country club,
  [20:32.26]tennis is becoming more and more popular.
  [20:35.60]Tennis courts are springing up everywhere.
  [20:39.10]There are indoor and outdoor courts,
  [20:42.12]and even courts on the roofs of skyscrapers.
  [20:46.58]Sporting goods stores are doing a booing business in tennis equipment.
  [20:51.95]Tennis clothing has become an important item in the fashion world.
  [20:57.16]Early in its tennis was the sport of king,
  [21:01.46]and if one or two of those kings were still ruling now,
  [21:05.15]perhaps no one would be playing the game today.
  [21:08.10]The French King Charles V loved to play tennis,
  [21:13.01]but he was very fat and must have been a comical sight on the tennis court.
  [21:18.45]One day he overheard two women laughing at him as he played,
  [21:23.90]and he immediately banned the sport.
  [21:26.61]In England, Henry VI outlawed tennis because the church leaders of his time
  [21:32.51]were angry that women wore less clothing when they played.
  [21:36.90]Tennis was also outlawed in Holland.

1 laboratory
  • She has donated money to establish a laboratory.她捐款成立了一个实验室。
  • Our laboratory equipment isn't perfect,but we must make do.实验室设备是不够理想,但我们只好因陋就简。
2 residents
n.居民( resident的名词复数 );(旅馆的)住宿者
  • Plans to build a new mall were deep-sixed after protests from local residents. 修建新室内购物中心的计划由于当地居民反对而搁浅。
  • Local residents have reacted angrily to the news. 当地居民对这一消息表示愤怒。
3 instance
  • Can you quote me a recent instance?你能给我举一个最近的例子吗?
  • He's a greedy boy,yesterday,for instance,he ate all our biscuits!他是个贪吃的孩子――比如,他昨天把我们的饼干都吃了!
4 decided
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
5 disposal
  • The safe disposal of nuclear waste is a major problem.安全处置核废料是个大问题。
  • You had better discuss with her the disposal of the furniture.你最好和她讨论一下如何布置家具。
6 sue
  • If you don't pay me the money,I'll sue you.如果你不付给我钱,我就告你。
  • The war criminals sue for peace.战犯求和。
7 discussion
  • It is certain he will come to the discussion.他肯定会来参加讨论。
  • After months of discussion,a peace agreement is gradually taking shape.经过几个月的商讨,和平协议渐渐有了眉目。
8 advertising
n.广告业;广告活动 a.广告的;广告业务的
  • Can you give me any advice on getting into advertising? 你能指点我如何涉足广告业吗?
  • The advertising campaign is aimed primarily at young people. 这个广告宣传运动主要是针对年轻人的。
9 marketing
  • They are developing marketing network.他们正在发展销售网络。
  • He often goes marketing.他经常去市场做生意。
10 distribution
  • The conference discussed the fair distribution of income and wealth.会议讨论了公平分配收入和财富的问题。
  • Unequal distribution of wealth may cause division in society.财富分配不均会引起社会分裂。
11 retailers
零售商,零售店( retailer的名词复数 )
  • High street retailers reported a marked increase in sales before Christmas. 商业街的零售商报告说圣诞节前销售量显著提高。
  • Retailers have a statutory duty to provide goods suitable for their purpose. 零售商有为他们提供符合要求的货品的法定义务。
12 crucial
  • It's a crucial decision.这是一个极其重要的决定。
  • The foreign market was increasingly crucial.国外市场越来越重要了。
13 infant
  • Tourism was then still in its infant stage.旅游业当时还处在初创阶段。
  • I also need an infant's food for my baby.我要买些婴儿食品给我的孩子。
14 infants
婴儿,幼儿( infant的名词复数 )
  • a nursery for infants under two 两岁以下婴幼儿的托儿所
  • Infants were rent from their mother's arms. 婴儿从母亲手里被夺走。
15 unfamiliar
  • I am unfamiliar with the place and the people here.我在这儿人地生疏。
  • The man seemed unfamiliar to me.这人很面生。
16 findings
n.发现物( finding的名词复数 );调查(或研究)的结果;(陪审团的)裁决
  • It behoves us to study these findings carefully. 我们理应认真研究这些发现。
  • Their findings have been widely disseminated . 他们的研究成果已经广为传播。
17 probable
  • It is probable to finish the job before dark.天黑之前有可能完成这项工作。
  • It is hardly probable that he will succeed.他不会成功。
18 ideal
  • The weather at the seaside was ideal—bright and breezy.海边的天气最宜人,风和日丽的。
  • They promised to be faithful to their ideal for ever. 他们保证永远忠于自己的理想。
19 housekeeper
  • A spotless stove told us that his mother is a diligent housekeeper.炉子清洁无瑕就表明他母亲是个勤劳的主妇。
  • She is an economical housekeeper and feeds her family cheaply.她节约持家,一家人吃得很省。
20 ease
n. 安乐,安逸,悠闲; v. 使...安乐,使...安心,减轻,放松
  • His mind was at ease and he felt confident in the future. 他心情舒畅,对前途很有信心。
  • You should ease up on the child and stop scolding her. 你应该对那个孩子宽松些,不要再骂她了。
21 skyscrapers
  • A lot of skyscrapers in Manhattan are rising up to the skies. 曼哈顿有许多摩天大楼耸入云霄。
  • On all sides, skyscrapers rose like jagged teeth. 四周耸起的摩天大楼参差不齐。
22 overheard
  • Most states have outlawed the use of marijuana. 大多数州都宣布使用大麻为非法行为。
  • I hope the sale of tobacco will be outlawed someday. 我希望有朝一日烟草制品会禁止销售。
a dial telephone
air expeditionary force
Annuity starting date
antiskid chain
Asinara, I.
audiofrequency range
basin planning
cathode melting furnace
cenometra bella
color intensity of sea water
curlycup gumweeds
Daram I.
detention centres
double day tide
downdrift beach
epoptic figures
extension of short term record
fast ice boundary
first order triangulation station
from all quarters
general cargo container
heattransfer conductance
hole card
Ighil Izane
industrial chain
Kaipara Flats
kickback transformer
laminated record
make the world go around
mercerizing agent
mid shunt
moving-conductor microphone
name of ship
nonstop flight
palmoplantar phenomenon
pattern-maker's lathe
pebble-strewn deflation pavement
Perls' test
polarity splitter
prey on
Provisions for the Management of Public Order of Port
pyroxylic spirit
Requisition for Revenue Stamps
Robertson's sign
routine interface
ski troops
soil-shaping measures
strained tomato
Super Grass
thallium(i) iron(iii) sulfate
thawing layer
three-pin plug
Tinospora Miers.
to make a decision
torn at
transtubercular plane
up track
user-generated content
value attributable to expectancy
varicella gangresa
Waikato River
welded shell course
wolf beans