时间:2019-02-11 作者:英语课 分类:美国语文第三册


   The home of little Jeannette is far away, high up among the mountains. 小珍妮特的家很远,在大山里高高的地方。

  Let us call her our mountain sister. 我们就叫她山妹子吧!
  There are many things you would like to hear about her, 关于她的许多故事你一定很想听,
  but I can only tell you now how she goes with her father and brother, in the autumn, to help gather nuts for the long winter. 可是在这里我只告诉你,她帮着父亲和哥哥在秋天里采集栗子以备长冬之用的情形。
  A little way down the mountain side is a chest nut wood. 往山下走一点点路,是一片栗子林。
  Did you ever see a chest nut tree? 你是否见过栗子树呢?
  In the spring its branches are covered with bunches of creamy flowers, like long tassels 1. 春天里,栗子树的枝干被奶油一样的花朵密密麻麻地覆盖着,像长长的流苏。
  All the hot summer these are turning into sweet nuts, wrapped safely in large, prickly, green balls. 夏天,这些花儿会变成甜美的板栗,完好无损地包裹在多刺的绿色大球球里。
  But when the frost of autumn comes, these prickly balls turn brown, and crack open. 到了秋天雾起的时候,这些带刺的球球就变成褐色,爆裂开来,
  Then you may see inside one,two, three, and even four, sweet, brown nuts. 这时你会看见里面有一个、两个、三个,甚至四个褐色的甜栗子。
  When her father says, one night at supper time, "I think there will be a frost tonight," Jeannette knows very well what to do. 有一天,晚饭时分,珍妮特的父亲说:“我想今天晚上会起雾。”珍妮特很清楚地知道将要做什么。
  She dances away early in the evening to her little bed, made in a box built up against the wall. 当天晚上,她轻快地跳着舞步回到自己的小床边。
  Soon she falls asleep to dream about the chest nut wood, and the little brook 2 that springs from rock to rock down under the tall, dark trees. 很快她就沉入了梦乡,梦见栗子树林,还有林间的小溪,在高大而浓密的树林间,漫流在岩石上。
  She wakes with the first daylight, and is out of bed in a minute, when she hears her father'scheerful call, "Come, children; it is time to be off." 伴随着第一缕晨光醒来,她马上起床,就听到父亲高兴地呼唤:“来吧,孩子们,是时候出发了。”
  Their dinner is ready in a large basket. 他们的午餐已经备好,放在一个大篮子里。
  The donkey 3 stands before the door with great bags for the nuts hanging at each side. 驴子已经站立在门前等候,两侧驮着用来装栗子的大袋子。
  They go merrily over the crisp 4, white frost to the chest nut trees. 他们轻快地踏过易脆的白霜,向栗子林进发。
  How the frost has opened the burs! 秋霜把刺果打开了那么多!
  It has done half their work for them already. 已经帮他们干了一半的活儿。
  How they laugh and sing, and shout to each other as they fill their baskets! 他们又笑又唱,一边互相喊话,一边把栗子往袋子里装,多么快乐啊!
  The sun looks down through the yellow leaves; the rocks give them mossy seats; 太阳穿过金黄的叶子之间俯视着他们;岩石为他们准备好铺满青苔的座位;
  the birds and squirrels 5 wonder what these strange people are doing in their woods. 小鸟和松鼠好奇地看着他们,不知道这些奇怪的人在它们的树林里做什么。
  Jeannette really helps, though she is only a little girl; and her father says at night, that his Jane is a dear, good child. 虽然珍妮特只是一个小姑娘,但却是个好帮手;晚上她的父亲说,小珍是个让人疼爱的乖孩子。
  This makes her very happy. 这让她很高兴。
  She thinks about it at night, when she says her prayers. 晚上祈祷的时候,她想到了这些。
  Then she goes to sleep to dream of the merry autumn days. 然后上床睡觉,做起了愉快的秋天之梦。
  Such is our little mountain sister, and here is a picture of her far-away home. 这就是我们的山妹子,这就是她那遥远的家的一个画面。
  The mountain life is ever a fresh and happy one. 山里的生活永远是新鲜而快乐的。

n.穗( tassel的名词复数 );流苏状物;(植物的)穗;玉蜀黍的穗状雄花v.抽穗, (玉米)长穗须( tassel的第三人称单数 );使抽穗, (为了使作物茁壮生长)摘去穗状雄花;用流苏装饰
  • Tassels and Trimmings, Pillows, Wall Hangings, Table Runners, Bell. 采购产品垂饰,枕头,壁挂,表亚军,钟。 来自互联网
  • Cotton Fabrics, Embroidery and Embroiders, Silk, Silk Fabric, Pillows, Tassels and Trimmings. 采购产品棉花织物,刺绣品而且刺绣,丝,丝织物,枕头,流行和装饰品。 来自互联网
  • In our room we could hear the murmur of a distant brook.在我们房间能听到远处小溪汩汩的流水声。
  • The brook trickled through the valley.小溪涓涓流过峡谷。
  • This donkey can carry two sacks of grain.这头驴能驮两袋粮食。
  • "I'll buy your donkey,"said the two.“我想要买你的驴子”两人异口同声说。
  • What a crisp voice she has!听她的嗓音多脆!
  • These pears are sweet and crisp.这种梨又甜又脆。
n.松鼠( squirrel的名词复数 )
  • Squirrels are arboreal creatures. 松鼠是栖于树上的动物。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Red squirrels are now very rare in Britain. 红色松鼠在英国已十分罕见了。 来自《简明英汉词典》