时间:2019-02-08 作者:英语课 分类:英语新闻



        Egypt said on Saturday it was expelling Turkey's ambassador and accused Ankara of backing organizations bent 1 on undermining the country - an apparent reference to the Muslim Brotherhood 2 of ousted 3 Egyptian president Mohamed Mursi.

  Turkey, which had forged close ties with Egypt under Mursi, responded by declaring the Egyptian ambassador, currently out of the country, persona non grata.
  "We are saddened by this situation," Turkey's foreign ministry 4 said in a statement. "But responsibility before history belongs to Egypt's temporary administration which came to power under the extraordinary circumstances of the July 3 coup 5."
  Turkey has emerged as one of the fiercest international critics of Mursi's removal, calling it an "unacceptable coup". Mursi's Muslim Brotherhood, which has been staging protests calling for his reinstatement, has close ties with Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan's AK Party.
  "(Ankara is) ... attempting to influence public opinion against Egyptian interests, supported meetings of organizations that seek to create instability in the country," Egyptian foreign Ministry Spokesman Badr Abdelatty said, in explaining why the Turkish ambassador had been asked to leave.
  In response to Egypt's decision, Turkish President Abdullah Gul spoke 6 live on state run TRT television, saying: "I hope our relations will again get back on track."
  Both countries will remain represented in each other's capitals by embassies headed by a charge d'affaires, effectively a number two.
  Both had recalled their ambassadors in August for consultation 7 after Egyptian security forces stormed into pro-Mursi camps on August 14, killing 8 hundreds.
  Rising tensions
  In some of the worst civilian 9 violence in decades, security forces crushed protests by Mursi's supporters. Militant 10 Islamists, who have been attacking Egyptian forces in the Sinai peninsula, stepped up their assaults in or near major cities.
  Relations deteriorated 11 between Egypt and countries that criticized Mursi's ouster and the government crackdown on the Brotherhood where thousands have been arrested.
  Qatar, once a major ally to Egypt under Mursi which lent or gave Egypt $7.5 billion, condemned 12 the security forces crackdown against the Brotherhood in August. Egypt described the statement as an interference in its affairs.
  In September, Egypt returned a $2 billion Qatari deposit with its central bank after talks to convert the funds into three-year bonds broke down.
  On another front, Egypt is seeking to diversify 13 its sources of military equipment and is even warming to Russia after the United States decided 14 in October to curb 15 military aid to Egypt pending 16 progress on democracy and human rights.
  Earlier this month Egypt's defense 17 minister hailed a new era of defense cooperation with Moscow after a historic visit by Russia's defense and foreign ministers to Egypt. The two countries have yet to announce any major deals.
  Egypt's army-backed interim 18 government is implementing 19 what it calls a roadmap to democracy that could see fresh elections by early next year.
  Sunday protests
  In comments solidifying 20 the government's stance against the Muslim Brotherhood Interior Minister Mohamed Ibrahim, on Saturday, accused them of supporting and financing extremists with the goal of causing instability in Egypt.
  In a half hour press conference Ibrahim named groups and individuals that he accused the Muslim Brotherhood of mobilizing. He linked some of them to al-Qaeda and 'other extremist groups from the Gaza strip', in a reference to Hamas.
  Ibrahim said security forces arrested five individuals from al-Qaeda linked groups who were present at the pro-Mursi vigils in Cairo before they were dispersed 21 on August 14. The Brotherhood denies any links to violence.
  Ibrahim said security forces found documents, seized weapons, and foiled various attack attempts against public figures, police and army personnel. It also blamed those groups for attacks against the police and army since June 30.
  Leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood, including Mursi, are currently in detention 22 facing charges of inciting 23 violence.
  To commemorate 24 the passing of 100 days since security forces cleared the pro-Mursi vigils in Cairo, supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood plan to take to the streets on Sunday.
  But Ibrahim warned protesters they would be dealt with firmly. "From now on any protest that disrupts roads, any protest that is not peaceful, I will deal with it firmly and decisively no matter what the losses are to me or to them."

  • He was fully bent upon the project.他一心扑在这项计划上。
  • We bent over backward to help them.我们尽了最大努力帮助他们。
  • They broke up the brotherhood.他们断绝了兄弟关系。
  • They live and work together in complete equality and brotherhood.他们完全平等和兄弟般地在一起生活和工作。
驱逐( oust的过去式和过去分词 ); 革职; 罢黜; 剥夺
  • He was ousted as chairman. 他的主席职务被革除了。
  • He may be ousted by a military takeover. 他可能在一场军事接管中被赶下台。
  • They sent a deputation to the ministry to complain.他们派了一个代表团到部里投诉。
  • We probed the Air Ministry statements.我们调查了空军部的记录。
  • The monarch was ousted by a military coup.那君主被军事政变者废黜了。
  • That government was overthrown in a military coup three years ago.那个政府在3年前的军事政变中被推翻。
n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说
  • They sourced the spoke nuts from our company.他们的轮辐螺帽是从我们公司获得的。
  • The spokes of a wheel are the bars that connect the outer ring to the centre.辐条是轮子上连接外圈与中心的条棒。
  • The company has promised wide consultation on its expansion plans.该公司允诺就其扩展计划广泛征求意见。
  • The scheme was developed in close consultation with the local community.该计划是在同当地社区密切磋商中逐渐形成的。
  • Investors are set to make a killing from the sell-off.投资者准备清仓以便大赚一笔。
  • Last week my brother made a killing on Wall Street.上个周我兄弟在华尔街赚了一大笔。
  • There is no reliable information about civilian casualties.关于平民的伤亡还没有确凿的信息。
  • He resigned his commission to take up a civilian job.他辞去军职而从事平民工作。
  • Some militant leaders want to merge with white radicals.一些好斗的领导人要和白人中的激进派联合。
  • He is a militant in the movement.他在那次运动中是个激进人物。
恶化,变坏( deteriorate的过去式和过去分词 )
  • Her health deteriorated rapidly, and she died shortly afterwards. 她的健康状况急剧恶化,不久便去世了。
  • His condition steadily deteriorated. 他的病情恶化,日甚一日。
  • Our company is trying to diversify.我们公司正力图往多样化方面发展。
  • Hills and woods diversify the landscape.山陵和树木点缀景色。
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
  • I could not curb my anger.我按捺不住我的愤怒。
  • You must curb your daughter when you are in church.你在教堂时必须管住你的女儿。
  • The lawsuit is still pending in the state court.这案子仍在州法庭等待定夺。
  • He knew my examination was pending.他知道我就要考试了。
  • The accused has the right to defense.被告人有权获得辩护。
  • The war has impacted the area with military and defense workers.战争使那个地区挤满了军队和防御工程人员。
  • The government is taking interim measures to help those in immediate need.政府正在采取临时措施帮助那些有立即需要的人。
  • It may turn out to be an interim technology.这可能只是个过渡技术。
v.实现( implement的现在分词 );执行;贯彻;使生效
  • -- Implementing a comprehensive drug control strategy. ――实行综合治理的禁毒战略。 来自汉英非文学 - 白皮书
  • He was in no hurry about implementing his unshakable principle. 他并不急于实行他那不可动摇的原则。 来自辞典例句
(使)成为固体,(使)变硬,(使)变得坚固( solidify的现在分词 ); 使团结一致; 充实,巩固; 具体化
  • The substances are formed from a mixture of liquids solidifying under pressure. 这些材料是由几种液体混合在一起并加压使之凝固而成的。
  • Painting is an art solidifies time and space for solidifying. 绘画是凝固了的时间和空间的艺术。
adj. 被驱散的, 被分散的, 散布的
  • The clouds dispersed themselves. 云散了。
  • After school the children dispersed to their homes. 放学后,孩子们四散回家了。
  • He was kept in detention by the police.他被警察扣留了。
  • He was in detention in connection with the bribery affair.他因与贿赂事件有牵连而被拘留了。
  • What are you up to inciting mutiny and insubordination? 你们干吗在这里煽动骚动的叛乱呀。
  • He was charged with inciting people to rebel. 他被控煽动民众起来叛乱。
  • This building was built to commemorate the Fire of London.这栋大楼是为纪念“伦敦大火”而兴建的。
  • We commemorate the founding of our nation with a public holiday.我们放假一日以庆祝国庆。
标签: 埃及
alternator field winding
ancient deed
biaxial strain
bill of foreclosure
building-up member
Camellia polyodonta
cemented quenching
commodity inspection law
cylinder complex
cylindrical parabolic reflector
delay of operation
deposit in a fictitious name
direction float
distinctive featuretheory
ear-nose-throat department
enemy occupation zone
farah rod
fish scale circuli
float-type flow metre
floating-ring bearing
fluctuating market
free dial
free-standing text
golden cut method
great horned owls
green bacteria
happen in with
José Ignacio, Pta.
Khayryuzova, Mys
kinematic mechanism
loft master layout
loom timing
MIC (microbiological induced corrosion)
Mohr-Coulomb law
more sail than ballast
Nagata ring
Naranjito, L.
ntsc signal
oceanographic buoy
originating ua
papillary eccrine adenoma
Paterson's syndrome
penoscrotal hypospadia
phakopsora ziziphi-vulgaris
pneumothorax simplex
practical shooting
programming fluid
put oneself to trouble
ranking and selection problem
resistance-capacity filter
road delivery vehicle
Salzmann's nodular corneal dystrophy
single ported slide valve
single rotational slip
skew conformation
structure sensitive reaction
sudden loss of voice
teachers college
Tereshkova, Valentina
tin bromide,tin bisulfide
truncated cuboctahedra