时间:2019-02-03 作者:英语课 分类:英语新闻


   While some women cover their faces with thick layers of foundation to cover up natural freckles 2, others are apparently 3 getting them tattooed 5. Yup, freckles are in, and some people would even go under the needle to get them.

  Freckle 1 tattooing 6 is reportedly one of the fastest growing beauty treatments available today. Similar to microblading, an eyebrow 7 enhancing procedure, freckle tattooing involves the use of pigments 8 to ink freckle-like dots onto a person’s face that eventually blend in with the client’s skin tone. As with any tattoo 4, there is some inevitable 9 swelling 10, but it subsides 11 after a few months, and the initial dark coloring of the freckles fades to a light brown.
  It’s unclear when exactly freckle tattooing started, but Montreal-based cosmetic 12 tattoo artist Gabrielle Rainbow is considered one of the pioneers who spearheaded the beauty trend. She says she was inspired by a friend who had become tired of constantly having to paint them on her face with makeup 13. Rainbow first experimented on herself, although she doesn’t recommend tattooing your own face, and after seeing that the effect was very realistic, she decided 14 to tattoo her friend as well.
  Gabrielle Rainbow told New Beauty that she now tattoos 15 face freckles for a wide range of clients, from people who naturally get them in the summertime who also want to keep them when they can’t get enough sun exposure, to those who are freckle free, but always dreamed of sporting their own ‘sun kisses’.
  “In terms of the freckles, when they are ‘freshly done,’ they will appear swollen 16 almost like bee stings, and the swelling will go down within a couple hours and you’ll be left with your cute, fresh freckles,” the cosmetic tattoo artist says. “Over the course of one to two months, the color will soften 17 dramatically and look more natural. They will fade naturally with time, and if you wish to keep them you can always get the color boosted whenever you like.”
  Freckle tattooing can usually be done in one session, and doesn’t require any follow-up appointments. The color of the semi-permanent spots gradually fades, until they disappear completely after about three years. Clients can obviously come in for a touch-up whenever they feel that they need one. Depending on the artist and the size of the freckled 18 area, the price of a tattooing session starts at $500.
  Gabrielle Rainbow says she normally takes the ‘less is more’ approach when it comes to freckles, but most of her clients love the result so much that the usually ask for more. However, the artist points out that people interested in having their faces tattooed need to do their research before going under the needle. With so much demand for the procedure these days, there are plenty of people looking to take advantage of naive 19 clients, so Rainbow recommends finding artists who aren’t afraid to show their portfolio 20 and healed work.
  “Even if this is ‘semipermanent,’ there are risks, such as technicians who will go too deep or not use the proper inks,” the tattoo artist said.

  • The girl used many kinds of cosmetics to remove the freckle on her face.这个女孩用了很多种的化妆品来去掉她脸上的雀斑。
  • Do you think a woman without freckle or having a whiter skin would be more attractive?你认为一位没有雀斑或肤色较白的女性会比较有吸引力?
n.雀斑,斑点( freckle的名词复数 )
  • She had a wonderful clear skin with an attractive sprinkling of freckles. 她光滑的皮肤上有几处可爱的小雀斑。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • When she lies in the sun, her face gets covered in freckles. 她躺在阳光下时,脸上布满了斑点。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • An apparently blind alley leads suddenly into an open space.山穷水尽,豁然开朗。
  • He was apparently much surprised at the news.他对那个消息显然感到十分惊异。
  • I've decided to get my tattoo removed.我已经决定去掉我身上的纹身。
  • He had a tattoo on the back of his hand.他手背上刺有花纹。
v.刺青,文身( tattoo的过去式和过去分词 );连续有节奏地敲击;作连续有节奏的敲击
  • He had tattooed his wife's name on his upper arm. 他把妻子的名字刺在上臂上。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The sailor had a heart tattooed on his arm. 那水兵在手臂上刺上一颗心。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
n.刺字,文身v.刺青,文身( tattoo的现在分词 );连续有节奏地敲击;作连续有节奏的敲击
  • tattooing and body piercing 文身和穿体装饰
  • On earth most work of the absolute shy cattle ^s skin-tattooing world! 地球上最牛的纹身绝对惊世之作! 来自互联网
  • Her eyebrow is well penciled.她的眉毛画得很好。
  • With an eyebrow raised,he seemed divided between surprise and amusement.他一只眉毛扬了扬,似乎既感到吃惊,又觉有趣。
n.(粉状)颜料( pigment的名词复数 );天然色素
  • The Romans used natural pigments on their fabrics and walls. 古罗马人在织物和墙壁上使用天然颜料。 来自辞典例句
  • The original white lead pigments have oxidized and turned black. 最初的白色铅质颜料氧化后变成了黑色。 来自辞典例句
  • Mary was wearing her inevitable large hat.玛丽戴着她总是戴的那顶大帽子。
  • The defeat had inevitable consequences for British policy.战败对英国政策不可避免地产生了影响。
  • Use ice to reduce the swelling. 用冰敷消肿。
  • There is a marked swelling of the lymph nodes. 淋巴结处有明显的肿块。
v.(土地)下陷(因在地下采矿)( subside的第三人称单数 );减弱;下降至较低或正常水平;一下子坐在椅子等上
  • Emotion swells and subsides. 情绪忽高忽低。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • His emotion swells and subsides. 他的情绪忽高忽低。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • These changes are purely cosmetic.这些改变纯粹是装饰门面。
  • Laughter is the best cosmetic,so grin and wear it!微笑是最好的化妆品,所以请尽情微笑吧!
  • Those who failed the exam take a makeup exam.这次考试不及格的人必须参加补考。
  • Do you think her beauty could makeup for her stupidity?你认为她的美丽能弥补她的愚蠢吗?
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
n.文身( tattoo的名词复数 );归营鼓;军队夜间表演操;连续有节奏的敲击声v.刺青,文身( tattoo的第三人称单数 );连续有节奏地敲击;作连续有节奏的敲击
  • His arms were covered in tattoos. 他的胳膊上刺满了花纹。
  • His arms were covered in tattoos. 他的双臂刺满了纹身。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Her legs had got swollen from standing up all day.因为整天站着,她的双腿已经肿了。
  • A mosquito had bitten her and her arm had swollen up.蚊子叮了她,她的手臂肿起来了。
  • Plastics will soften when exposed to heat.塑料适当加热就可以软化。
  • This special cream will help to soften up our skin.这种特殊的护肤霜有助于使皮肤变得柔软。
adj.雀斑;斑点;晒斑;(使)生雀斑v.雀斑,斑点( freckle的过去式和过去分词 )
  • Her face was freckled all over. 她的脸长满雀斑。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • Her freckled skin glowed with health again. 她长有雀斑的皮肤又泛出了健康的红光。 来自辞典例句
  • It's naive of you to believe he'll do what he says.相信他会言行一致,你未免太单纯了。
  • Don't be naive.The matter is not so simple.你别傻乎乎的。事情没有那么简单。
  • He remembered her because she was carrying a large portfolio.他因为她带着一个大公文包而记住了她。
  • He resigned his portfolio.他辞去了大臣职务。
标签: 雀斑