时间:2018-12-03 作者:英语课 分类:美国英语听力80篇


[00:08.88]Brown finally agreed to let the train pass over the bridge

[00:14.24]and continue on to Baltimore.The train left at sunrise.

[00:21.05]By this time, word of Brown's attack had spread to Charles Town

[00:27.82]more than twelve kilometers away.

[00:31.37]Officials called out the militia 1, ordering the men of Charles Town

[00:37.62]to get ready to go to the aid of Harper's Ferry.

[00:42.63]Soon after sunrise, men began arriving at Harper's Ferry

[00:49.55]from other towns in the area.

[00:53.00]They took positions above the armory 2 and started shooting at it.

[00:59.53]The militia from Charles Town arrived

[01:03.97]at the Maryland end of the Potomac Bridge.

[01:08.49]They charged across,forcing Brown's men on the bridge to flee to the armory

[01:17.84]Only one of Brown's man was hit.

[01:22.18]He was killed instantly.

[01:26.23]Brown saw that he was surrounded.

[01:30.85]His only hope was to try to negotiate a cease-fire

[01:36.10]and offer to release his thirty hostages,

[01:41.07]if the militia would let him and his men go free.

[01:46.32]Brown sent out one of his men and one of the prisoners with a white flag.

[01:54.05]The excited crowd refused to recognize the White flag.

[01:59.98]They seized Brown's man and carried him away.

[02:05.52]Brown moved his men and the most important of his hostages

[02:12.05]into a small brick building at the armory.

[02:16.78]Then he sent out two more of his men with a prisoner

[02:22.32]to try to negotiate a cease-fire.

[02:26.36]One of them was his son, Watson.

[02:30.88]This time,the crowd opened fire.

[02:36.63]Watson and the other raider were wounded.

[02:40.18]Their prisoner escaped to safety.

[02:44.13]Watson was able to crawl back to the armory.

[02:49.27]One of the youngest of Brown's men,William Leeann, tried to escape.

[02:57.21]He ran from the armory and jumped into the Potomac

[03:02.47]planning to swim across the river.

[03:06.10]He did not get far.

[03:10.43]A group of militia saw him and began shooting.

[03:15.40]Leeann was forced to hide behind a rock in the middle of the river.

[03:21.82]Two men went out to the rock with guns and shot him.

[03:27.67]His body lay in the river for two days.

[03:32.92]Later,more people were killed.

[03:36.97]One was the mayor of Harper's Ferry,Fontana Buckram.

[03:44.03]After the mayor's death, a mob went to the hotel

[03:49.67]where one of Brown's men had been held

[03:53.22]since he was seized earlier in the day.

[03:57.27]They pulled him from the hotel and took him to the bridge over the river

[04:03.30]Several members of the mob put guns to his head and fired.

[04:09.84]They pushed his body off the bridge and into the water.

[04:15.09]Across town,three of Brown's men were in trouble at the gun factory.

[04:22.24]The factory was built on an island in the Shenandoah River.

[04:28.28]the island was  now surrounded Militia

[04:33.01]Forty of the soldiers attacked the factory from three sides.

[04:38.94]They pushed the three raiders back to a small building next to the river.

[04:45.36]The three men fought as long as possible.

[04:50.22]Then they jumped through a window into the river.

[04:55.24]They tried to swim to safety.

[04:58.87]Men with guns were waiting for them.

[05:03.20]Bullets fell around the three like rain.

[05:07.72]One man was hit.

[05:10.88]He died instantly.

[05:14.12]Another was wounded.

[05:17.05]He was pulled to land and left to die.

[05:22.19]The third man escaped death.

[05:25.83]He was captured and held for trial.

[05:30.79]All through the afternoon and evening,

[05:35.52]Brown's men at the armory continued to exchange shot with the militia.

[05:42.05]Several more on both sides were killed or wounded.

[05:47.59]One of those was another of Brown's sons,Oliver

[05:53.72]He was shot and seriously wounded.

[05:58.16]Night fell.Then,a militia officer,Captain Sinn,

[06:04.80]walked up to the small building held by Brown.

[06:09.82]He shouted to the men inside that he wished to talk.

[06:15.17]Brown opened the door and let him in.

[06:19.90]For almost an hour, the two men talked.

[06:25.33]They talked about slavery and the right to rebel against the government

[06:32.10]Brown was furious that the crowd outside had refused to honor his white flag

[06:39.83]of truce 3 earlier in the day.

[06:43.17]He told Sinn that his men could have killed unarmed men and women

[06:49.70]but did not do so.

[06:52.53]"That is not quite correct,"Captain Sinn said.

[06:57.49]"Mayor Buckram had no gun when he was shot."

[07:02.92]"Then I can only say I am most sad to hear it,"said Brown.

[07:09.17]"Men who take up guns against the government," said Sinn,

[07:14.70]must expect to be shot down like dogs."

[07:19.22]In Washington, President Buchanan and Secretary of War

[07:25.86]Lohn Floyd did not learn of the rebellion at Harper's Ferry

[07:32.00]until after ten o'clock that morning.

[07:35.63]The president wanted immediate 4 action.

1 militia
  • First came the PLA men,then the people's militia.人民解放军走在前面,其次是民兵。
  • There's a building guarded by the local militia at the corner of the street.街道拐角处有一幢由当地民兵团守卫的大楼。
2 armory
  • Nuclear weapons will play a less prominent part in NATO's armory in the future.核武器将来在北约的军械中会起较次要的作用。
  • Every March the Armory Show sets up shop in New York.每年三月,军械博览会都会在纽约设置展场。
3 truce
  • The hot weather gave the old man a truce from rheumatism.热天使这位老人暂时免受风湿病之苦。
  • She had thought of flying out to breathe the fresh air in an interval of truce.她想跑出去呼吸一下休战期间的新鲜空气。
4 immediate
  • His immediate neighbours felt it their duty to call.他的近邻认为他们有责任去拜访。
  • We declared ourselves for the immediate convocation of the meeting.我们主张立即召开这个会议。
标签: 美国英语听力
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