时间:2018-12-14 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-高校男生/历史男孩


  [00:01.70]was I related to Bill Rudge who'd been a scout 1 in staircase seven in the 1950s. 突然问我和Bill Rudge 那个50年代的侦察员有没关系

[00:08.60]and they said I was just the kind of candidate they were looking for. 他们就说我正是他们要找的

[00:08.90]So, I said he's my dad, 然后 我说 他是我父亲

[00:15.30]Mind you, I did do the other stuff like... 我没有做其它的...

[00:18.90]Stalin was a sweetie and Wilfred Owen was a wuss. 没有说 斯大林真好 而威尔弗莱德 欧文是个诺夫

[00:22.60]They said I plainly thought for myself and was exactly what their rugger team needed. 他们说我思路清晰 橄榄球队需要我

[00:28.86]- Are you not pleased? - It's not like winning a match. - 你不高兴吗? - 又不是赢了比赛

[00:36.60]You see, Miss... I want to do the stuff I want to do. 你知道的  老师 我想做自己喜欢做的

[00:43.62]I mean, this, I only wanted it cos the others did, and my dad. 我只是因为其他人 还有我的父亲 都喜欢才...

[00:47.98]Now I'm in, I just feel like telling the college to stuff it. 现在录取了  我要告诉大家

[00:50.82]I think that's Mr. Hector. 我想是Hector 先生的原因吧

[00:55.74]No, it isn't, Miss. It's me. 不是 老师  是因为我

[01:21.58]- I went round to your college. - I'm surprised you're interested. - 我去你的学校了 - 你竟然对这个感兴趣

[01:27.38]I was kind of lonely. I wanted to see where you'd been. 我感觉有点孤独 我想了解你呆的地方

[01:29.60]- Only no one had heard of you at Corpus. - I was at Jesus. - 就是在Corpus没人知道你 - 我其实是在Jesus

[01:32.54]- You said Corpus. - Corpus, Jesus... What does it matter? - 可你说Corpus - Corpus Jesus 又有什么关系

[01:39.86]I never got in. I was at Bristol. 我从没进去过 其实我是在布里斯托尔

[01:46.90]I did go to Oxford 2 but it was just to do a teaching diploma. 我去过牛津 但只是为了教师资格证

[01:48.98]- Does that make any difference? - To what? To me? - 有区别吗? - 对谁? 对我吗?

[01:53.86]At least you lied, and lying's good, isn't it? We've established that. Lying works. 至少你说谎了 说谎是好的 不是吗? 我们都承认说谎是会起作用的

[01:59.54]You ought to learn to do it properly. 你该学着学的更会说谎

[02:06.82]Anybody else, I'd say we could have a drink. 还有人吗? 去喝一杯吧

[02:13.78]Is that a euphemism 3 - a drink? 是委婉说法吗 喝一杯?

[02:19.26]Saying "a drink" when you actually mean something else? 而言指他物?

[02:23.10]- It is, yeah. - Actually, forget the euphemism. - 是的 - 忘记委婉语吧

[02:27.82]I'm just kicking the tires on this one, but further to the drink... 我对这些术语厌倦了 想去喝一杯

[02:32.30]What I was really wondering was, is there any chance of your sucking me off? 我的意思是 你有没有任何机会 想给我口交?

[02:41.74]Or something similar. 或者差不多的...

[02:46.38]Actually, that would please Hector. 这会使Hector很高兴的

[02:47.82]- What? - "Your sucking me off." - 什么? - "你给我口交"

[02:52.90]It's a gerund. He likes gerunds. 这是动名词独立结构 Hector喜欢动名词

[02:54.98]And "your being scared shitless", that's another gerund. 还有"你吓得屁滚尿流" 是另外一个动名词

[03:03.22]- I didn't know you were that way inclined. - I'm not. - 不知道你有这种嗜好 - 我没有

[03:03.54]But it's the end of term, I've got into Oxford. I thought we might push the boat out. 但是期末了 我要去牛津了 我们把一切讲明白

[03:15.98]Anyway, I'll leave it on the table. 就这样吧

[03:19.60]I don't understand this. 我不理解

[03:25.74]Reckless, impulsive 4, immoral 5. 鲁莽 冲动 放荡

[03:27.82]How come there's such a difference between the way you teach and the way you live? 你教人和做人的差距为什么这么大

[03:31.60]Why are you so bold in argument and talking, but when it comes to the point... 争论和言谈那么厉害 但到了关键的时候...

[03:39.26]when it's something that's actually happening - I mean, now you're so fucking careful. 真到了有些事要发生的时候 你是那么小心翼翼

[03:44.98]Is it because you're a teacher and I'm a boy? 是因为我们是师生关系吗?

[03:47.46]- Obviously that. - Well, why? Who cares? I don't. - 当然是 - 为什么? 谁在乎啊? 我不在乎

[03:50.18]You've already had one master touch you up. 你已经被一个老师摸过了

[03:52.98]Is that what it is? It's that you don't want to be like Hector? 是这样吗? 就是因为你想和Hector不同吗?

[03:58.78]Well, you won't be. You can't be. How could you be? 你不会的 你也不可能会 你怎么可能?

[04:00.86]- Hector's a joke. - He isn't, you see. He isn't. - Hector是个笑料 - 你知道的  他不是

[04:04.62]- That side of him is. - Dakin. - 在那一面的他是的 - Dakin

[04:07.54]- All right. Let's go for a drink. - Don't take out your sodding diary. - 好吧 去喝一杯 - 别看你恶心的日记

[04:15.06]- Maybe next week... - Next week? - 也许下周... - 下周?

[04:16.90]Get this, man - "You can suck me off next week." 听着  "下周你可以给我口交"

[04:18.78]I've heard of a crowded schedule, but this is ridiculous. 多紧张的日程表 可是很荒谬

[04:21.62]God, we've got a long way to go. 天哪 我们前路漫漫

[04:27.10]- Do you ever take your glasses off? - Why? - 你把眼镜摘掉过吗? - 为什么要摘掉?

[04:29.02]- It's a start. - Not with me. - 新的开始 - 对我不是

[04:33.14]Taking off my glasses is the last thing I do. 打死我也不摘掉眼镜

[04:34.70]Yeah? I'll look forward to it. 是吗? 我盼望着

[04:42.22]What do you do on Sunday afternoons? 周日下午你做什么?

[04:44.78]What are you doing this Sunday afternoon? 这周日?

[04:45.70]I was going to go through the accounts of Roche Abbey. 我去参观Roche修道院

[04:50.58]It's a... it's a Cistercian house. It's just to the south of Doncaster. 是个西道会的房子 就在Doncaster南边

[04:57.62]Only, I think I've just had a better offer. 但我刚刚有了个更好的计划

[05:00.42]I think you have. 我想你有

1 scout
  • He was mistaken for an enemy scout and badly wounded.他被误认为是敌人的侦察兵,受了重伤。
  • The scout made a stealthy approach to the enemy position.侦察兵偷偷地靠近敌军阵地。
2 Oxford
  • At present he has become a Professor of Chemistry at Oxford.他现在已是牛津大学的化学教授了。
  • This is where the road to Oxford joins the road to London.这是去牛津的路与去伦敦的路的汇合处。
3 euphemism
  • Language reflects culture and euphemism is a mirror of culture.语言反映文化,而婉语则是各种文化的一面镜子。
  • Euphemism is a very common and complicated linguistic phenomenon.委婉语是一种十分常见而又非常复杂的语言现象。
4 impulsive
  • She is impulsive in her actions.她的行为常出于冲动。
  • He was neither an impulsive nor an emotional man,but a very honest and sincere one.他不是个一冲动就鲁莽行事的人,也不多愁善感.他为人十分正直、诚恳。
5 immoral
  • She was questioned about his immoral conduct toward her.她被询问过有关他对她的不道德行为的情况。
  • It is my belief that nuclear weapons are immoral.我相信使核武器是不邪恶的。
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