音标:[dɪsˈɑ:mz] ;
v. 裁军( disarm的第三人称单数 ); 使息怒
v remove offensive capability from
v make less hostile; win over
v take away the weapons from; render harmless



  1. It is difficult to persuade them to disarm.要说服他们放下武器是很难的。
  2. The superpowers are unlikely to disarm completely.超级大国不太可能彻底裁军。
  3. The police disarmed the criminal.警察缴下了罪犯的枪械。
  4. The world has waited 12 years for Iraq to disarm.全世界等待伊拉克解除武装已有12年之久。
  5. We didn't trust him at first, but his charming manner completely disarmed us.我们开始时并不信任他,但他令人愉快的举止完全消除了我们的疑虑。


  • Unless you give me your revolver I shall call the crew to disarm you.

    出自:G. Greene

[00:06.58]classify [00:08.16]vt.1.把...分类, 把...分等级;2.把...列为(as) [00:09.74]aged [00:11.17]a.年老的,老的 [00:12.59]northwestern [00:14.12]a.1.在西北的,向西北的;2.来自西北的 [00:15.65]approximate [00:17.38]a.近似的,大约的 vt.1.近似,接近;2.使接

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