音标:[ˈseilz ˌɔ:ɡənaiˈzeiʃən] ;

Hi everyone, this is Nick, welcome to teaching series how do you say this in American English. Nick:大家好,我是Nick. Brad:大家好,我是Brad. Hi everyone, my name is Brad Nick:那今天呢又是我和我的朋友Bread来教大家一个非常应景

发表于:2018-12-03 / 阅读(38) / 评论(0) 分类 全网最酷美语怎么说

Some people like to make their cocoa by boiling the nibs in water. 有些人喜欢用水来煮可可粒, When this is done, a layer of cocoa-butter is formed on the top of the cocoa. 这样一来, 可可的上面就会形成一层可可脂。 But mos

发表于:2018-12-18 / 阅读(37) / 评论(0) 分类 英国学生科学读本

Early modern humans didnt just chip away at stones to create their tools. They treated stone with fire in a sophisticated fashion, according to research published August 14th in the journal Science. About 72,000 years ago, our ancestors along coastal

发表于:2019-01-08 / 阅读(54) / 评论(0) 分类 Scientific American(八)月

But as quickly as it came, the storm lifts. And it gives me a brief chance to get my bearings. What weve got here is an ice cave. And caves can give you protection. The problem is this cornice all the way up there and how Im gonna get over this, over

发表于:2019-01-23 / 阅读(32) / 评论(0) 分类 探索与发现2012年

Oh, look. We just passed a Carvel. 快看,我们刚路过一家凯菲 What's a Carvel? 什么是凯菲啊 Carvel ice cream. You know, Fudgie the Whale, Cookie Puss. 凯菲冰激凌啊。他们的软糖鲸鱼,饼干猫没听过吗 Come on, how cou

发表于:2019-02-17 / 阅读(73) / 评论(0) 分类 打工姐妹花第一季

英语里,食物的用途之广泛,你肯定想不到!比如玉米,能用来说一个人很肉麻;而派皮,则能形容一个超级不靠谱的人...快听节目学习吧! 关键词: 玉米,芝士=肉麻 玉米(corn)和芝士(che

发表于:2019-02-21 / 阅读(61) / 评论(0) 分类 美国文化脱口秀