An international study has discovered why some people who eat a high-fat diet remain slim, yet others pile on the weight. 为什么有人经常吃高热量食物,却始终保持体态苗条,而另一些人却控制不住体重的飙升?一项国际

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Now a Bristol University dental scientist has discovered that a common bacteria responsible for tooth decay and gum disease can break out into the bloodstream and help blood clots to form. 最近英国布里斯托尔大学科学家经研究发现,一

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WHEN you`re surfing the Internet on your laptop from your dorm or home, do you know your personal details are being gathered secretly? And would you be surprised to know the information may be sold cheaply to advertisers and marketers? 当你在宿舍或

发表于:2019-01-19 / 阅读(37) / 评论(0) 分类 中英双语新闻

UPON arrival at Beijing Capital International Airport, Xue Duoxiao, 17, switched on his cell phone. He browsed the news on microblogs, and sneaked into friends` QQ farms and stole some ripe vegetables, before searching online for directions to China

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The 62nd prime-time Emmy Awards (the top awards for television production in the US) last Sunday night proved to be full of surprises. 上周日晚,第62届黄金时段艾美奖(美国电视剧最高奖项)颁奖典礼全程可谓惊喜连连。

发表于:2019-01-19 / 阅读(44) / 评论(0) 分类 中英双语新闻

An overwhelming majority of people living in China`s big cities feel lonely and overburdened, a recent survey has found. 最新一项调查显示,生活在中国大城市中的绝大多数人感到孤独且压力过大。 The survey, conducted by F

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A killer bug spreading across the globe like wildfire sounds like something out of a bad sci- fi film. But while this is still the stuff of fantasy, microbiologists are concerned about the news of an enzyme with the potential to convert all bacteria

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IT`s a wonderful life. That`s what everyone keeps telling Shrek: his wife, Fiona; his best friend, Donkey; and all the happy citizens of the kingdom of Far Far Away. But Shrek remains unconvinced. 那真是个美妙的人生!虽然每个人都这么对

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Many of the successful business people were once unknowns, drawing their inspiration and determination from a role model or mentor. The need for advice and guidance is as real and pressing for todays aspiring entrepreneurs. 很多商界精英都曾默默

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Scientists have long known that the skin of frogs contains plenty of powerful germ-fighting substances because of the hostile environments they exist in. 科学家很久以前就知道,由于生存环境恶劣,青蛙的皮肤中含有大量能够对

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Mural explores the fine line between heaven and hell, when a small false step in love may lead you to a different world. 电影《画壁》很好地找到了天堂与地狱之间的区别,情爱中哪怕只是走错一小步,都会有一念天堂,

发表于:2019-01-19 / 阅读(51) / 评论(0) 分类 中英双语新闻

Two teams of students debate in front of the class. There are three men in one team and three women in the other. 分别由三名男生和三名女生组成的两个辩论小组在课上展开辩论。 The topics vary from whether premarital sex is a

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On Christmas Eve, a girl stands in front of her bedroom window, watching children from the choir come and go. In a window across the street, a boy plays the flute, echoing the choirs songs. 平安夜里,一位少女站在卧室的窗前,看着唱诗

发表于:2019-01-19 / 阅读(43) / 评论(0) 分类 中英双语新闻

You spend the first three months on strenuous training, confined within a campsite. 刚开始,你会被关在一处营地里进行三个月的艰苦训练。 You have to run five kilometers every morning, carrying a heavy rucksack and rifle. You mu

发表于:2019-01-19 / 阅读(29) / 评论(0) 分类 中英双语新闻

A new film about the adventures of Tintin, the Belgian boy reporter, opens across Europe this week. 上周,一部讲述比利时少年记者丁丁历险故事的新电影在欧洲地区上映。 The movie, directed by Steven Spielberg, faithfully d

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Energy beverages, vitamin pills, beauty drinks. We have swallowed bucketloads of antioxidant-rich products in a belief that the antioxidants they contain could improve our health and turn back the aging clock. 能量饮料,维生素药片,美容饮

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Liz Parle, 24, a Birmingham-born caf owner, cannot drive. I did try to learn, but I failed my test a few times, Parle told the Guardian. 24岁的丽兹?帕尔乐是土生土长的伯明翰人,经营着一家咖啡馆,不会开车的她告诉《卫报

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On 21st-century campuses, is there room still for traditional literature such as Shakespeare? 在21世纪的大学校园里,还有莎士比亚此类传统文学的空间吗? A declining number of students think so in the USa trend that worries le

发表于:2019-01-19 / 阅读(32) / 评论(0) 分类 中英双语新闻

Rucksack packed to bursting point? Check. Trusty guidebook? Check. No family, friend, loved one or passing acquaintance to board the plane with? Check. 帆布背包中的东西塞到爆?想要靠谱的旅游指南?没有家人、朋友、爱人甚至

发表于:2019-01-19 / 阅读(27) / 评论(0) 分类 中英双语新闻

Breakups in relationships can be ugly. There can be tears, screaming and thrown things. 恋情的决裂可能会令人十分难堪。会伴随着眼泪,哭喊以及乱扔东西。 But while most people draw the line at text messaging the bad news,

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