[00:00.00]Module 4 PEOPLE WHO HELP US [00:05.69]Unit 10 My New Neighbours [00:11.12]Vocabulary [00:14.69]neighbour move moving in has(have) got [00:21.11]邻居 迁移;移动 正迁进 有 [00:27.54]because why apartment after [00:32.67]因为 为什么

发表于:2018-12-13 / 阅读(54) / 评论(0) 分类 广州小学英语四年级 (上)

[00:00.00] Module 2 FEOPLE [00:04.57]Unit 4 Friends [00:09.43]vocabulary [00:12.78]mean cap hat wear [00:17.35]意思是 (没有檐但有舌的)帽子 (周围有檐的)帽子 穿;戴 [00:21.92]be (is/are) wearing friend blonde [00:26.24]正穿(戴)着

发表于:2018-12-13 / 阅读(52) / 评论(0) 分类 广州小学英语四年级 (上)

[00:00.00]MODULES 5 TIME [00:04.97]UNIT 13 Time to Eat [00:10.01]Vocabulary [00:13.25]breakfast about o'clock lunch [00:19.13]早餐 大约 点钟 午餐 [00:25.02]dinner usually have Me,too. [00:29.84]正餐;晚餐 通常地 吃 我也是. [00:34.67

发表于:2018-12-13 / 阅读(63) / 评论(0) 分类 广州小学英语四年级 (上)

[00:00.00]MODULE 6 DAYS OF THE WEEK [00:05.29]UNIT 16 Games We Play [00:11.16]Vocabulary [00:14.58]day Monday often play [00:19.89]天,日 星期一 经常 玩,打(球) [00:25.20]football sometimes chess card [00:30.58]足球 有时 棋 卡;扑

发表于:2018-12-13 / 阅读(60) / 评论(0) 分类 广州小学英语四年级 (上)

[00:00.00] MODULE 3 OCCUPATIONS [00:05.08]UNIT 7 Our Future Jobs [00:10.62]Vocabulary [00:13.86]want be when grow [00:18.54]想;要 是 当;什么时候 生长 [00:23.22]up grow up nurse doctor [00:27.95]向上 长大 护士;保育员 医生 [00:32.6

发表于:2018-12-13 / 阅读(61) / 评论(0) 分类 广州小学英语四年级 (上)

[00:00.00]Module 1 Chothes [00:26.78]Unit 1 Blouses and Jeans [00:32.94]Vocabulary [00:36.18]clothes shop assistant shop assistant [00:42.19]衣服 商店 助理;助手 售货员;店员 [00:48.20]morning can help I'd like=I would like [00:54.32]早上

发表于:2018-12-13 / 阅读(60) / 评论(0) 分类 广州小学英语四年级 (上)