GWEN IFILL: The uproar over another grand jury's decision not to indict is making itself felt coast to coast.We start in Staten Island, where Eric Garner lived and died, and where members of the grand jury reside. The borough is also home to many of

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ZACHARY GREEN: At Singapore's Changi airport, friends and relatives gathered to await news about AirAsia flight 8501, which disappeared early this morning. Among those waiting: the fiance of a young man who had been traveling with relatives. FIANCE:

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GWEN IFILL: Every year, fire departments in the United States respond to more than 200 Christmas tree fires, which are often more deadly than other house fires. Tonight, we take a look at a program at the University of Maryland that uses Christmas tr

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GWEN IFILL: It is, of course, the holiday season, a time of joy and love, and, of course, the occasional family dispute. One moment on C-SPAN recently caught our attention. Brothers Brad and Dallas Woodhouse were speaking about their own sharp politi

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JUDY WOODRUFF: In the aftermath of the police shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, and the chokehold death of a man in New York City, civil rights groups and even the president have called for an increase in the use of body cameras by police departments.

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JUDY WOODRUFF: We return now to the deadly hostage standoff in Australia.Stuart Cohen is a freelance journalist based in Sydney. He's been reporting the story for NPR. I spoke to him a short time ago via Skype. Stuart Cohen, thank you for talking wit

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JUDY WOODRUFF: Joining us now to analyze this Congress, how it performed, and the emerging political risks are two familiar faces to us at the NewsHour. Todd Zwillich is the Washington correspondent for The Takeaway of Public Radio International and

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JUDY WOODRUFF: Next: the change in public attitudes and state laws when it comes to gun rights and restrictions.Its long been one of the most divisive issues in America. And now several families who lost loved ones in Newtown Connecticut are suing th

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HARI SREENIVASAN: The nation's been focused on Staten Island, Ferguson, and Cleveland in the last few weeks as citizens and law enforcement assess how they have and how they should deal with one another. This as a new investigation by the The Wall St

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GWEN IFILL: We turn now to Colombia, where a civil war between the government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia People's Army, or FARC, has lasted more than half-a-century. Along the way, it's claimed more than 200,000 lives. Peace talks

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HARI SREENIVASAN: Ever since oil prices started plunging, we've heard experts predict that consumers would use the money they're saving on gas to spend more on Christmas gifts. Did it turn out that way? For more about the Christmas shopping season, w

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JEFFREY BROWN: And joining me now is NPR's Sean Carberry. He was the news organization's chief Kabul correspondent before it closed down its permanent presence in Afghanistan just a few weeks ago. And welcome to you. And I want to start where that pe

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HARI SREENIVASAN: They are calling him a liberal lion. Mario Cuomo began life above his father's grocery store in Queens and died yesterday as a three-time governor known for unapologetic defense of liberalism. MARIO CUOMO, (D) New York Governor-Elec

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JEFFREY BROWN: And we explore this more now with economist Jacob Kirkegaard of the Peterson Institute for International Economics and Kenneth Rogoff of Harvard University. And, Ken Rogoff, let me start where our piece just ended. How bad is the overa

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JUDY WOODRUFF: The attacks in Paris were focused on a very different kind of newspaper, as we just heard. But, every day, traditional journalists are facing real dangers and threats. In fact, the past three years have seen the highest number of journ

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GWEN IFILL: Now back to the search for the missing AirAsia flight. Wall Street Journal correspondent Gaurav Raghuvanshi has been covering this story from Singapore. I spoke to him a short time ago via Skype. Gaurav Raghuvanshi, thank you so much for

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Attorney General Jeff Sessions today outlined the Trump administration's tough approach on immigration during a visit to the U.S.-Mexico border in Nogales, Arizona. He credited President Trump with the decline in border apprehensions and he urged fed

发表于:2019-01-27 / 阅读(66) / 评论(0) 分类 PBS访谈社会系列

ALISON STEWART, PBS NEWSHOUR WEEKEND ANCHOR: NewsHour special correspondent Malcolm Brabant is covering the surge of migrants into Northern Europe and how neighboring countries are treating the crisis differently. This week, a Syrian refugee, now in

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GWEN IFILL: Joining us now to talk about that push and pull, and the announced proposal today to help remedy the crisis, is the European Union's ambassador to the United States, David O'Sullivan.Welcome. DAVID O'SULLIVAN, European Union Ambassador to

发表于:2019-01-27 / 阅读(114) / 评论(0) 分类 PBS访谈社会系列

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Roszke, Hungary sits right at this nation's border with Serbia. Here one week ago we wade into the river of refugees flowing from the Middle East to Western Europe. We meet our share of Iraqis, Afghans, North Africans, but most of t

发表于:2019-01-27 / 阅读(49) / 评论(0) 分类 PBS访谈社会系列