JEFFREY BROWN:And now a two-part look at issues affecting gays and lesbians, ahead of much-anticipated Supreme Court decisions coming soon on major cases involving same-sex marriage. Ray Suarez begins our coverage. RAY SUAREZ:A new survey provides on

发表于:2019-01-27 / 阅读(50) / 评论(0) 分类 PBS访谈社会系列

GWEN IFILL:The political push for overhauling the nation's immigration system gains new momentum. REP. XAVIER BECERRA, D-Calif.: I suspect we're all here to send a very clear message: We are ready. GWEN IFILL:California Democrat Xavier Becerra led ot

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GWEN IFILL:And we come back to Boston. Jeffrey Brown picks up on another part of the story: how victims will be compensated. JEFFREY BROWN:Within hours of the attacks, city leaders were getting calls asking how people could help victims. Part of the

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JEFFREY BROWN:Finally tonight: ending extreme poverty around the world by 2030. That's the ambitious goal announced by World Bank president Jim Yong Kim, as his organization and the International Monetary Fund begin their annual spring meetings with

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RAY SUAREZ:The problem of sexual assaults in the nation's armed forces is getting worse, and maybe much worse. The issue drew the national spotlight today and a presidential rebuke. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA:We're not going to tolerate this stuff, and t

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RAY SUAREZ:More about this technology, the man behind the project and the questions this all raises from Andy Greenberg of Forbes. He's been covering this story and was in Austin when Cody Wilson first tested the gun. And, Andy, now that this thresho

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JUDY WOODRUFF:On Capitol Hill today, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced a comprehensive immigration proposal will be debated in June. And House Republicans said they won't vote on the Senate version, but will pull together their own legislat

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JEFFREY BROWN:And we have two takes on questions being asked about the day after the rulings. First, how the court's decisiondecisions impact federal benefits for same-sex couples and the continuing challenges ahead. Winnie Stachelberg joins me to ex

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KWAME HOLMAN:Immigration reform easily passed its latest tests in the U.S. Senate today. A key border security amendment won formal approval. It doubles the Border Patrol, among other steps. And supporters of gay rights dropped an amendment to let Am

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In Egypt today, thousands of Muslim Brotherhood supporters protested against the military ouster of President Mohammed Morsi. But this time, there was no violence. Crowds massed in several cities after Friday prayers, waving flags and chanting slogan

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HARI SREENIVASAN: Now to Egypt. Among the demonstrators who jam Tahrir Square every day are hundreds of women. They face a very disturbing threat from gangs of men who sexually assault female protesters. Lindsey Hilsum of Independent Television News

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JEFFREY BROWN: And finally tonight: what we talk about and don't talk about when it comes to race and identity. It's a subject again at the fore after the death of Trayvon Martin and the trial of George Zimmerman. And it's the subject of The Race Car

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GWEN IFILL: The summer has long been a time of the year when many teens can find temporary work. But those traditions have been upended of late, as NewsHour economics correspondent Paul Solman reports in the second of two stories on this portion of t

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JEFFREY BROWN: It was billed as a major policy speech, as President Obama called his commitment to combating economic inequality his highest priority and blasted partisan politics in Washington for undermining continued recovery. PRESIDENT BARACK OBA

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GWEN IFILL:And now to the first in a series of conversations about a key issue making its way through Congress. We're calling it Inside Immigration Reform. The Senate Judiciary Committee took a big step last night toward providing a path to citizensh

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UDY WOODRUFF: Finally tonight, to Mexico, and a personal look at the United States' neighbor to the south through the eyes of a journalist. MARGARET WARNER: Mexico is a country of riches and promise, now the second fastest-growing economy in Latin Am

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JUDY WOODRUFF: Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke will step down at the end of his term next January, but the discussion of who President Obama might tap to replace him is already well under way. To update us, we turn to longtime Fed-watcher

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MARGARET WARNER: The terror threat that's already shut down U.S. embassies across the Muslim world zeroed in on Yemen today after the State Department urged American citizens and many U.S. government personnel to depart. Americans and other foreigner

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MARGARET WARNER: The court-martial of the Army psychiatrist who opened fire on scores of fellow soldiers in 2009 got under way today at Fort Hood in Texas. Major Nidal Hasan is charged with many counts of murder and attempted murder for the attack th

发表于:2019-01-27 / 阅读(30) / 评论(0) 分类 PBS访谈社会系列

JEFFREY BROWN: And we turn now to a new portrait of how Americans view themselves and their economic futures. Ray Suarez has our look. RAY SUAREZ: For decades, white, Hispanic and black Americans have felt similarly optimistic about their chances of

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