辛沛沛 NO-BOOK从零开始学英语

Lesson 255 I can look after myself. 1.I can look after myself.我针对照顾自己。 2.You must look after yourself.你一定要照顾好自己。 3.Let me look after her.女儿,你说:让我来照顾她吧。 4.Please look after your grandma.好

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Lesson 241 It's popular music. 1.It's popular music.这是流行音乐。 2.He isn't popular.他不受大众欢迎。 3.It's popular with the young.这很受年轻人的欢迎。 4.It's a popular song.这是一首流行歌曲。 5.She is popular at s

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Lesson 241 It's popular music. 1.It's popular music.这是流行音乐。 2.He isn't popular.他不受大众欢迎。 3.It's popular with the young.这很受年轻人的欢迎。 4.It's a popular song.这是一首流行歌曲。 5.She is popular at s

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Lesson 243 Put it under the table. 1.Put it under the table.放在桌了底下吧。 2.Put it beside the computer.把这个放在电脑旁吧。 3.Put it on the table.放在桌子上吧。 4.Put them over there.放在那边吧。 5.Just put them here

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Lesson 244 I can't find it. 1.I can't find it.我没找到。 2.I can't find my key.我找不到钥匙了。 3.I can't find my bike.我打不到自行车了。 4.I can't find he file.我找不到文件了。 5.I can't find the book.我没找到书。

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Lesson 245 Which one? 1.Which one?哪一个? 2.Which one is yours?哪一个是你的? 3.Which one did you drive?你开的是哪部? 4.Which one do you like?你喜欢哪件? 5.Which one do you want?你想要哪一个?

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Lesson 247 Would you like some bread? 1.Would you like some bread?你想要点面包吗? 2.Would you like an apple?你想要个苹果吗? 3.Would you like a cup of tea?你想要杯茶吗? 4.Would you like some milk?你想要一些牛奶吗? 5

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Lesson 248 I want to go to Paris. 1.I want to go Paris.我想去巴黎。 2.I want to stay here.我想留在这儿。 3.I want to go with you.我想和你一起去。 4.I want to go home now.我现在想回家了。 5.I want to buy some fruit.我想要

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Lesson 249 I'm cleaning the table. 1.I'm cleaning the table.我正收拾桌子呢。 2.I'm cleaning my room.我正在打扫房间。 3.I'm cleaning my office.我正在打扫办公室。 4.I'm cleaning the window.我在擦窗子。 5.I'm cleaning my c

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Lesson 250 Can I borrow your pen? 1.Can I borrow your pen?我可以借用你的笔吗? 2.Can I borrow your bike?我可以借用你的自行车吗? 3.Can I borrow your car?我可以借用你的汽车吗? 4.Can I borrow your dictionary?我可以借

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Lesson 251 Do you speak Chinese? 1.Do you speak Chinese?你会讲汉语吗? 2.Do you speak English?你会讲英语吗? 3.You speak English very well.你英讲得很棒。 4.I can't speak French.我不会讲法语。 5.I can speak only a little.我只

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Lesson 252 I come from China. 1.I come from China.我来自于中国。 2.Where do you come from?你来自于哪里呀? 3.He comes from the States.他来自于美国。 4.She comes from Great Britain.她来自于英国。 5.They come from Canada.他们

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Lesson 253 Can you reach it? 1.Can yu reach it?你够得到吗? 2.Look!I can reach them.看!我够到了。 3.I can't reach the box.我够不到那盒子。 4.When shall we reach Beijing?咱们什么时候到北京? 5.When shall we reach London

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Lesson 254 Can you hear me? 1.Can you hear me?你能听到我讲话吗? 2.I'm sorry to hear that.听说这件事后很难过。 3.Have you heard the news?你听说这消息了吗? 4.I heard he was ill.我听说他病了。 5.I've never heard abou

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Lesson 246 Not at all. 1.Not at all.没什么的。 2.I can't speak English at all.我根本不会说英语。 3.I can't swim at all.我根本不会游泳。 4.I don't like it at all.我一点也不喜欢。 5.He isn't friendly at all.他一点也不友

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Lesson 266 You'd better leave here. 1.You'd better leave here.你最好离开这儿。 2.You'd better finish it today.你最好今天就完成。 3.You'd better go with me.你最好和我一起去。 4.You'd better have a rest.你最好休息一下。

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Lesson 263 What's your advice? 1.What's your advice?你有什么建议。 2.That's my advice.这就是我的建议。 3.Give me some advice,please.请给我一些建议。 4.I'll take your advice.我接受你的忠告。 5.You should take legal advic

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Lesson 264 What's new? 1.What's new?有什么新鲜事? 2.Everything is new to me.对来来说一切都很生疏。 3.It's a new movie.这是新片子。 4.I want a new one.我想要个新的。 5.I want to make new friends.我想结交新朋友。

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Lesson 265 May I come in? 1.May I come in?我可以进来吗? 2.May I use it?我可以用一下吗? 3.May I listen to some music?我可以听音乐吗? 4.May I borrow your car?我可以借用你的车吗? 5.May I smoke here?我可以在这里吸

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Lesson 267 Only a few. 1.Only a few.只有几个。 2.Here are a few chairs.这里有几把椅子。 3.A few of us speak French.我们中间有几个人讲法语。 4.Can you stay a few days longer?你能多留几天吗? 5.Yes,a few are here.有几个

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aerating power
appointment scheduler
articulationes trochoidea
automatic elements for production line
automatic feed(ing)
back-reflection x-ray examination
be referable to
bear mts.
book block
boundedness control
brass drum
Broyden's 1965 method
bulk goods
button marking
cathode-ray hf direction finder
charge quantity
chartering agent
closed-head injury
clothes rack
combination probe
contact level
curly-coated retrievers
density standard calibrating method
disc storage controller
Duhring's pruritus
elevation of pole
extensive quantity
family Burhinidae
ferrite tape
first place
fonsecaea dermatitis
gas turbine plant
government budget deficit
hinging post
house fly curtain
implant denture
intellectual aura
iterated game
james hargreavess
keratitis pustuliformis profunda
liquid scrubbing
locking her up
logic(al) difference
mean climate characteristics
Miss Fidditch
nanosomia sexualis
no charge item
pair production coefficient
pit analysis
point of
probability unit method
Project loans
quinine oxidase
Ram Lila
ready boat
riverside grape
salt bath descaling
sealed compartment
spectral filter function
start-oscillation condition
static sociology
system input unit
tariff in force
thinning process
throw dirt at
transfer finishing
valuation agent
wheel gauge
wind up with
zigzag value