时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:


  [00:14.99]Brand new bills, I appreciate it 崭新的票子 谢啦

[00:26.67]You think we cheat you? 你以为我们骗你?

[00:27.79]Of course not, I just enjoy counting 当然没有 我就是享受数钱的快感

[00:39.89]Well, gentlemen, Alexander Pierce is all yours. 好了 先生们 Alexander Pierce归你们了

[00:53.28]Do not shoot him! 别伤着他

[01:15.17]I think we lost them! 甩掉他们了吧?

[01:18.14]I'd really like to take these off! 能把这玩意解开么

[01:20.68]We have to wait until we get to open waters 咱们得抓紧开到开阔的水域里

[04:28.91]It suits you perfectly 1, sir You have a wonderful figure. 跟您太贴身了 先生 您身材真棒

[04:33.33]You think it's a little loose? - No, it's of the utmost magnificence - 你不觉得有点松? - 没有 实在是太华丽丽了

[04:46.22]Fourteen red, bet made. 红色14号 买定离手

[04:51.01]Wager, sir? 先生下注么

[04:54.27]Forty-two red 红色42号 买定离手

[04:58.86]They're back. - Yeah, bring them in. - 他们回来了 - 嗯 带进来吧

1 perfectly
  • The witnesses were each perfectly certain of what they said.证人们个个对自己所说的话十分肯定。
  • Everything that we're doing is all perfectly above board.我们做的每件事情都是光明正大的。