时间:2018-12-27 作者:英语课 分类:一起听英语



Dan: Hello, I'm Dan, and Alice has joined me for today's 6 Minute English. Hello,


Alice: Hi Dan.

Dan: Today we're talking about the rise of electronic books, or ebooks. Digital

devices, such as the Amazon Kindle 1, the Apple iPad and the Sony Reader,

allow readers to buy ebooks online, and to download thousands of books onto

one device.

Alice: There are a few words there that are really useful when talking about ebooks:

Digital here means anything connected with computers or electronics 2. To

download means to copy information onto a computer or digital device. And

online means connected to the internet.

Dan: Earlier this year, the online bookshop Amazon.com said it's now selling more

electronic books in the US than printed ones. And that leads us onto this week's

question for you, Alice: In May this year, how many ebooks were available on

the British Amazon site: Was it:

a) 65,000

b) 650,000

c) 6.5 million 

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Alice: I’ll go for the middle one; 650,000.

Dan: OK then, we’ll see if you're right at the end of the programme. Now, as I said,

ebooks are becoming more popular. Amazon.com announced that sales of

ebooks doubled in 2010. Last year ebooks sales overtook sales of hardback

books, and in January this year they overtook sales of paperback 4 books.

Alice: Hardbacks are books with stiff 5 covers; they’re usually more expensive and

last longer. Paperbacks 6, on the other hand, are books with flexible paper

covers and usually cost a bit less. So if ebooks are selling more than both

hardback and paperback books, Dan, how is this affecting the books industry?

Dan: Well, the books industry - what we call publishing - is in trouble generally.

The American bookstore Borders was declared bankrupt 7 earlier this year and

the British book seller Waterstones has reported serious losses.

Alice: Borders was declared bankrupt - it said that it couldn't pay its debts. So it's a

tough time for the publishing world.

Dan: But not everyone is suffering; with the rise of ebooks, there's also been an

increase in self-publishing. Could you explain this for us please, Alice?

Alice: Sure – to publish something means to print something and make it public,

usually a book, a magazine or a newspaper. So if an author self-publishes a

book, they pay to publish their own work, without using a publishing company.

Dan: Let's listen to Sarah Lloyd, the digital director of UK publishing company Pan

Macmillan. Here she is talking about how authors are reacting to the digital 

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developments in the books industry. She says the basic process of writing will

stay quite stable; it's unlikely to change. What types of authors does she think

will particularly succeed?

Sarah Lloyd, Pan Macmillan digital director

I think that the basic process of writing will stay quite stable. But the authors who will do

particularly well are ones who will think about how they build a digital audience; those that

blog or write their books a little bit in public. So I think living a life online is going to be

important for authors.

Dan: So for Sarah there, the authors who will do particularly well are ones who

build digital audiences and who live their lives online.

Alice: She says that authors who write blogs and who have a strong online presence

are more likely to succeed than those who don't.

Dan: Let's hear now from the British author, Sarah Waters. She says that strong

characters, plots and settings will always be the most important part of a book,

regardless of the format 3.

Alice: The characters – the people in the books; the plots – the things that happen;

and the settings – the places featured in the novels.

Dan: Listen out too for the phrase 'nuts and bolts'. See if you can work out what it

means from the context: 

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Sarah Waters, author

We read our books whether we read them on our phones or on our laptops or whatever –

you still need content. And the attraction of novels is that they create these worlds; you

know, they're quite leisurely 8. And all that side of writing, I don't think, is going to change;

we're still going to want characters and plots and settings; the real sort of basic nuts and

bolts of fiction. I think people will still want that regardless of the format in which they're

getting it.

Dan: Did you hear the phrase 'nuts and bolts'?

Alice: She said that characters, plots and setting are the basic nuts and bolts of fiction.

They're the basic, essential parts.

Dan: Right Alice, back to today's question. I asked how many ebooks were available

in May 2011 on the British Amazon site: Was it:

a) 65,000

b) 650,000

c) 6.5 million

Alice: And I said the middle one; 650,000.

Dan: And the answer was 650,000, so you were right.

Alice: Oh, good!

Dan: But the number is increasing all the time, so it might be in the millions soon. 

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Alice: Wow.

Dan: Well Alice, before we go, let's hear some of the words and phrases we've used

in today's programme:

Alice: OK:



to download





to publish


the nuts and bolts

Dan: Thanks, Alice. I hope you've enjoyed today's programme and you'll join us

again for more 6 Minute English next time.

Both: Bye! 

1 kindle
  • This wood is too wet to kindle.这木柴太湿点不着。
  • A small spark was enough to kindle Lily's imagination.一星光花足以点燃莉丽的全部想象力。
2 electronics
  • About 45000 people worked in electronics in Scotland.苏格兰约有4.5万人在电子行业工作。
  • He wants to brush up his knowledge of electronics.他想温习他的电子学知识。
3 format
  • Please format this floppy disc.请将这张软盘格式化。
  • The format of the figure is very tasteful.该图表的格式很雅致。
4 paperback
  • A paperback edition is now available at bookshops.平装本现在在书店可以买到。
  • Many books that are out of print are reissued in paperback form.许多绝版的书籍又以平装本形式重新出现。
5 stiff
  • There is a sheet of stiff cardboard in the drawer.在那个抽屉里有块硬纸板。
  • You have to push on the handle to turn it,becanse it's very stiff.手柄很不灵活,你必须用力推才能转动它。
6 paperbacks
n.平装本,平装书( paperback的名词复数 )
  • This shop only sells paperbacks. 这家书店只出售平装本的书。 来自辞典例句
  • Other paperbacks were selling for ten or 15 cents each. 其它的平装书每本才卖十或十五美分。 来自互联网
7 bankrupt
  • That factory has gone bankrupt.那家工厂倒了。
  • The enemy's scheme went bankrupt.敌人的计谋破产了。
8 leisurely
  • We walked in a leisurely manner,looking in all the windows.我们慢悠悠地走着,看遍所有的橱窗。
  • He had a leisurely breakfast and drove cheerfully to work.他从容的吃了早餐,高兴的开车去工作。
accessory navicular bone
armoured bulkhead
artificial digestion
bruit de frolement
business dip
cesium chloroscandate
chain broken detector
charm bracelet
Chinese edible frog
Chinook State
code degeneracy
coding problem
contour diagram
Cromwell current
degasification tank
dentaria bulbiferas
diptilomiopus cumingis
double layer phosphor
dynamic creation
electromagnetic induction testing
experimental turboalternator
facing the music
family anacardiaceaes
Fossa cranii media
freeze resistance
fullwidth weir
genus protoaviss
genus Sciara
hook block
intangible development cost
keep under surveillance
Laurel Gardens
logic(al) graph
loss of gloss
maximum angular frequency deviation
meconial colic
metal-insulator semiconductor transistor (mist)
mother of vinegar
movable pipeline system
needle etching
new product development process
non resident alien spouse
Pasteurella pluriseptica
peduncular muscle
piston heat set screw
prismatic moonstone
production control routine
projected pole
radiant-type boiler
short-range structure
shorted fault
standard atmosphere pressure
statutory rate of duty
subfamily Emberizidae
tachytes modestus
trial horsepower
variable-time fuse
wall temperature of critical point
white-tailed kites