时间:2018-12-27 作者:英语课 分类:英语听力入门 (全四册)


UNIT 40 FILM EXTRACTS 1 Lesson 79 Carve Her Name With Pride ( Ⅰ )



Lesson 79  Carve Her Name With Pride (Ⅰ)

Potter: Good morning, my name's Potter. Come in and sit down, won't you ?

Violette: Thank you.

Potter: Well, I suppose you're wondering why I sent for you?

Violette: I expect it's about the pension 2.

Potter: I understand you're partly French, Mrs. Szabo.

Violette: My mother was French.

Potter: And your husband was in the French army.

Violette: Yes. He was killed at El Alamein, six months ago.

Potter: Yes … yes, I know. I'm sorry. You … mm … you speak French yourself, of course ?

Violette: Yes, I was brought up to speak French and English.

Potter: And you're quite an athlete, I'm told. And you're something of a crack shot with a rifle 3.

Violette: Mr. Potter, if it's about the pension, then I really don't see …

Potter: Well, actually, Mrs. Szabo, it's not about the pension.

Violette: But you wrote to me.

Potter: Yes, I know. Ministry 4 of Pensions 5. That's not correct. I belong to quite a different department.

Violette: Well, if it's not about the pension, why am I here ?

Potter: Because I think that you have certain qualifications which might be of great use.

Violette: Qualifications ? What for ?

Potter: The war effort. I must tell you at once, it comes under the heading of “Dangerous Work.”

Violette: Look, I … I really don't think you've got hold of the right person. What kind of work ?

Potter: Well … briefly 6 … we're doing everything we can to make things as difficult for the Germans as we can.

In every way we can. From blowing up their troop trains to … er … putting chalk into their ink.

The French are magnificent 7. Of course. But they have to be organized, and supplied. We need liaison 8 people. It's quite a job.

Violette: Yes, yes, I … I suppose it is.

Potter: One more thing. The Germans don't like what we're doing. They don't like it at all. In certain circumstances, they'll react violently. And brutally 9.

Well now, are you interested ?

Violette: I don't know … I don't know.

Potter: Since your husband died you've rather shut yourself away from everybody, haven't you ? Oh, we have to make some fairly close enquiries before we interview people for this sort of work.

Violette: Oh, yes, I see. Well, I just couldn't seem to face up to things.

Potter: Quite. But you're picking up the threads again now,aren't you ?

Violette: I'm trying to.

Potter: Good. Well, I'd like you to turn this over in your mind.

Violette: I…I…I'm sorry, Mr.Potter, I…I…I really don't think I can be of any use to you.

Potter: I suppose you're thinking about your baby ?

Violette: She's all I have. What if anything happened to me?

Potter: Yes, of course. Well, that's something you must think about.

But, you don't have to make up your mind right away, Why don't you come and see me again in a week's time.

Violette: Yes, yes, yes, all right, if you wish.

Potter: You do realize that you must tell nobody about thismterview…nobody at all. Mot even your parents.

Violette: Yes, of course. Mr. Potter, wouldn't it be possible to find someone else for this job ?

Potter: I don't know. It might be possible. But you see it's taken us a long time to find you. There are so few people with your qualifications.

Oh, just a moment. Don't forget your pass, otherwise you'll be here for ever.

1 extracts
摘录( extract的名词复数 ); 引用; 提炼物; 浓缩物
  • shower gel containing plant extracts that have a stimulating effect on the skin 含有对皮肤有益的植物精华的沐浴凝胶
  • These are all extracts from Chaucer. 这些都是乔叟诗抄中的精萃。
2 pension
  • The country provided a pension to the old person.国家给老人们提供养老金。
  • She went to the company to draw her pension.她去公司领退休金。
3 rifle
  • The soldiers keep a tight hold of the rifle.战士们紧握手中的枪。
  • They armed him with a rifle.他们发给他一支步枪。
4 ministry
  • They sent a deputation to the ministry to complain.他们派了一个代表团到部里投诉。
  • We probed the Air Ministry statements.我们调查了空军部的记录。
5 pensions
n.退休金,养老金( pension的名词复数 )
  • Pensions are linked to inflation, whereas they should be linked to the cost of living. 养老金与通货膨胀挂钩,然而它们其实应该和生活费用挂钩。 来自辞典例句
  • At the moment they are existing on pensions that are subsidised by the government. 此刻他们正依靠政府发放的养老金维持生计。 来自辞典例句
6 briefly
  • I want to touch briefly on another aspect of the problem.我想简单地谈一下这个问题的另一方面。
  • He was kidnapped and briefly detained by a terrorist group.他被一个恐怖组织绑架并短暂拘禁。
7 magnificent
  • The museum that we visited is very magnificent.我们参观的博物馆是很宏伟的。
  • That's a magnificent task.这是一项宏伟的任务。
8 liaison
  • She acts as a liaison between patients and staff.她在病人与医护人员间充当沟通的桥梁。
  • She is responsible for liaison with researchers at other universities.她负责与其他大学的研究人员联系。
9 brutally
  • The uprising was brutally put down.起义被残酷地镇压下去了。
  • A pro-democracy uprising was brutally suppressed.一场争取民主的起义被残酷镇压了。
act in pais
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free times
fuel bundle adjustment plate
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good solvent
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in great measure
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mesh voltage
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Pelly Mts.
phase collision
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sicyonia lancifer
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straightening vane
strange attractor
test setup
thermodynamic law
tip effects
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wedge belt