时间:2018-12-24 作者:英语课 分类:CNN2012年(二)月


 A historical society in Virginia running a unique genealogy 1 project.It's using informs from million of old letters,books and diaries to identify more than a thousand slaves whose names have been lost.

The historians running the project hope it will Americans both black and white learn about their ancestors.AJ has the details.African slaves first arrived in Virginia in 1619.Now in fading ink yellow paper more of their stories are being told.This is just the beginning.A new online data base allows users to track down on the information about their ancestors in the state,whether they were slaves,free blacks or labor 2 owners.
Says Dr.RL,you can see all of the enslaved people that were listed in this broadside.More than 80 people came to Virginia historical society's first workshop to learn how to navigate 3 their site including a history teacher who flew in from Indiana.I think it's just innately 4 human to learn our origins.And amateur genealogist 5 RP,researching black folk is difficult so anytime you can find a new resource always good investigate.
The unknown no long project and work shops made possible with 125,000 dollars in grands from an energy company Dominion 6 is ended helping 7 people filling the gap in their own family history,the process,the nations.
We are not only at African American history,we are looking at American history from a Virginian perspective.
The society as a mass more than eighty million documents donated by mostly by well-to-do Virginian families. More slaves lived in Virginian than in any other state.And this city,Richmond,was the heart pf US slave trade.Many black men and women were born to be sold to other states.Some 3200 names of slaves,free blacks and slave holders 8 have been entered into data base so far and the site is updated weekly.
For so long people did not know who their ancestors were,did not know where to even go to look for it and it's important for people to know who they are because having that sense of identity enable people to have sense of dignity,the sense of who they are within this American landscape.
The documents,deeds and wills,papers granting their slaves their freedom and even passes that allowed slaves from one plantation 9 to visit another are now searchable for free with a click of a button.Assistant archivist PN,walked me through a search of slave inventory 10 list.
So you've got the names,the ages,their occupations,and values.
The Virginian historical society is helping to fill in the details of the American slaves history.I am covering pieces of the past, name by name.AJ,CNN,Richmond Virginia.
Well, finally,we are going to check out a fund raiser for a north Carolina children's hospital.
More than 7,000 people hit the streets to take part in this 5 miles run and just in case you need to carb up in the middle. You are in luck because this race requires you to down a dozen donuts as well.
It's the Krispy Kreme Challenge.You run half of the race,devour a dozen donuts or attempt to, and then run back.The participants help raise more than on hundred thousand dollars so they really put their money with their mouths are.Sure someone might have suffered terrific hard burn but if you are raising money for charity.It makes it's all worth well.Donuts?Hopefully,that whole story makes it glaze 11 over.The one thing you should know donut puns,piece of cake.Enjoy your rest of your day.CNN student news.I am CA.

1 genealogy
  • He had sat and repeated his family's genealogy to her,twenty minutes of nonstop names.他坐下又给她细数了一遍他家族的家谱,20分钟内说出了一连串的名字。
  • He was proficient in all questions of genealogy.他非常精通所有家谱的问题。
2 labor
  • We are never late in satisfying him for his labor.我们从不延误付给他劳动报酬。
  • He was completely spent after two weeks of hard labor.艰苦劳动两周后,他已经疲惫不堪了。
3 navigate
  • He was the first man to navigate the Atlantic by air.他是第一个飞越大西洋的人。
  • Such boats can navigate on the Nile.这种船可以在尼罗河上航行。
4 innately
  • Innately conservative, Confucius was fascinated by the last of these disciplines. 由于生性保守,孔子特别推崇“礼”。 来自英汉非文学 - 文明史
  • Different individuals are innately fitted for different kinds of employment. 不同的人适合不同的职业,这是天生的。 来自互联网
5 genealogist
  • Misha Defonseca acknowledged her bestselling Holocaust story as a fake after a genealogist outed her. MishaDefonseca在当一位系谱学者揭露她之后承认自己关于二战犹太大屠杀的畅销书是捏造的。
6 dominion
  • Alexander held dominion over a vast area.亚历山大曾统治过辽阔的地域。
  • In the affluent society,the authorities are hardly forced to justify their dominion.在富裕社会里,当局几乎无需证明其统治之合理。
7 helping
  • The poor children regularly pony up for a second helping of my hamburger. 那些可怜的孩子们总是要求我把我的汉堡包再给他们一份。
  • By doing this, they may at times be helping to restore competition. 这样一来, 他在某些时候,有助于竞争的加强。
8 holders
支持物( holder的名词复数 ); 持有者; (支票等)持有人; 支托(或握持)…之物
  • Slaves were mercilessly ground down by slave holders. 奴隶受奴隶主的残酷压迫。
  • It is recognition of compassion's part that leads the up-holders of capital punishment to accuse the abolitionists of sentimentality in being more sorry for the murderer than for his victim. 正是对怜悯的作用有了认识,才使得死刑的提倡者指控主张废除死刑的人感情用事,同情谋杀犯胜过同情受害者。
9 plantation
  • His father-in-law is a plantation manager.他岳父是个种植园经营者。
  • The plantation owner has possessed himself of a vast piece of land.这个种植园主把大片土地占为己有。
10 inventory
  • Some stores inventory their stock once a week.有些商店每周清点存货一次。
  • We will need to call on our supplier to get more inventory.我们必须请供应商送来更多存货。
11 glaze
  • Brush the glaze over the top and sides of the hot cake.在热蛋糕的顶上和周围刷上一层蛋浆。
  • Tang three-color glaze horses are famous for their perfect design and realism.唐三彩上釉马以其造型精美和形态生动而著名。
abundance broadening
Active pen
after tomorrow
ALGOL declaration
allelic mutant
avalanche blast
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biosomeric contamination
bladder drainage pancreas transplantation
Brewster stereoscope
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cediopsylla simplex
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coming up with
command set
communicating state
comprehensive library of test page
Cosby sweaters
costal tuberculosis
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discharge at constant current
distributed lag studies
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epithelial peg
ganggu (kanggu)
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have some idea of
Hesselbach's ligaments
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inky cap
interstitial optic neuritis
loss tangent
measuring interface unit
obstetric(al) disease
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plain grinding
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regenerative regenerator
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sea boat
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shallow draft vessel
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sparsely or density branches
standard DC power supply
statics of human body
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take ... mind off
the status quo
vapor air mixture ratio
worsted oil
Yau Ma Tei