时间:2018-11-30 作者:英语课 分类:生活英语


Practice: listen and repeat
What’s for lunch?
I’m starving.
Do you want to go to lunch?
Let’s go to lunch.
I’ve got to eat quickly today.

I’ll buy you lunch.
Let’s go to lunch, my treat.
I’m starving.
What’s for lunch?
I’m in the mood for French.
Are you ready to order?
Have you had lunch today?
I’ve already eaten.

-Do you want have lunch together?
-That would be good! I get off in about twenty minutes.
-OK, I’ll finish this up and meet you outside.
-Great! I’ll see you then.

-What’s for lunch? I’m starving.
-I was thinking of hamburgers.
-Do you want to order a pizza for lunch?
-That’ll be good!
-Here’s your lunch.
-Oh, thanks! It was nice of you to bring it to me.
-Do you want to go to lunch?
-Yeah, that would be great.

-Do you want some lunch?
-Sure. What are you having?
-I can’t decide between soup or a salad.
-I think a salad would be great.

-What are you eating for lunch?
-Left ovals 1. Do you want some?
-No, thanks. I’m not hungry.
-Are you sure?
-Yeah, I’ve already eaten.
-OK, suit yourself.

Practice: listen and repeat
Do you want to go to lunch?
I’m coming home for lunch.
Have you had lunch today?
I’ve already eaten.
Let’s go to lunch.
Let’s have Italian for lunch.
Meet me at the cafe. We’ll have lunch.
Come on, I’ll buy you lunch.
Do you want hamburgers for lunch?
Will you be home for lunch?
This smells great. What’s for lunch?
It’s my turn to pay for lunch.
I want to take you to lunch.
Is it lunch time yet?
Come on, it’s time for lunch.
How about going to Chiles for lunch?
Is there anything special you want for lunch?
We are ordering Jasons for lunch. Do you want anything?
I hope it’s time for lunch soon. I’m starving.
I’m going to skip lunch.
I’m going to ones for lunch if you want to come.
Let’ go to lunch., my treat.
I’m in the mood for French. How about you?
Have we decided 2 what we’re going to do about lunch yet?
I have to eat quickly today. I’ve got a meeting in less than an hour.


1 ovals
椭圆形( oval的名词复数 )
  • Using 2 spoons, mould the cheese into small balls or ovals. 用两把勺子将奶酪滚成小球形或椭圆形。
  • Michael looked directly at the girl, the lovely ovals of her face. 迈克尔直瞪瞪地瞅着姑娘,瞅着她那可爱的鸟蛋形的脸面。 来自教父部分
2 decided
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
标签: 生活英语 开窍