时间:2018-12-18 作者:英语课 分类:高中英语人教版高一



[03:53.59]For thousands of years traditional agriculture in China did not change very much.

[04:01.14]Most farms were one-family businesses.

[04:05.68]Although China is a very big country,

[04:09.84]only seven percent of the land cna be used for arming.

[04:15.29]It is on this arable 1 land that the farmers produce food

[04:21.17]for the whole population of China.

[04:24.70]Farmers in China have long used techniques such as fertilisation and irrigation 2

[04:32.14]to make their land produce more.

[04:35.91]Over time,many farming 3 techniques have been modernised:

[04:41.26]chemical fertilisers are now used and electric pumps are used in irrigation.

[04:48.03]To make as much use of the land as possible,

[04:53.17]two or more crops are planted each year where possible.

[04:58.81]Rice,cotton and vegetable seeds are sometimes grown in special seedbeds before

[05:06.26]they are planted in the fields.

[05:10.23]This saves time and allows farmers to grow an extra crop in each season.

[05:17.07]More advanced technical information was brought in from abroad in the 1980s.

[05:23.45]Import of technology and machines,

[05:27.50]and the international exchange of delegations 4

[05:32.07]have helped Chinese farmers improve their production.

[05:36.93]It was from the early 1990s that scientists started to develop new techniques

[05:44.19]to increase agricultural 5 production without harming the environment.

[05:50.35]Chemical fertilisation,for example,helps to produce better crops,

[05:56.60]but is harmful to the environment.

[06:00.07]New techniques should increase agricultural production

[06:05.35]but also be friendly to the environment.

[06:09.19]Future agriculture should depend on high technology as well as traditional methods.

[06:16.63]Not only is food production important but also taking care of the environment.

[06:23.11]The biggest problem of Chinese farmers is the shortage 6 of arable land.

[06:29.28]Using the latest technologies,

[06:33.04]Chinese scientists grow vegetables in greenhouses 7.

[06:37.87]The roots of these vegetables are not planted in earth

[06:42.83]but hang in water that contains all the nutrients 8 they need to grow.

[06:48.48]Today,many vegetables are not grown in gardens

[06:54.12]but in greenhouses where they are protected from the wind,rain and insects.

[07:00.68]The temperature is controlled with computers,no matter how the weather is outside.

[07:07.76]Another technique tries to create plants that produce more and bigger fruit.

[07:14.10]In 1993,a kind of tomato was developed

[07:19.46]that was very different from any grown before.

[07:24.03]It was developed using a technique known 9 as GM.

[07:29.18]"G"stands for"genetically 10"from the word"genes".

[07:34.95]"M"stands for"modified 11",which means"changed".

[07:40.80]In other words,the way tomatoes grow from a natural seed is changed.

[07:47.25]The new tomatoes are bigger and healthier.

[07:51.82]They can grow without danger from diseases 12.

[07:56.26]They also need much less time to get ripe.

[08:01.02]The tomato is one of nearly 4,500 different plants that are genetically modified.

[08:08.88]In China,about one hundred research stations

[08:14.13]are now doign GM research to make better tomatoes,

[08:19.38]cotton,tobacco,green peppers,flowers,watermelons,soybeans,fish and of course rice.

[08:29.44]A variety of GM watermelons will be seedless and there is GM rice,

[08:36.10]sometimes called"golden rice",

[08:40.25]which will have more vitamins 13 and can grow in poor soil.

[13:29.82]3 It is the shortage of arable land

[13:42.49]that results in the biggest problem of Chinese farmers.


[14:10.23]Agriculture has a long history in China.

[14:14.80]Much of the wisdom 15 discovered by early Chinese scientists is still useful

[14:21.34]for farmers and gardeners today.

[14:25.28]One of China's early agricultural scientists was Jia Sixie,

[14:31.03]who lived in the sixth century AD.

[14:35.15]He was born in Yidu,Shandong Province.

[14:39.73]He spent his time on research into agriculture

[14:44.58]He collected information,studied it,

[14:49.03]did experiments and learnt from the experiences of farmers.

[14:55.50]Around 540 AD,he wrote a book called Qimin Yaoshu.

[15:01.75]The book is about both farming and gardening.

[15:06.32]It includes advice on the following subjects:

[15:11.18]growing green vegetables and fruit trees,keeping cows,sheep and fish in lakes.

[15:19.12]There are also instructions for making wine.

[15:23.38]For centuries after Jia Sixie died,

[15:29.33]his book was studided by Chinese farmers and students of farming.

[15:35.50]Jia Sixie's book is a practical 16 guide to farming.

[15:40.77]Firstly,as a farmer you should do things at the right time of the year.

[15:47.30]If you sow 17 seeds and grow young plants in the fields at the correct time of the year,

[15:54.44]your work will be less and the results will be better.

[15:59.61]But if you go against nature and do things at the wrong time of year,

[16:05.67]you will have to do more work and the results will not be so good.

[16:11.42]The condition of the soil is also very important.

[16:16.40]Examine the soil on your farm carefully.

[16:20.85]If the condition of your soil is not good,you should improve it.

[16:26.59]Before sowing 18 or planting crops,

[16:30.72]rough ground must be cleaned and weeds removed.

[16:36.18]Let sheep or cows walk on the land.

[16:40.93]The animals will destroy the weeds or eat them.

[16:45.51]The land should also be ploughed,so weeds are destroyed.

[16:51.15]When you plough 19 the soil,

[16:54.49]plough deep the first time and less deep the second time.

[16:59.74]So the autumn ploughing 20 should be deeper than the spring ploughing.

[17:05.02]The best harvest is reached when farmers change the crops in their fields.

[17:11.86]For example,do not plant rice year after year in the same field.

[17:18.24]But if you plant rice in a field one year and wheat in the field the next year,

[17:25.19]you will harvest good crops.

[17:28.84]Other scientists said that wheat should be planted with space between the plants,

[17:35.92]but Jia did experiments and showed that planting wheat close together is better.

[17:42.58]He also said that it is good to grow different pants

[17:48.15]next to each other in the same field

1 arable
  • The terrain changed quickly from arable land to desert.那个地带很快就从耕地变成了沙漠。
  • Do you know how much arable land has been desolated?你知道什么每年有多少土地荒漠化吗?
2 irrigation
  • Irrigation is easy in the South because of the abundance of water.南方多水,利于灌溉。
  • Irrigation is important for farming.灌溉对农业是非常重要的。
3 farming
  • He lives by farming.他靠务农过活。
  • He is farming in Africa.他在非洲经营农场。
4 delegations
n.代表团( delegation的名词复数 );委托,委派
  • In the past 15 years, China has sent 280 women delegations abroad. 十五年来,中国共派280批妇女代表团出访。 来自汉英非文学 - 白皮书
  • The Sun Ray decision follows the federal pattern of tolerating broad delegations but insisting on safeguards. “阳光”案的判决仿效联邦容许广泛授权的做法,但又坚持保护措施。 来自英汉非文学 - 行政法
5 agricultural
  • He was trained for gardening at the Agricultural College.他在农业大学学园艺。
  • France once was an agricultural country.法国曾是个农业国。
6 shortage
  • The city is suffering a desperate shortage of water.这个城市严重缺水。
  • The heart of the problem is a shortage of funds.问题的关键是缺乏经费。
7 greenhouses
温室,花房( greenhouse的名词复数 )
  • Cypress and redwood are seldom used in the superstructure of commercial greenhouses. 扁柏和美州红松很少用于商用温室的上部结构。
  • They grew tomatoes in two greenhouses, each with a CD-player inside. 他们在两个温室里种西红柿,每个里面都有一个CD播放机。
8 nutrients
n.(食品或化学品)营养物,营养品( nutrient的名词复数 )
  • a lack of essential nutrients 基本营养的缺乏
  • Nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream. 营养素被吸收进血液。 来自《简明英汉词典》
9 known
  • He is a known artist.他是一个知名的艺术家。
  • He is known both as a painter and as a statesman.他是知名的画家及政治家。
10 genetically
  • All the bees in the colony are genetically related. 同一群体的蜜蜂都有亲缘关系。
  • Genetically modified foods have already arrived on American dinner tables. 经基因改造加工过的食物已端上了美国人的餐桌。 来自英汉非文学 - 生命科学 - 基因与食物
11 modified
adj.改良的,改进的,修正的vt.修饰v.修改,更改( modify的过去式和过去分词 );改变;修饰;缓和
  • The software we use has been modified for us. 我们使用的软件已按我们的需要作过修改。
  • The heating system has recently been modified to make it more efficient. 暖气设备最近已进行了改造,使其效率得到提高。 来自《简明英汉词典》
12 diseases
n.疾病( disease的名词复数 );弊端;恶疾;痼疾
  • Smoking is a causative factor in several major diseases. 抽烟是引起几种严重疾病的病因。
  • The illness frequently coexists with other chronic diseases. 这种病往往与其他慢性病同时存在。
13 vitamins
n.维生素( vitamin的名词复数 )
  • essential proteins and vitamins 必不可少的蛋白质和维生素
  • the vitamins that are vital for health 保持健康必不可少的维生素
14 gardening
  • Dad is always in a good humour for gardening.爸爸干园艺活时,心情总是很好。
  • She's outdoors gardening every afternoon.她每天下午都在户外搞园艺。
15 wisdom
  • Experience is the mother of wisdom.经验为智慧之母。
  • Ancient Greece was a fountain of wisdom and philosophy.古希腊是智慧和哲学的发源地。
16 practical
  • He is a practical person.他是位很讲实际的人。
  • Your invention is clever,but not practical.你的发明很巧,但不实用。
17 sow
  • It is too soon to sow yet.现在还不到播种的时候。
  • Let's sow our field with spring wheat.让我们在田里种春小麦吧。
18 sowing
n.播种v.播(种),播种于( sow的现在分词 );灌输;激起;散布
  • The government's repressive policies are sowing the seeds of rebellion. 政府的镇压政策正在播下叛乱的种子。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The Autumnal Equinox is the best time for wheat-sowing. 秋分种麦最相宜。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
19 plough
  • Farmers plough in autumn or spring.农民在秋天或春天犁田。
  • If we plough on until it's dark,we should get this field finished.如果我们一直犁到天黑,就可以把这块地犁完了。
20 ploughing
  • The more ploughing and weeding, the better the crop. 一分耕耘, 一分收获。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • They will finish ploughing the fields in less than three days. 用不了3天,他们就可以把地全部耕完。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
abyssal pelagic zone
animal production
Askania pressure regulator
attached type vibrator
bubble-cap tray
buried valve with hand wheel
buys the farm
calor ific effect
caudal flexure
clinical pharmacology of anti-neoplastic drugs
coexistence element
conioscypha lignicola
controllable pitch propeller (cpp)
cubby house
cyano-silicone rubber
DD model
diamond form
dress cap
external compressor
face growth pattern
fast-burning grain
fiar field and no favor
field assignment
flywheel generator
front beam
fruit production
fuzzy transition matrix
genus ucas
glazier's wood
grass-like plant
Group Areas Act
have an advantage over
Helichrysum bracteatum
iceland agate
illness finds its way in by the mouth
information flows
meccano sets
natural killer cell
Nova Varoš
offshore engineering
ox-eye daisy
packs out
phallus impudicuss
porus acusticus internus
pump redundancy
recycle cracking operation
reinforced welding
research master blueprint
rhyolite porphyry
Serum anti-antbrax
smell the bottom ground
special anchor shackle
tax allocation with a period
telephone interviews
trunk amplifier
under favor of night
vasoactive intestinal peptide
veil cloud