时间:2019-03-16 作者:英语课 分类:原版英文故事与诗歌


   Coming Back Up

  by Chris Rose
  So we’re driving along, a road in the middle of nowhere, a few trees now and then on each side of the road, mountains in the distance, there hasn’t been a town for ages and then you see this sign, not really a proper sign at all, just a piece of card with some words scribbled 1 on it:
  “Bungee Jumping, 5km”
  and an arrow 2 pointing to the left. I can’t even see a road going left, and there’s certainly no sign of any bungee jumping, but you insist, the idea has taken you, you’re crazy about it, you’ve always wanted to do bungee jumping, I know, you think I’m boring because I don’t want to go.
  “Go on!” you insist, “We don’t even have to do the bungee jumping, we can just go there and see what’s happening. It’ll be interesting!” As usual, you get your way, I give in and off we go along this dirt road, for what seems much more than 5 kilometres to me. But then, after driving for ages, suddenly, out of nowhere, some trees appear, like a small wood.
  “This must be the place,” you say. The roads narrows into just a path, so we pull over to the side of the road. I couldn’t drive down there if I wanted to. As soon as we’re out of the car we can hear voices: people shouting and laughing. They sound like young people, they sound like they’re having a good time.
  We slowly walk to where the noise and people are. In the middle of the wood there’s a group of about 20 people. The youngest are about 15 or 16, while some of them are perhaps in their late 20’s.
  They look up and see us, then say hello to us. They’re polite, friendly even, but I feel like we’re interrupting 3 a private party - gatecrashing something they’re doing.
  Once there had been a river running through the middle of the forest, but now there was just a dry ditch 4. It doesn’t matter; nobody is interested in swimming. A metal bridge crosses the ditch. The bridge doesn’t look too stable 5. I think the kids had built it themselves. There’s a big group of the kids in the middle of the bridge. They’re all leaning 6 over and looking down into the ditch. They’re all shouting and laughing. Another person is hanging from a long piece of elastic 7 rope in the middle of the ditch. He is laughing like he is mad. The other people slowly pull him up to the bridge. As the guy comes to the top he looks exhilarated and shocked, but also very, very happy.
  I look at you and can see what you’re thinking.
  “I want to do that!” you say. I knew it. And you know what I want to say:
  “Danger!!! Damage to internal 8 organs! Safety procedures 9! Damage to your eyes! The rope can burn you! You can get tangled 10 up in the rope! You can dislocate your arm or your leg! It’s certain that you will get bruises 11 on your arms! What happens if the rope breaks? Who knows who these people are? Have you any idea how far away from a hospital we are?” I don’t say it, but yes, you’re right, I am thinking it. I don’t say anything because I know that you won’t have answers for any of my questions. You know that I’m right, really.
  You’ve always been a lot more adventurous 12 than me. I know you think I’m boring and safe and always worried about danger and risk.
  Perhaps you’re right. Perhaps I am too boring.
  I don’t know why people do it. I really don’t know. I remember when I was a kid, my friend had a bicycle that had no brakes 13. We used to take his bike without brakes and go down a big hill on it. I think about that, that old bike so many years ago and I remember how I felt then.
  I breathe in, close my eyes, don’t think about anything. I jump. I think I’m going forever and wonder when I’ll stop. But it feels great. I feel scared and thrilled 14 and alive. Then there’s a pull and I’m going back up again, and, yes, it is dangerous, but yes it is thrilling 15. But the most exciting, thrilling, wonderful thing of all is seeing your face as I come back up to the bridge.

v.潦草的书写( scribble的过去式和过去分词 );乱画;草草地写;匆匆记下
  • She scribbled his phone number on a scrap of paper. 她把他的电话号码匆匆写在一张小纸片上。
  • He scribbled a note to his sister before leaving. 临行前,他给妹妹草草写了一封短信。
  • He was shot in the shoulder with an arrow.他的肩膀被箭射中。
  • The letter was nailed to the wall with an arrow.一支箭把信钉在了墙上。
v.打断( interrupt的现在分词 );暂停;中断;阻断
  • You must break your bad habit of interrupting a speaker. 你必须改掉打断别人讲话的坏习惯。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Pardon me for interrupting. 对不起打断一下。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • With the blind leading the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.如果瞎子替瞎子带路的话,那么两方肯定会掉到沟里。
  • The water in the ditch is not very clean.沟里的水不很清洁。
  • I'm glad she has become such a stable character.我很高兴她变得如此沉稳。
  • This chair isn't very stable.这把椅子不大稳固。
n.倾向,爱好,偏爱v.(使)倾斜,屈身( lean的现在分词 );倚;依赖;使斜靠
  • a leaning towards comedy rather than tragedy 偏爱喜剧而不是悲剧
  • Jackson is leaning over backwards to persuade his wealthy uncle. 杰克逊想尽种种办法去讨好他那个有钱的叔叔。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Rubber is an elastic material.橡胶是一种弹性材料。
  • These regulations are elastic.这些规定是有弹性的。
  • He is talking to Tom on the internal telephone.他正在内线电话上与汤姆交谈。
  • We do not intend to be drawn into the internal strife.我们不想卷入内乱之中。
程序; 手续; 步骤; 常规; 程序( procedure的名词复数 ); 手续; [计算机]过程; (为解决一个特殊问题而专门设计的)文字程序
  • procedures that must be followed to ensure full compliance with the law 为确保严格遵守法律所必须遵行的程序
  • You need to become fully conversant with the company's procedures. 你得对公司的程序了如指掌。
n.瘀伤,伤痕,擦伤( bruise的名词复数 )
  • He was covered with bruises after falling off his bicycle. 他从自行车上摔了下来,摔得浑身伤痕。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The pear had bruises of dark spots. 这个梨子有碰伤的黑斑。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • I was filled with envy at their adventurous lifestyle.我很羨慕他们敢于冒险的生活方式。
  • He was predestined to lead an adventurous life.他注定要过冒险的生活。
  • He slammed on the brakes and the car juddered to a halt. 他猛踩刹车,汽车在剧烈震动中停下来。
  • It's no joke when your brakes fail on the motorway. 在快车道上行驶时刹车失灵的后果是非常严重的。
  • He was thrilled at the prospect of seeing them again. 他一想到將要再次见到他们便欣喜若狂。
  • They were thrilled to discover a perfectly preserved specimen of Roman pottery. 他们因发现了一件保存完好的罗马时代陶器而欣喜若狂。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Her voice had a strange and thrilling resonance. 她的声音洪亮,有一种奇特的震撼人心的效果。
  • It's a thrilling movie even though it lacks subtlety. 这部电影虽说不算精巧,但还是扣人心弦的。
标签: 英文故事 诗歌
a/d and d/a techniques
aliphatic ester
angular ball bearing
be annoyed for
bearing load carrying capacity
black burst
blade sheath
bright annealing furnace
capacitive probe
centrifugal starting switch
chemically coagulated sludge
cicatricial epithelium
connected system
crack propagation
dot or feather
driving distance
electronic-flash lamp
fellow man
Filey Bay
final warming
fusion of roots
generic formal subprogram
giant red paintbrushes
hand rejector
hasta la vista
hepatocystis infection
Huschke's cartilages
Information Awareness Office
insurance against litigation
internal reference sample
interpreting process
irrigation water source
jumbo mortgage
kryolithionite (cryolithionite)
lesser pandas
like the devil
line inductance
mandibular impression
metered mail
no brainers
non-econometric simulation model
photocurable coatings
presumption taxation
primary renal column
pulsed columns
purified wood cellulose
radar horizontal directivity
radiation radiosonde
retention rate
rhizomnium parvulum
straight-line pen
Suckling, Cape
sunshine record card
tendons of achilles
time code track detecting level
tissue degeneratiaon
top fermenting yeasts
turn sb over
unit of production
United States Military Academy
uterosacral ligaments
with no strings attached
year end capacity