时间:2018-12-18 作者:英语课 分类:实用英语


  Gang Xu

  23 South Xianlie
  South China Computer Company
  Guangzhou 510060
  Tel: (020)7000000
  Position Sought: Computer Programmer with a foreign enterprise in Dalian
  Qualifications: Four years‘ work experience operating computers extensively, coupled with educational preparation.
  Professional Experience: Computer Programmer, Sough China Computer Company, Guangzhou, from 1990 to date.
  Operate flow-charts, collect business infromation fro management, update methods of operation.
  Adept 1 at operating IBM-PC and Compact computers.
  Educational Background: South China University of Technology. B.S. in Computer Science, July 1990. Courses included: Computer Science, Systems Design and Analysis, PASCAL Programming, Operating Systems, COBOL Programming, D-BASE Programming, FORTRAN Programming, Systems Management
  Dalian No.34 Middle School, 1981-1986
  English Proficiency 2: Fluent in speaking, reading and writing.
  Hobbies: Bridge, computer games, boating, swimming.
  Personal Data: Born: November 29, 1970 in Dalian; Health: Excellent; Marital 3 Status: Single; Height: 175cm; Weight: 68kg
  References: will be supplied upon request.

1 adept
  • When it comes to photography,I'm not an adept.要说照相,我不是内行。
  • He was highly adept at avoiding trouble.他十分善于避开麻烦。
2 proficiency
  • He plied his trade and gained proficiency in it.他勤习手艺,技术渐渐达到了十分娴熟的地步。
  • How do you think of your proficiency in written and spoken English?你认为你的书面英语和口语熟练程度如何?
3 marital
  • Her son had no marital problems.她的儿子没有婚姻问题。
  • I regret getting involved with my daughter's marital problems;all its done is to bring trouble about my ears.我后悔干涉我女儿的婚姻问题, 现在我所做的一切将给我带来无穷的烦恼。
标签: 求职英语