时间:2019-02-21 作者:英语课 分类:欧美人文风情


 Calming Job Interview Nerves—a Monster guide. 稳定面试焦虑情绪--一份 Monster 指南。

Most people dread 1 job interviews, but by approaching them in the right way and taking note of a few key things, 大多数人都害怕工作面试,但用正确的方式应付面试并注意几个重要事项,
you can make sure you don't freeze on the big day. 你就可以确保自己不会在那重要的日子里吓呆。
You should already know your CV like the back of your hand, 你应该已经对你的履历很熟悉了,
but there's no harm in giving it one last read so you can immediately answer any questions about your past employments 2 and education. 但最后再读一下也无妨,这样一来你才可以迅速回答任何关于你过去工作经验和学历的问题。
There's no way you can prepare for every question they throw at you, 你不可能准备好面试官丢给你的每个问题,
but if you've thought about possible responses to the more common questions, 但如果你有思考过比较常见问题的可能答复,
you'll be less likely to be tongue-tied during your interview. 你在面试时就不太可能会结结巴巴。
Getting a good night's sleep before the interview is important so you feel fresh. 面试前睡一晚好觉是很重要的,这样你才会觉得精神奕奕。
You may want a swift 3 drink to help you doze 4 off, but you definitely 5 don't want to be waking up with a hangover, 你可能想要来一杯帮助自己入眠,但你绝对不想要带着宿醉起床,
so keep it to one. 所以喝一杯就好。
Traveling to your interview can be stressful; 到面试地点的路程可能会很麻烦;
try to do a trial run before the day of your interview so you know exactly how long it takes and can plan accordingly 6. 试着在前一天试走一趟,好让你了解确切需要时间,并可以依其作规划。
If you're made to wait in reception before you're taken into the interview room, 如果在被带到面试房间前,你被要求先在接待处等候,
use that time to have a few deep breaths and think about some small talk you can have with your interviewer 那就利用那时间深呼吸几次,并想一些可以和面试官小聊的话题
even something as simple as commenting on the nice decor in the office 即便是一些像聊聊办公室漂亮的装潢,
or the good recent weather helps break the ice and put you at ease 7. 或聊聊最近宜人的天气这样简单的事情,这都有助打破冷场并让你感到自在。
Even if you're not feeling confident, make sure you act confident. 就算你不觉得有自信,也要确保你表现出有信心的样子。
Always try to use appropriate body language in your interview, 永远试着在面试时利用合适的肢体语言,
such as making a positive but not finger-crushing handshake, looking your interviewer in the eye, 例如一个带有自信但又不会把人家手握断的握手、直视面试官双眼,
and sitting up straight in your chair. 还有在座位上打直腰杆坐好。
If you can, try and get your interview arranged in the morning. 如果可以的话,试着把面试安排在早上。
That way, you don't have a whole day for things to run over in your mind, 那样一来,你就不会有一整天让事情在你的脑中转来转去,
and you can get it out of the way. 你可以把那先解决掉。
If you have an interview arranged in your lunch hour, you might feel rushed to get out in time. 如果你把面试安排在午休时间,你可能会觉得在时间内赴约很赶。
And if you're having it after work, you may have had a stressful day,and so might your interviewer. 如果你在下班后才要面试,你可能已经过了一个压力很大的一天,面试你的人可能也是。
Finally, the best bit of advice is don't worry, just relax and be yourself. 最后,最好的建议就是别担心、放松就好,还有做你自己。
The job interview is as much for you to see if you like the company as it is for them to see if they like you, 工作面试是要让这间公司的人看他们喜不喜欢你,另外也是要让你看看自己喜不喜欢这间公司,
so go in with an open mind. 所以带着开阔的心胸进去应试吧。
This guide was brought to you by Monster. 这份指南由 Monster 带给您。
For more advice, jobs, and career tools, visit monster.co.uk. 想要更多建议、工作机会、还有职场工具,请上 monster.co.uk。

  • We all dread to think what will happen if the company closes.我们都不敢去想一旦公司关门我们该怎么办。
  • Her heart was relieved of its blankest dread.她极度恐惧的心理消除了。
雇用( employment的名词复数 ); 使用; 职业; 有益的活动
  • I dropped into casual employments. 我接受了一些临时的雇用。
  • She instituted regular hours and employments for her. 她给她规定了每天工作的时间和项目。
  • He is swift to hear,but slow to speak.他听力敏锐,但不善言辞。
  • He made a remarkably swift recovery.他康复得相当快。
  • He likes to have a doze after lunch.他喜欢午饭后打个盹。
  • While the adults doze,the young play.大人们在打瞌睡,而孩子们在玩耍。
  • The team will definitely lose if he doesn't play.如果他不参加比赛,这个队肯定会输。
  • I shall definitely be home before six o'clock.6点以前,我一定回家。
  • Please inform us of your decision and we will act accordingly.请把你们的决定通知我们,我们会照着去办的。
  • He was told to speak briefly;accordingly he cut short his remarks.人家叫他说话简短,于是他就长话短说了。
n. 安乐,安逸,悠闲; v. 使...安乐,使...安心,减轻,放松
  • His mind was at ease and he felt confident in the future. 他心情舒畅,对前途很有信心。
  • You should ease up on the child and stop scolding her. 你应该对那个孩子宽松些,不要再骂她了。
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