时间:2018-11-27 作者:英语课 分类:新概念英语第三册


Lesson 15: Fifty pence worth of trouble



Listen to the tape then answer the question below.


Did George get anything for his fifty pence? What?

    Children always appreciate small gifts of money. Mum or dad, of course, provide a regular supply of pocket money, but uncles and ants are always a source of extra income. With some children, small sums go a long way. If fifty pence pieces are not exchanged for sweets, they rattle 1 for months inside money boxes. Only very thrifty 2 children manage to fill up a money box. For most of them, fifty pence is a small price to pay for a nice big bar of chocolate.

    My nephew, George, has a money box but it is always empty. Very few of the fifty pence pieces and pound coins I have given him have found their way there. I gave him fifty pence yesterday and advised him to save it. Instead he bought himself fifty pence worth of trouble. On his way to the sweet shop, he dropped his fifty pence and it bounced along the pavement and then disappeared down a drain. George took off his jacket, rolled up his sleeves and pushed is right arm through the drain cover. He could not find his fifty pence piece anywhere, and what is more, he could no get his arm out. A crowd of people gathered round him and a lady rubbed his arm with soap and butter, but George was firmly stuck. The fire brigade was called and two fire fighter freed George using a special type of grease 3. George was not too upset by his experience because the lady who owns the sweet shop heard about his troubles and rewarded him with large box of chocolates.

New words and expressions 生词和短语


v.   欣赏,感激

     pocket money



adj. 节约的


n.   侄子,外甥


v.   弹起,跳起


n.   人行道

     stick (stuck, stuck)

v.   卡住,夹住,不能再动


n.   旅,(消防)队


n.   润滑油







Notes on the text课文注释

1  with some children, 介词with此处作“对于”讲。

2  go a long way, 可以维持很久。

3  If fifty pence pieces are not exchanged for sweets, 如果50便士的分币没有用来换糖果的话。exchange…for…作“以……换……”讲,注意英语中的便士有两种复数形式pence和pennies, 但用法不同。如:a fifty pence是指1个50便士的硬币,而fifty pennies是指50个1便士的硬币。

4  have found their way there, 其中there是指储蓄罐。find one's way在这里作“进入”讲,即放到“储蓄罐”里。

5  what is more, 更有甚者。是固定词组,此处用作插入语。

  Multiple choice questions多项选择题

Choose the correct answers to the following questions.


1  What do most children do with the money they are given?

a.They put it in their pockets.

b.They wait until their money boxes are full before spending it.

c.They go straight to a sweet shop and spend it.

d.They spend a little of it on chocolate.

2  When the writer gave him fifty pence, George ______ .

a.did not hear the writer's advice

b.decided 4 that saving it was more trouble than it was worth

c.waited until the next day before deciding to spend it on sweets

d.set out for the sweet shop, but lost it on his way

3  Once the fire fighters had come to George's rescue ______ .

a.George had his arm greased 5 and was able to get it out of the drain

b.George took his fire fighters and got some chocolate at the sweet shop

c.the lady who had failed to rescue George gave him a box of chocolates

d.George was rewarded by the owner of the sweet shop for his trouble


4  Fifty pence is not ______ to pay for a bar of chocolate. (11.6-7)





5  I gave him fifty pence yesterday and advised him he ______ it. (11.9-10)


b.should save

c.would save

d.was saving

6  He ______ to the sweet shop when he dropped his fifty pence. (11.10-11)

a.had gone

b.was going to go


d.was going

7  He could not find his fifty pence anywhere ______ get his arm out. (11.12-13)

a.nor could he

b.nor he could

c.neither he could

d.either he could not

8  A lady put ______ . (11.13-14)

a.on his arm soap and butter

b.his arm on soap and butter

c.soap and butter on his arm

d.on his arm with soap and butter


9  With some children, small sums ______ . (11.3-4)

a.last a long time

b.are very durable 6

c.have far to go

d.gain in value

10  A crowd of people gathered ______ and a lady…(11.13-14)

a.on a tour

b.in turn

c.in a circle

d.in a cycle

11  George was ______ stuck. (1.14)

a.strictly 7

b.well and truly


d.by no means

12  George was not too ______ by his experience. (1.15)


b.distressed 9



  【New words and expressions】 生词和短语


v.   欣赏,感激

The poem is too difficult for me to appreciate.

I appreciate your help. = be thankful/grateful to sb.

★pocket money


beer money: 留给丈夫的零花钱

mad money: 女子留作应急之用的私房钱

green money: 美金

soft/folding money: 纸币,钞票

hard money: 硬币


adj. 节约的



n.   侄子,外甥


v.   弹起,跳起

The coin was bounced.




n.   人行道

★stick (stuck, stuck)

v.   卡住,夹住,不能再动

stick: 不能跳跃,卡住;坚持、粘贴

You must stick to your idea.

Stick the stamp on the envelop 10.

stick with: 忠实于...(=be faithful to)

His arm was stuck.


n.   旅,(消防)队

fire brigade;消防队

=fire department

=fire station


n.   润滑油


Children always appreciate small gifts of money.


Husbands always appreciate small gifts of beer money.

provide a regular supply of ... 定期地提供

provide sth.for sb/provide sb.with sth. 为某人提供某物

a source of extra income

small gifts of money

pocket money

extra income

go a long way: 可买很多东西,维持很久

The money we have will go a long way.

go a long way towards : 对...大有帮助

This will go a long way towards overcoming the difficulty.



The weather is quite warm for November.

For him,this will be an entirely 11 new hobby.

介词with…"在某一方面" (多用于二者的比较)

With some people,pleasure is more important than work.

Some people may accept that excuse,but it won't work with me.

pence: 便士(penny便士的复数:pennies)

a fifty pence: 一个五十便士的硬币

a fifty penies: 五十一便士的硬币

exchange for: 换取,以...来交换

rattle: 叮当作响=tinkle

roar: 呼啸(重点突出老虎、狮子等大动物的吼叫声)

shout at: 大喊大叫=bark at

He is grunting 12. 咕咙的,哼哼唧唧的

slam: 砰的一声

fill up: 装满



up to…表示到达目的地

towards …表示朝某个方向

She ran up to him.

She ran towards him.

(2) 表示沿着,走向更远的地方,侧重强调距离更远了

They walked up the street.

They children run up the garden path to greet their father.

(3) 系动词+up …表示消费、摧毁、彻底,光,用完

Drink up your whisky.

Eat up your vegetable.

Finish it up.

burn up

use up

(4) 表示积存,从少到多,积小成多

We must lay up some boiled food for the winter.

=store up,hold up,gather up

(5) 表示从河的上游到下游,河流入口处以上到源头的某一点

They are sailing up the Thames.

The house is up the river.

(6) 动词+up…表示包起来、封住、盖住

button up    save up

wrap up      wash up

lock up      do up

fasten up

fifty pence is small prive=fifty pence is not much to pay

s small price= not much money :并不是很多

For him,two thousand dollars is small priceto pay for it.

For me,five hundred yuan is not a small price to pay for a bicycle.

find their way there = reach 抵达,到达,找到自己的去处

Rivers find their way to the sea.

How did such a foolish statement find its way into print.

All my books have already found their way there.

advise: 建议

advise sb.to do sth.:说服某人做某事(失败的结果)

persuade sb.to do sth.:说服某人做某事(成功的结果)

instead: 相反的是

fifty pence worth of trouble: 五十便士的麻烦

系列的动词构成平行结构take off ,rolled up, push


The pencil rolled under the table

He rolled the ball towards the puppy 13.

roll up: 卷起,挽起

We will need to roll up the carpet.

what 引导的插入语

What is more important.

What is worse.

What is more.

What is rare.

gather round :聚在里面

rubbed his arm with sth.: 用...涂抹



rewarded...with: 用...来奖赏某人

Special difficulties】









  【Multiple choice questions】



3.(a) have sth.done     get sth.out of

4.(b) plenty仅用于肯定句中

5.(b) advise sb.to do sth.

advise sb.that...


I advise my students that they should read English for mroe than an hour.


如果句中的when表达的概念是"就在这时"、"恰恰这时"、"正当此时"、 那么其前的主句结构往往采用进行时态

doning sth. ... when

7.(a)  "也不": neither/nor(用于句首句子必须倒装)

8.(c)  put sth.+(prep.)


durable: 持久的,耐久的


in turn :轮流地

cycle: 周期循环

circle: 圆圈,环状物

draw a circle,the cycle of the seasons

11.(b) well and truly: completely

Tom was well and truly drunk.

by no means: 无论如何决不

(in no way,on no account,in no sense)


They look at each other embarrassed

Please don't distress 8 yourself.

He was most distressed to hear the sad news.

1 rattle
  • The baby only shook the rattle and laughed and crowed.孩子只是摇着拨浪鼓,笑着叫着。
  • She could hear the rattle of the teacups.她听见茶具叮当响。
2 thrifty
  • Except for smoking and drinking,he is a thrifty man.除了抽烟、喝酒,他是个生活节俭的人。
  • She was a thrifty woman and managed to put aside some money every month.她是个很会持家的妇女,每月都设法存些钱。
3 grease
  • He puts grease on his hair to make It'shiny.他往头发上擦油,使之发亮。
  • You have a grease spot on your shirt.你的衬衣上有块油斑。
4 decided
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
5 greased
  • Iron corrodes unless it is greased or kept clean. 如果不涂油或保持清洁铁便会腐蚀。
  • I greased front and rear hubs and adjusted the brakes. 我在前后轮毂上都抹了润滑油,还调校了刹车。
6 durable
  • This raincoat is made of very durable material.这件雨衣是用非常耐用的料子做的。
  • They frequently require more major durable purchases.他们经常需要购买耐用消费品。
7 strictly
  • His doctor is dieting him strictly.他的医生严格规定他的饮食。
  • The guests were seated strictly in order of precedence.客人严格按照地位高低就座。
8 distress
  • Nothing could alleviate his distress.什么都不能减轻他的痛苦。
  • Please don't distress yourself.请你不要忧愁了。
9 distressed
  • He was too distressed and confused to answer their questions. 他非常苦恼而困惑,无法回答他们的问题。
  • The news of his death distressed us greatly. 他逝世的消息使我们极为悲痛。
10 envelop
  • All combine to form a layer of mist to envelop this region.织成一层烟雾又笼罩着这个地区。
  • The dust cloud will envelop the planet within weeks.产生的尘云将会笼罩整个星球长达几周。
11 entirely
  • The fire was entirely caused by their neglect of duty. 那场火灾完全是由于他们失职而引起的。
  • His life was entirely given up to the educational work. 他的一生统统献给了教育工作。
12 grunting
  • He pulled harder on the rope, grunting with the effort. 他边用力边哼声,使出更大的力气拉绳子。
  • Pigs were grunting and squealing in the yard. 猪在院子里哼哼地叫个不停。
13 puppy
  • You must school your puppy to obey you.你要训练你的小狗服从你。
  • Their lively puppy frisks all over the house.他们的小狗在屋里到处欢快地蹦跳。
标签: 新概念 第三册