时间:2019-02-18 作者:英语课 分类:英语口语


1. low on cash 缺钱花;

2. poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗;

3. dirt-poor 灰常的穷;

4. working poor 穷忙一族呀;

5. live from paycheck to paycheck 月光族;

6. Max out my credit 1 card 刷爆了我的信用卡;

7. be broke 破产了,身无分文了。

8. live from hand to mouth 勉强糊口

  • I credit him with a certain amount of sense.我认为他有一定的见识。
  • He got the credit,and we did the dirty work.他得荣誉,我们做不讨好的工作。
标签: 口语