时间:2019-02-18 作者:英语课 分类:阅读空间


 20 Simple but Powerful Life Changes

Small, simple life changes can be powerful. Implementing 2 some of these changes can literally 3 change your entire life.

How do you change? Take on one change at a time, and go slowly. Implement 1 each change consistently so that it becomes a habit. Don’t do too much too fast.
What follows is a list of changes that are simple, yet incredibly powerful. Some are obvious and some aren’t. I hope they serve as reminders 4 of useful changes.
1. Walk daily
We humans aren’t supposed to be sedentary human beings. We are born to run, but even more so to walk.
Walking every day is good for your physical health. But more importantly, it’s good for your mind. Walking is a joy. You are outside without distractions 5. You may even see people. And there’s few better ways to boast your mood.
2. Wake early
If you asked me what’s the best change you can make this instance, I would say “wake early.” The early morning is peaceful – there are no interruptions and no noise. You can wakeup and go for a walk. You can meditate 6. And you can create.
And waking early is the most productive thing I’ve ever done. I often get more work done in a couple hours in the morning than during the entire day.
3. Eat less
Many of us overeat. Let’s stop. Eat slowly, and eat until you’re full. Eat so that your belly 7 doesn’t bulge 8.
4. Stop watching, start doing
Watching is easy. Anyone can watch someone. Spectating isn’t inherently bad, but I believe we do too much of it. Instead of watching, do something. Or better yet, create something great.
5. Go slowly
Our culture tells us to go fast, to sprint 9 and win the race. Problem is, the race never ends. When you choose to go slowly, you are choosing peace and happiness.
6. Declutter
Clutter 10 whether mental, physical, or virtual takes a toll 11. The only way to get rid of clutter is to get rid of stuff. Deal with bad thoughts and be done with them. Delete unneeded files. And get rid of unnecessary items.
Then when you feel like adding something, ask yourself if it’s necessary. For the most part, it will just contribute to clutter.
7. Become stronger
There are many ways you can become stronger. You can refuse to back down because of fear. You can stand up for what’s right. And you can become physically 12 stronger.
All do one thing, increase your confidence. Gradually become stronger, and the world will open up.
8. Drink water
Often, I used to feel like crap just because I wasn’t hydrated. Drink water, and it will make you feel better. Soda 13 and most other drinks often make you feel worse.
Drink water and only water (besides maybe some tea or coffee). Drink it with meals and drink it throughout the day.
9. Meditate
The incredible benefits of meditation 14 are well-known. But most people don’t practice it because it seems complicated. The truth is, you don’t need to shave your head, or sit with crossed legs to meditate.
The simplest way to meditate is to just sit and breathe. Focus on your breathe. Or focus on the sounds around you.
10. Let go of expectations
Expectations are completely pointless. Try it for yourself: think of how something will be in advance. Most of the time your expectations aren’t met or are exceeded. Or your expectations create negative results.
Live without expectations, and you won’t be disappointed. You won’t have to worry about things you can’t control. You will just flow and accept things as they are.
11. Live in the moment
The past is yesterday and the future is later. The present is the only time we are truly living.
So instead of analyzing 15 the past or worrying about the future, live in the moment.
12. Forget goals
Goals look nice on paper. They provide order to your life. They aren’t necessarily counter-productive – people have done great things using goals.
However, I think they’re useless. Instead of focusing on a goal, focus on the moment. Do things that you love, and do things well right now. This will get you farther than an arbitrary thing  that you can check off.
13. Focus on what’s important
Too often, I used to let the little things get in the way. Now I forget the trivial and focus on what’s important.
What is important? It’s up to you. Family, writing, reading, and playing soccer are all important to me. I clear away distractions and do the important things.
14. Change things up
A routine can make you a zombie. Instead, change things. Often you will find that a change makes things more exciting.
Don’t be afraid to change things up.
15. Wait before you buy
Often we think we need something, but it ends up in the basement – unused. Before you buy something, wait a month. If you still believe it to be useful, then you can but it.
Understand that every time you purchase something, the cost is more than just monetary 16. You are taking on this item. You must put it somewhere, you must protect it, and you must maintain it.
16. Stop judging
Judging is easy. It’s also stupid. It’s impossible to fully 17 understand others. You don’t know what they’ve been through.
So why do we judge? It’s harmful to your own peace, and it’s harmful to others.
17. Stop interrupting
Let people finish their sentence. You aren’t in such a hurry that you need to interrupt.
Let people speak. You might learn something.
18. Create
Everyone has something they can add to the world – something they can create. Spend time everyday creating. You are capable of creating something life-changing – even if it only helps one person.
19. Single-task
Multi-tasking is a myth. We can’t multi-task – our brain can only switch between two tasks. So multi-tasking is actually less productive; not to mention stressful.
Instead, focus on a single task. Move on when it’s finished.
20. Play
We are too serious. Laugh and goof 18 off sometimes. Forget being judged, and let loose.
We aren’t so different from children – only we try to hide our play. Forget maturity 19. Forget working for now. Play. Enjoy life.

  • Don't undertake a project unless you can implement it.不要承担一项计划,除非你能完成这项计划。
  • The best implement for digging a garden is a spade.在花园里挖土的最好工具是铁锹。
v.实现( implement的现在分词 );执行;贯彻;使生效
  • -- Implementing a comprehensive drug control strategy. ――实行综合治理的禁毒战略。 来自汉英非文学 - 白皮书
  • He was in no hurry about implementing his unshakable principle. 他并不急于实行他那不可动摇的原则。 来自辞典例句
  • He translated the passage literally.他逐字逐句地翻译这段文字。
  • Sometimes she would not sit down till she was literally faint.有时候,她不走到真正要昏厥了,决不肯坐下来。
n.令人回忆起…的东西( reminder的名词复数 );提醒…的东西;(告知该做某事的)通知单;提示信
  • The film evokes chilling reminders of the war. 这部电影使人们回忆起战争的可怕场景。
  • The strike has delayed the mailing of tax reminders. 罢工耽搁了催税单的投寄。
n.使人分心的事[人]( distraction的名词复数 );娱乐,消遣;心烦意乱;精神错乱
  • I find it hard to work at home because there are too many distractions. 我发觉在家里工作很难,因为使人分心的事太多。
  • There are too many distractions here to work properly. 这里叫人分心的事太多,使人无法好好工作。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • It is important to meditate on the meaning of life.思考人生的意义很重要。
  • I was meditating,and reached a higher state of consciousness.我在冥想,并进入了一个更高的意识境界。
  • The boss has a large belly.老板大腹便便。
  • His eyes are bigger than his belly.他眼馋肚饱。
  • The apple made a bulge in his pocket.苹果把他口袋塞得鼓了起来。
  • What's that awkward bulge in your pocket?你口袋里那块鼓鼓囊囊的东西是什么?
n.短距离赛跑;vi. 奋力而跑,冲刺;vt.全速跑过
  • He put on a sprint to catch the bus.他全速奔跑以赶上公共汽车。
  • The runner seemed to be rallied for a final sprint.这名赛跑者似乎在振作精神作最后的冲刺。
  • The garage is in such a clutter that we can't find anything.车库如此凌乱,我们什么也找不到。
  • We'll have to clear up all this clutter.我们得把这一切凌乱的东西整理清楚。
  • The hailstone took a heavy toll of the crops in our village last night.昨晚那场冰雹损坏了我们村的庄稼。
  • The war took a heavy toll of human life.这次战争夺去了许多人的生命。
  • He was out of sorts physically,as well as disordered mentally.他浑身不舒服,心绪也很乱。
  • Every time I think about it I feel physically sick.一想起那件事我就感到极恶心。
  • She doesn't enjoy drinking chocolate soda.她不喜欢喝巧克力汽水。
  • I will freshen your drink with more soda and ice cubes.我给你的饮料重加一些苏打水和冰块。
  • This peaceful garden lends itself to meditation.这个恬静的花园适于冥想。
  • I'm sorry to interrupt your meditation.很抱歉,我打断了你的沉思。
v.分析;分析( analyze的现在分词 );分解;解释;对…进行心理分析n.分析
  • Analyzing the date of some socialist countries presents even greater problem s. 分析某些社会主义国家的统计数据,暴露出的问题甚至更大。 来自辞典例句
  • He undoubtedly was not far off the mark in analyzing its predictions. 当然,他对其预测所作的分析倒也八九不离十。 来自辞典例句
  • The monetary system of some countries used to be based on gold.过去有些国家的货币制度是金本位制的。
  • Education in the wilderness is not a matter of monetary means.荒凉地区的教育不是钱财问题。
  • The doctor asked me to breathe in,then to breathe out fully.医生让我先吸气,然后全部呼出。
  • They soon became fully integrated into the local community.他们很快就完全融入了当地人的圈子。
  • We goofed last week at the end of our interview with singer Annie Ross.上周我们采访歌手安妮·罗斯,结果到快结束时犯了个愚蠢的错误。
  • You will never be good students so long as you goof around.如果你们成天游手好闲,就永远也成不了好学生。
  • These plants ought to reach maturity after five years.这些植物五年后就该长成了。
  • This is the period at which the body attains maturity.这是身体发育成熟的时期。
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