时间:2019-02-12 作者:英语课 分类:职场英文口语


   Anna, if you 'show someone the ropes' it means you explain to someone how to do the job. 安娜,如果你要“show someone the ropes”就意味着要指导某人工作。

  You'll be great at that.Oh I see. 你没问题的。我懂了。
  Well I might know what to do but I'm no good at explaining it to someone else. 我可能知道怎么做,但我不擅长解释给别人听。
  Well the best way is to start at the beginning. 最好的方式是从头开始。
  Why not suggest to her to 'watch what I do', or give her some of your tasks and say 'please could you make a start on these?'  你可以建议她看你是怎么做的。或者把你手边的一些工作交给她做,并说你可以从这里开始吗?
  and then reassure 1 her by saying 'I'm here to help so please ask me if you need to know what to do.' 然后像她保证,如果你有任何不懂的地方,尽管问我。
  Good luck.Thanks!So Denise, it's nice to have you back, how's your new desk? 祝你好运。谢谢。丹尼斯,很高兴你能回来,新办公桌怎么样?
  Much bigger than my old one – and look, it goes up…. and down.Yes it does. 比我过去的大多了,看,它还能上下移动。没错。
  OK, shall we make a start then and I'll show you the ropes. 好了,我们可以开始了,我来指导你。
  Oh yes Anna, of course Anna.Do I need to use the phone? 是的,安娜,当然了。我要用电话吗?
  I reckon 2 you're quite experienced with the phone already Denise! 我认为你在使用电话上已经很有经验了,丹尼斯。

  • This seemed to reassure him and he continued more confidently.这似乎使他放心一点,于是他更有信心地继续说了下去。
  • The airline tried to reassure the customers that the planes were safe.航空公司尽力让乘客相信飞机是安全的。
  • Don't reckon upon your relatives to help you out of trouble.不要指望你的亲戚会帮助你摆脱困境。
  • I reckon that he is rather too old to marry again.我认为他的年龄太大,不太适于再婚。
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