时间:2018-12-27 作者:英语课 分类:英语早间课堂

上回我们说到了a hen party,用“母鸡的聚会”来比喻为“女人的聚会”,尤指年轻女孩将要告别单身生活而邀请其女性朋友参加的聚会。那么,昨天精神萎靡的单身男性听众朋友,今天要说的这个聚会可是属于你们男性朋友的聚会哦,是个什么样的说法呢?
例句-1:The groom 1 was late for the wedding because he drank to much at the bachelor party his friend gave for him.
例句-2:In some wester societies, some bridegrooms usually take part in bachelor parties before the wedding ceremony.
接招:在我们刚才听到的2个例句中,我们都可以听到同一个词语:a bachelor party。短语中的bachelor是单身汉,独身男子的意思,party是指聚会。A bachelor party的英文解释为:
A bachelor party is a party held for a man shortly before he enters marriage, to celebrate his "last night of freedom" or merely to spend time with his male friends, who are often at his wedding party afterwards. A bachelor party is usually planned by the best man or other friends of the groom, occasionally 2, with the assistance 3 of a bachelor party planning company。
从以上英文解释中,我们可以知道a bachelor party是什么样的party。它是指:为一位男子即将结婚而举办的一次晚会,举办这次晚会的目的是庆祝他还有最后一个晚上的自由时间或者就是和将出席他结婚典礼的男性朋友呆在一起。我们还可以知道a bachelor party是如何举行的。它通常是由新郎最好的男性朋友操持计划,有时候也在由单身聚会公司的援助下操持。简而言之,a bachelor party是指男人告别单身日子的聚会。在不同的国家这样的聚会有这不同的说法,例如:
In Ireland, it's called a stag party, stag night or stag do. In South Africa, it's called a bull's party. In Australia it's called a buck's party or buck's night.
那么,在爱尔兰,这样的聚会称为a stag party,stag night或者是stag do。Stag是雄性动物,是“雄鹿”的意思,比喻“男人”。因此它的引申义有:只限男士参加的聚会,不带异性伴侣参加的聚会者。而在南非了,这样的聚会称为a bull's party。Bull是“公牛”的意思,也是雄性动物,比喻“男性”。作为俚语,它还有“警察”(policeman)的意思。而在澳大利亚了,这样的聚会称为abuck's party或者是buck's night。Buck是“雄鹿”“雄兔”,也是雄性动物,比喻“年轻男子”。
好,亲爱的朋友们,我们今天的这招说聚会——a bachelor party,是指男人告别独生生活的聚会。我们还知道了这样的聚会在不同的国家有着不同的说法。关于这个话题的学习的我们今天暂告一个段落,明天继续。

1 groom
  • His father was a groom.他父亲曾是个马夫。
  • George was already being groomed for the top job.为承担这份高级工作,乔治已在接受专门的培训。
2 occasionally
  • He went on talking,occasionally wiping at his face with a towel.他继续说着,偶尔用毛巾擦一下脸。
  • I like playing football best,but occasionally I play table tennis,too.我最喜欢踢足球,偶尔也打打乒乓球。
3 assistance
  • She called and called but no one came to her assistance.她叫了又叫,但没有人来帮。
  • He will get the great possible assistance.他将获得尽可能大的帮助。