时间:2018-12-03 作者:英语课 分类:英语早间课堂

Good morning, all my dear listener. Welcome to my class in the morning. I’m Juliet. A saying goes, “An hour in the morning is worth two hours in the evening.” So, I hope we can spend a wonderful and meaningful time here.
We have a somewhat 1 rude and curt 2 way of asking if someone understood something clearly. Guess what it is. Let’s listen to the following minisituational dialogueto get the answer.
(Scene:It happens between two good friends.)
A:Sara, why don’t you ever talk to me.
B:Because you are loser. I don’t like you. Get the message?
Have you got the answer? It is a short sentence——Get the message?It means “Do you understand what I said?” It’s similar to saying in Chinese——听懂什么话了吗?“Loser” in this dialogue means”who is defeated in a competition”. Do remember this phrase”talk to sb”. Here is an relative phrase——talk to sb about sth.
Let’s see another mini situational dialogue.
(Scene:It happens between two co-workers.)
A:Have you seen Jenna around the office recently?
B:Why do you ask it over and over. She had an accident and is in hospital. Get my message so far?
Here, “over and over” means “repeatedly, again and again”. “To have an accident” means “to overtake 3 an unpleasant even that causes sb some damage, injury, and so on”.
If you ask someone a confused matter, he is kinda rude and curt, saying this word, “Get the message?” to you, you could say in this way to become psychologically 4 balanced:Don’t you see it is your fault. You didn’t make yourself clear.

1 somewhat
  • The cake we made was somewhat of a failure.我们做的蛋糕不大成功。
  • The two office buildings are somewhat alike in appearance.这两座办公楼在外形上有点相似。
2 curt
  • He gave me an extremely curt answer.他对我作了极为草率的答复。
  • He rapped out a series of curt commands.他大声发出了一连串简短的命令。
3 overtake
  • I had to walk very fast to overtake you.我不得不快走才能赶过你。
  • No one could overtake him.没有人能超过他。
4 psychologically
  • This explanation fits the facts and is psychologically plausible. 这一解释与事实相符,从心理角度看也有理。
  • Boys mature more slowly than girls,both physically and psychologically. 在生理和心理上,男孩比女孩成熟得晚些。