时间:2019-01-18 作者:英语课 分类:生活英语听力文章


 Hi!everybody, this is Tod Smith with Little Things Matter.The Title of today's lesson is Don’t Wish You Could Rewind the Clock 大家好。我是托德·史密斯为您讲述“小事业重要”。今天课程的题目是不要奢望时间能够倒退

I often hear people say, “I wish I could do that over again.” Or “I feel so bad about what happened; I wish I had never said anything.” 我常常听到人们这样说,“我真希望我能重新做一次”或者“对于已经发生的事我很伤心,我希望我从来没有说过那样的话”。
Or “I wish I had never made that investment.” Or “I wish I had never dated that person.” 或者“我真希望我从来没有做过那个投资”。或者“我希望我从来没有和那人约会过”。
When you make these types of statements you are wishing you had done something differently. 如果你也做过这样的陈述,那说明你对之前做过的事情有不一样的看法了。
Like all of these people, I have done some stupid things. I have said irresponsible things that damaged relationships. 像所有其他人那样,我做过很多愚蠢的事情。我说过不负责任的话伤害了我的人际关系。
I have handled myself inappropriately in business settings. I have thrown eggs at people’s homes and snowballs at cars. 在商业领域里我没有合适的对待自己。我向人家家里扔鸡蛋,车上扔雪球。
I have drunk too much. I have done drugs. I have made terrible investments and lost millions of dollars. I have lied to people. 我酗酒。我吸毒。我做过可怕的投资损失了百万美元。我对其他人撒谎。
I have acted like a fool. I have been disrespectful to others. 我表现的像个傻子。我对他人不敬。
The fact is—and I am not proud to say—that just about any bad thing you have done, it’s possible that I may have done that, too. 我很不光彩的说,事实就是所有你们做过的坏事情我都可能做过。
Of all the unwise things I have done, there are some that have scarred me for life and I think about these more than others. 在所有我做过的不明智的事情里,有些在我的人生中留下了伤疤并且我比他人更可能回想起这些。
In fact, I will likely think about them the rest of my life no matter how much I try not to think of them. 事实上在我余生中我很可能会想到它们无论我多么努力不去想这些事情。
While I no longer allow them to impact my emotions, I will not be able to erase 1 them from my memory. 虽然不能把它们从记忆中抹去,然而我不会容许它们去影响我的情感。你有像这样的事情吗?
Let me ask you, Do you have times like this? Are there things in your past that you continue to think about? 让我来问问你,你有过这种时候吗?你有总是回想起的过去发生的事情吗?
A couple weeks ago I was thinking about something I wish I had never done. 几周前我还在回想我希望从来没有做过的事情。
I then started thinking, if I could rewind the clock and do some things differently, would I? 然后我就开始想,是否我能让时间倒退重新去做一些事,我可以吗?
After a long walk contemplating 2 this notion, I determined 3 I would not want to go back and do something differently. 在经过一长段的边走边深思这个念头后,我觉定我不想回到过去把事情用不一样的方式再做一遍。
My conclusion was that everything that has happened to me has happened for a reason. 我的结论是发生在我身上的每个事情都有要发生的原因。
I determined that, no matter how painful something has been, the experience has taught me a lesson and contributed to making me the person I am today. 我确定无论已经发生的事情带来了怎样的痛苦,这个过程教会了我一课并且助我成为今天的我。
This is not to say that I am totally happy with my life and who I am. I am scarred. I have warts 4. I am far from perfect. I still do things I regret. 这并不是说我对我的人生和现在的我十分满意。我已经留疤了,有了瑕疵。我离完美很远。我仍旧会做我后悔的事情。
As I look at some of my most painful lessons that I will likely never forget, they are the lessons that have played a huge role in forming my beliefs. 当我回顾我以前最惨痛的或许将是永远难以忘怀的教训时,我发现是它们让我形成了现在的价值观。
Saying something stupid to someone and hurting them has made me more careful with what I say to others. 对别人说过的愚蠢的伤人的话让我变得与别人交谈时更加小心。
Each bad investment I have made has influenced my investment criteria 5 and made me wiser. 我做的每一次不明智的投资有损我的投资水准都让我变得更加明智。
I have some things on my list that may not have played a major role in the person I have become and I wish I had never done them, but they are done. 在我的清单上有一些可能没有对形成今天的我起到作用并且我希望它从没发生过,但它们确实存在的事情。
The fact is, I can’t turn back the clock and neither can you. 事实是我不可能时光倒流,你也不能。
There is no such thing as a Fairy Godmother or a Genie 6 in a Bottle who can make our wishes come true. 世上没有帮我们梦想成真的仙女圣母或瓶中精灵这样的事情。

  • He tried to erase the idea from his mind.他试图从头脑中抹掉这个想法。
  • Please erase my name from the list.请把我的名字从名单上擦去。
深思,细想,仔细考虑( contemplate的现在分词 ); 注视,凝视; 考虑接受(发生某事的可能性); 深思熟虑,沉思,苦思冥想
  • You're too young to be contemplating retirement. 你考虑退休还太年轻。
  • She stood contemplating the painting. 她站在那儿凝视那幅图画。
  • I have determined on going to Tibet after graduation.我已决定毕业后去西藏。
  • He determined to view the rooms behind the office.他决定查看一下办公室后面的房间。
n.疣( wart的名词复数 );肉赘;树瘤;缺点
  • You agreed to marry me, warts and all! 是你同意和我结婚的,我又没掩饰缺陷。 来自辞典例句
  • Talk about trying to cure warts with spunk-water such a blame fool way as that! 用那样糊涂蛋的方法还谈什么仙水治疣子! 来自英汉文学 - 汤姆历险
  • The main criterion is value for money.主要的标准是钱要用得划算。
  • There are strict criteria for inclusion in the competition.参赛的标准很严格。
  • Now the genie of his darkest and weakest side was speaking.他心灵中最阴暗最软弱的部分有一个精灵在说话。
  • He had to turn to the Genie of the Ring for help.他不得不向戒指神求助。
标签: 生活英语
a toe in the door
access adit
acute toxic encephalitis
asteroid bodies
auxiliary resources
basin-and-range province
battles of atlanta
beaded reducing tee
Benwee Hd.
chaparral broom
circular chaser
contamination by coal ash
critical nuclide
crystal report
double sided disk
drop of potential
duck down
duplex calculating
electrostriction material
forest management rules
frequency response error
full set negotiable bill of lading
genus Leucocytozoan
half horizontal killer
hemicera nakamurai
Hydra metal
include out
industry progress
intraesophageal pressure
leucauge liui
logical procedure diagram
main squeeze
methyl chloroformate
multicentre reaction
mustard-gas poisoning
nordenskioeldite (nordenskioeldine)
nt server
Old Contemptibles
oppose oneself to sth
optical wedge
paradise jasper
physical aggression
pinch bars
production specification
rami colli
real demand
red sector
regular neighbourhood
remote communication console
road roller
short-wave band
similarity method
Six of one
slow Geiger-Muller tube
strontia process
submersible oil boom
test tube holder
travel(l)ing clock
tubing pressure
variable end-point problem
Vena aqueductus cochleae
virtual storage management
wood cutter
workflow language