时间:2019-01-18 作者:英语课 分类:生活英语听力文章


 April 四月

Top 33 Email Tips—Few people really take pride in their email communication. 最高33电子邮件提示,很少有人真的以信函交流自豪。
Those who do stand out as people who understand and recognize the importance of written communication. 那些能理解和认识到书面交流的重要性的人总是引人注目的。
(These tips were later included in a report titled, 49 Ways to Improve Your Email Brand.) (后来在一份报告中出现了这些技巧的标题,49中方法来提高你的电子邮件交流水平)
Top 10 Phone Tips—Do you form opinions of people based on how they sound over the phone? 十大手机技巧,你是否对听到他们在电话中的声音而有意见?
Because people cannot see us through the phone, they form opinions based not only on “what” we say but also on “how” we say it. 因为人们不能认清电话中的自己,它形成的意见不仅基于我们说“什么”,而且还在我们“如何”说。
This post will help you improve your phone skills. 这篇文字会帮助你提高你的电话技巧。
May 五月
36 Ways to Make a Positive Impression in Less Than 10 Seconds—What surprised me about this one is that I didn’t think a post with 36 short points would be popular. 36六种少于十秒的方法给人留下好的印象,使我惊讶是,我不认为一篇文章36短点会受欢迎。
Boy, was I wrong! 1330 people on Facebook have shared this post with their friends. 男孩,是我的错!1330人在脸盆网上和他们的朋友分享这篇文章。
Sometimes Five Seconds Is All it Takes—A simple, but powerful story reinforced the fact that when you show an interest in people and the things that are important to them, 有时,它需要五秒,一个简单的方法,通过一个有说服力的故事增强真实性,那就是你给他们分享一个对他们很重要并且有趣的事情,
they will show an interest in you and the things that are important to you. Five seconds is often all it takes. 他们同样会分享给你一件有趣并对你重要的事。这通常只需要五秒。
June 六月
25 Unexpected Ways to Make Someone’s Day—When was the last time someone did something unexpected to brighten your day? 25种意想不到的方式给人带来别样的一天。上次一个人给你带来意外惊喜的一天是什么时候?
How did you feel about that person? When you do things for people that are unexpected, you are making a large deposit into your Relationship Bank Account. 你对这个人感觉如何?当你为别人做一些意想不到的事情时,你是在你的人际关系银行中做了一个很大的存款。
This was one of the top five posts of the year. 这是今年帖子中的前五分之一。
The Value of a Mastermind Team—Napoleon Hill said, “No two minds ever come together without a third invisible force, which may be likened to a ‘third mind.’ 一个策划团队的价值,拿破仑希尔说,“从来没有两个头脑加在一起没有第三个力量大的情况,这两个可以比作一个“第三”思想。
When a group of individual minds are coordinated and function in harmony, the increased energy created through that alliance becomes available to every individual in the group.” 当一个组织中每个人的思想是协调的,力量是和谐的,这种通过联合组织中的每个人可以创造更大的力量。”
July 七月
Happiness is a Choice—The research coming out on “Happiness” supports the fact that, for most of us, happiness is a choice. 幸福是一种选择,研究出来的“幸福”和事实中的是一致的。对我们中的大多数人来说,幸福是一种选择。
Just as you choose to put maple syrup on your pancakes because it makes them taste better, you can choose to be happy because of how it makes you feel. 就像你选择吧糖枫汁放在你的薄烤饼上一样,因为那样吃起来很好吃,你可以选择幸福,因为它是你的感觉。
Taking a Good Look in the Mirror of Truth—I asked each of my children to write a guest post this past year. 好好照照镜子中的真理,我在过去的一年里让我的孩子去写的一篇文章。
Jessica, my daughter-in-law, wrote this powerful lesson on personal character that will make you stop and think. 杰西卡,我的合法女儿,写这个人格性格上的强大教训的文章会使你停止并去思考。
August 八月
10 Ways to Make People Feel Good—This is a powerful post. It’s more than just a post listing 10 simple things you can do to make someone feel good. 10种让人们感觉很好的方法,这是一篇有力量的文章。它是超过十件简单的小事情,可以让你使别人感觉很好。
You will learn that when you focus on others, you make a positive difference in two lives—yours and the person with whom you interact. 你会学到,当你关注别人时,你创造出两种不同的积极的生活方式,你和你关注的这个人相互影响造成的。
The Compound Effect—My friend Darren Hardy, publisher of “Success Magazine” wrote this book. 复合的效果,我的朋友达伦·哈迪,写了并出版了“成功杂志”这本书。
I was so impressed that I summarized some of the most important lessons in his book. 我对它是如此的印象深刻以至于我总结了这本说中的重要的课程。
I am not sure if it was Darren’s book or my summary of it that made this post so popular. 我不确定是达伦的书还是我的总结,使这篇文章如此受欢迎。

标签: 生活英语
abstract method error
affirmative easement
algol compiler algol
antispalling agent
armature-circuit loss
arsenical purite
blood cake
brunch coats
burgundy sauces
clock impulse
columbous compound
contour effects
counter type superconduction magnetometer
czech monetary units
double-blade auger
dubbed version
external glomerulus
extra special quality steel cable
frighten the pants off
fueling consumption
Garcinia tetralata
got the run of
higil strength cast iron
hydraulic telescopic spreader
hypothalamic nucleus
image doubling
improving inspiration by invigorating the kidney
indanthrene golden orange
intermediate sugar
Jade Mines
key verification code
labor control system
lake stage
laser grooving
Man. R.
mesonephric vesicle
monkey-faced owl
near-field microscope
net size
Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol
numerical control system
oophoritis parotidea
output linkage
parent record
parsons brass
planetary-gravity wave
power industry
radio communication
range of maturity
Reichert's methods
rigid wheel base of steam locomotive
Rosario Strait
Security Enhanced Linux
single-row radial thrust ball bearing
sliver to yarn spinning
slope safety factor
solid polyethylene insulation
sparta (sparti)
steam hose connection
subaquatic delta
ten-storey office block
The dogs bark,but the caravan goes on.
Toxoplasma cuniculi
trough line orientation
untainted market
Vel cro
xylopia aethiopicas