时间:2018-12-02 作者:英语课 分类:标准美国英语口语


UNIT 4: Talking About What One Needs?

61. I am hungry and thirsty. I need a hamburger and a large glass of orange juice.

62. It's so hot, he needs shorts not long pants.

63. It's so cold, she needs a warm fur hat and scarf.

64. As a writer, he needs a compuer to write books.

65. I feel lonely in this strange place, I need to make new friends.

66. Since I often go around the world, I need a laptop computer.

67. Why do you need translation software?

68. Because it will make my work much easier.

69. Why does she need a brand new car?

70. She doesn't need one, but she likes to show off.

71. Why do they want a new house?

72. Because their house is too old and small.

73. Why did he need to make big money?

74. Because his wife loves to spend money.

75. Because he likes to travel around the world.

76. He is alonely, messy and cranky.

77. He needs a wife to take care of him.

78. Why does Jim need a new computer?

79. Because he wants all the up-to-date 1 bells and whistles.

80. My laptop computer needs more memory.

Floating in English: Mona and Jim.

Mona and her husband Jim live in a big, new, fancy 2 house.They have a housekeeper 3 and a cook to work for them at home.They do not have any children.

Jim is an American science fiction writer. He makes a lot of money by selling his books.But he is always under pressure to make more money, Because he buys 2 new laptops computer every year.He also loves to travel around the world.Travelling costs lots of money.

His wife Mona used to be in actress. She hates travelling.What she likes is to have the big parties at their home.She invites all the people she knows to her parties.She always needs more money to buy new clothes, a new car, new jewelry 4 and to pay for the housekeeper and the cook.Mona is also interested in politics. She knows everyone in city government. Her uncle is the mayor 5. She wants the follow in his footsteps 6.Everyone seems to like her.

CONVERSATION 1: The dialogue about Mona and Jim.

Dan:Do Mona and Jim need a new house?

Beth: No, they have a big new fancy house.

Dan:Does Jim make a lot of money?

Beth: Yes, he does. He is a science fiction writer.

Dan:Does Jim need to make more money?

Besth:Afraid so. The more the better.

Dan: What do they need all that money for?

Beth: Well, they spend it pretty quick. New clothes, new computers and new cars every year. And they’ve got a cook and housekeeper.Mona used to be an actress, she likes to spend a lot of money.

Dan: Do they have any children?

Beth: No. They want children but no luck yet.

Dan: What does Jim like to do?

Beth: Jim likes to travel around the world.That's expensive! So he tries to make a lot of money.

Dan: What does Mona like to do?

Beth: Oh, she enjoys spending money on fancy parties.Mona loves to wear sexy dresses, and she has quite a bit of jewelry.

Dan: Wow...She sounds like a high maintenance 7 wife.

Beth: I guess so. She is also interested in politics. She knows everyone in city government.

Dan: Politics can be an expensive hobby.

Beth: She is pretty serious about it. Her uncle is a mayor. She wants to follow in his footsteps.

Dan: Politics is a hard game to play.

Beth: She might do well. Everyone seems to like her.

Floating in English: Paul's family.

Paul's wife died 2 years ago. He lives in a old mobilel home with 5 children.The oldest child is 15 and the youngest is only 3 years old.They definitely 8 need a new house but Paul can't afford to buy a new one. Though his children do not go hungry, they eat too much junk food and drink too much pop. The children need a computer. Even a used one would do. Then the kids could play educational computer games.But Paul can not afford to satisfy the needs of his children.He is lonely and tired.He needs a wife to help him to take care of his 5 children.

CONVERSATION 2: A dialogue about Paul's family.

Alice: How is your Uncle Paul doing?

Beth: Not so good.

Alice: Does Paul need a new house?

Beth: Yes, he does. His trailer is too old and small.

Alice: How many children does Paul have?

Beth: He has 5 children.

Alice: What does Paul's family need?

Beth: The family needs more money. Paul doesn't make much. He works 9 as a security 10 guard.

Alice: Must be hard to make ends meet.

Beth: True enough. His relatives and friends often give them clothing.So their clothes look good.But they eat too many hamburgers and they drink too much pop.

Alice: Oh, Oh, too much junk food isn't healthy.

Beth: No. Not healthy at all..

Alice: What else do they need?

Beth: More books or magazines.The kids work pretty hard in school but they need to read more at home.They also need a computer then the kids could learn more from educational software and internet.

Alice: Can Paul afford to satisfy needs with children?

Beth: No, he can't.

Alice: Is Paul happy?

Beth: No, he's lonely and tired.

Alice: How long has it been since Paul's wife died?

Beth: 2 years.

Alice: Is he dating anyone?

Beth: No, he works a lot of overtime 11. He needs a wife to take care of him and his children.

Alice: He sure does. Good luck to your Uncle Paul.

Beth: Yes, Paul is a nice uncle. We should try to help him.

Alice: My dad has an old computer. It still works fine.He wants to give it away. I'll tell him about your uncle.

Beth: And I've got tons of softwares that I don't use anymore.

Alice:Hey, how about we take his kids to swim at the Y this summer?

Beth: Yes, that would be great! We can go 2 or 3 times a week.

Since I've got a driver's license 12, Dad’s let me go to many places with our van.

1 up-to-date
  • The car is a beauty and quite up-to-date.那辆车子很漂亮是最新款的。
  • He bought an up-to-date textbook.他买了一本最新的教科书。
2 fancy
  • He seemed to have taken quite a fancy to her.他似乎相当喜欢她。
  • I have a fancy that it's going to rain.我想大概要下雨。
3 housekeeper
  • A spotless stove told us that his mother is a diligent housekeeper.炉子清洁无瑕就表明他母亲是个勤劳的主妇。
  • She is an economical housekeeper and feeds her family cheaply.她节约持家,一家人吃得很省。
4 jewelry
  • The burglars walked off with all my jewelry.夜盗偷走了我的全部珠宝。
  • Jewelry and lace are mostly feminine belongings.珠宝和花边多数是女性用品。
5 mayor
  • The new mayor said he would clean the city up.新市长说,他要整顿本市。
  • The mayor hurried into his office,brushing off the reporters.市长赶快走进办公室,拒不接见记者。
6 footsteps
n.脚步(声),一步的距离,足迹;脚步(声)( footstep的名词复数 );一步的距离;足迹
  • the sound of footsteps on the stairs 楼梯上的脚步声
  • Their footsteps echoed in the silence. 他们的脚步声在一片寂静中回荡着。
7 maintenance
  • His small farm provides maintenance,but not much more.他的小农场能使他们维持生活,但仅此而已。
  • He has to pay maintenance to his ex-wife.他必须给前妻赡养费。
8 definitely
  • The team will definitely lose if he doesn't play.如果他不参加比赛,这个队肯定会输。
  • I shall definitely be home before six o'clock.6点以前,我一定回家。
9 works
  • We expect writers to produce more and better works.我们期望作家们写出更多更好的作品。
  • The novel is regarded as one of the classic works.这篇小说被公认为是最优秀的作品之一。
10 security
  • A security guard brought him down with a flying tackle.一名保安人员飞身把他抱倒。
  • There was tight security at the airport when the President's plane landed.总统的专机降落时,机场的保安措施很严密。
11 overtime
  • They are working overtime to finish the work.为了完成任务他们正在加班加点地工作。
  • He was paid for the overtime he worked.他领到了加班费。
12 license
  • The foreign guest has a license on the person.这个外国客人随身携带执照。
  • The driver was arrested for having false license plates on his car.司机由于使用假车牌而被捕。
anterior dorsal cartilage
astronaut's digestion
authentic mode
backwards learning
berberin, berberine
brown bank
burning rate coefficient
circumvallate papilla
clever dicks
cocktail lounges
copy-restore linkage
cut somebody off
day to day test
electronically-controlled fuel injection
elimination of tautologies
error correction code memory
fireworks night
flow-controlling gate
fluted-roller feed mechanism
free available residual chlorine
high-tension network
isomorphous crystal
judicial circles
kidneyleaf quaking aspen
liver regeneration
long-term psychotherapy
lottery experiment
marcerized cotton
mass democracy
media interface connector (mic)
menachem begins
Mendeleev Rise
minimum distance decision rule
Montego Bay
multiple branching
night sweat
petroselenic acid
phase 3 block
photospheric model
pipe-type electrostatic dust-precipitator
positive opening
pressure multipier
radiant crosslinked polyethylene
rhizophydium pollinis-pini
satellite RNA
saweds-off shotgun
second-best rationality
simple cerate
speed error value
Stearns County
surface fatigue
suturae occipitalis transversa
Team, R.
tractor trailer implement
unipapillary kidney
village industry
visual cloud pictures
walking rotary cultivator
wood stave