时间:2019-03-04 作者:英语课 分类:2015CRI中国国际广播电台


The Hong Kong government has issued a red travel alert for South Korea following the spread of MERS virus in the country.

Chief Secretary Carrie Lam:

"The Security Bureau issues a red travel alert for South Korea to facilitate the travel industry on their coordination 1 and follow-up work. I call on again that all residents should avoid non-essential travels to South Korea."

The red alert comes just one day after the government issued a separate health advice with similar wording.

Travel Industry Council executive director Joseph Tung says only a formal alert could help tour operators on refunds 2.

"Because insurance mention very clearly, if it is a red alert, then they will do some compensation. But if it is a health advice, nothing can be done. After this case, I am sure we will talk to the government, the concerned department, to see whether we can impose similar arrangement to avoid confusions."

Following the alert, all tours to South Korea this month have been cancelled in Hong Kong, affecting about 12-thousand tourists in 600 groups.

But cruise trips to the country would still go ahead as ship captains have the power to decide whether to cancel the trip or not.

Some airlines in Hong Kong have already agreed to change tickets date.

Secretary for Food and Health Dr Ko Wing-man says they will improve their work to avoid confusion in the future.

"Travel recommendation has the same effect as a red travel alert, but this time, we have established a new mechanism 3. We will consider issuing health-related security warnings especially when it is in an acute situation."

A red alert, the second highest of three levels in Hong Kong, is defined as a "significant threat" to Hong Kong residents if they travel to the country.

This is the first health-related security warning it has ever issued. The last "red" travel alert was issued for Nepal in late April, following the devastating 4 earthquake.

Other countries on the "red alert" list includes Egypt, Lebanon and Pakistan, while a higher 'black' warning is in place for Syria.

At the same time, Macau has also advised residents to avoid travel to South Korea unless absolutely necessary, and required people entering local healthcare facilities to wear masks as a precaution against MERS.

For CRI, this is Li Jing in Hong Kong.

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n.归还,偿还额,退款( refund的名词复数 )v.归还,退还( refund的第三人称单数 )
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标签: cri 中国电台