时间:2018-12-02 作者:英语课 分类:万花筒2007年

When you call in the movers in the Netherlands these days, they may show up with tug 1 boats instead of a van. The housing market in Holland is foined. Literally 2 the Dutch have a * country lies below sea level have been fighting off the water for centuries, building their massive sea defenses higher and higher, but with the prospect 3 of sea levels rising even more, they are taking a new tack 4. Instead of worrying that their homes will be swamped by the water, they are building homes design to float on it. Big homes, developers like Mark Van Ommen offer open plain living areas. Roof top dens 5 leaving onto wide decks.

This is the third floor, and leaving onto this, put this particular deck area.

Bedrooms like everything else with water views. But it's not just the lifestyle that it's appealing, this sort of home. Built in factories, essentially 6 on a big shoe bauk shape floating concrete box, can be placed in areas that are out of bounds to regular housing because of the flood risk.

There's a change within the last couple of years in Holland, twice, quite drastic, en before what you said it's fighting the water, there's more of attendance of work cooperate with the water.

Some of the homes float all the time, others normally sit on the ground, but are built on the platforms that will float up when the water comes. Across Holland, there are growing establish communities of floating homes.

The Dutch call these houses arks, like Noah's, and they perform the same function. When the flood comes, and it will though float up with it. After centuries of trying to fighting off the sea, the Dutch are finally learning to go with the float.

It's not only smart, it pays. The houses like the Wister's canalside model and the land it's moored 7 on cost what a comfortable land based home cost. And the values have like the water than rising. Not only that, what began as an environment necessity, has become a chic 8.

And we've got well-known people there from Holland, so that, they work in the movies on * whatever and they live on what we *. Loyalties 9 live in on more to a, in the last year.

So there's no shame at all obviously?

No, it's very popular, yeah.

And for a lot of reasons, becoming more popular all the time. Mark Phillips, CBS news, Amsterdam.

1 tug
  • We need to tug the car round to the front.我们需要把那辆车拉到前面。
  • The tug is towing three barges.那只拖船正拖着三只驳船。
2 literally
  • He translated the passage literally.他逐字逐句地翻译这段文字。
  • Sometimes she would not sit down till she was literally faint.有时候,她不走到真正要昏厥了,决不肯坐下来。
3 prospect
  • This state of things holds out a cheerful prospect.事态呈现出可喜的前景。
  • The prospect became more evident.前景变得更加明朗了。
4 tack
  • He is hammering a tack into the wall to hang a picture.他正往墙上钉一枚平头钉用来挂画。
  • We are going to tack the map on the wall.我们打算把这张地图钉在墙上。
5 dens
n.牙齿,齿状部分;兽窝( den的名词复数 );窝点;休息室;书斋
  • Female bears tend to line their dens with leaves or grass. 母熊往往会在洞穴里垫些树叶或草。 来自辞典例句
  • In winter bears usually hibernate in their dens. 冬天熊通常在穴里冬眠。 来自辞典例句
6 essentially
  • Really great men are essentially modest.真正的伟人大都很谦虚。
  • She is an essentially selfish person.她本质上是个自私自利的人。
7 moored
  • She bought a chic little hat.她买了一顶别致的小帽子。
  • The chic restaurant is patronized by many celebrities.这家时髦的饭店常有名人光顾。
8 loyalties
n.忠诚( loyalty的名词复数 );忠心;忠于…感情;要忠于…的强烈感情
  • an intricate network of loyalties and relationships 忠诚与义气构成的盘根错节的网络
  • Rows with one's in-laws often create divided loyalties. 与姻亲之间的矛盾常常让人两面为难。 来自《简明英汉词典》
acute laryngeal infection
analytic(al) continuation
angle datum mark
Bedloe's Island
bran muffin
bridge support
calendar workdays
Chiquinata, B.de
control panel and console
crack us
cross head
currency interest
curvature term
daisy five o'clocker
deleted representation
Dutch Guiana
employee's association
encouraging a high level of consumption
Engenho Velho, Serro do
finite shield build-up factor
floating band brake
Fortuitous Accidents
go-and-no-go gauge
Helpmann, Sir Robert
illegal procedure fault
internal input capacitance
interpreter equivalence
isoamyl sulfate
job lot costing
Koblenz, Regierungsbezirk
Lady Peel
Lamaze method of childbirth
larger tympanic spine
licorice stick
Louis Armstrong
low-tumbler-index pellet
Managed Security Service
merge pas
mirror drive cable
non supercharged engine
norsolorinic acid
off-axis ellipsoidal mirror
old man's beard
parametric inversion
parathyroid solution
physical chaos
pipe coating process
positional operator
primary marrow
Processus minores
recessus ethmolacrimalis
reconciliation of surplus
ring intensity
secondary part
ship classification society
single upright machine
situation and sequence utterances
skeleton accounts T
slackened off
slipped bank
soak ... up
st. helena i.
subject-oriented searches
Tana River
taxing guidance system
the Sabbath
to run out of steam
transparent data transfer phase
Vanderbilt Family
vital error
wheel seat