时间:2019-01-12 作者:英语课 分类:2010年VOA慢速英语(九)月


This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English.

These days, Americans worry most about an economic recovery that President Obama calls "painfully slow." But on Saturday millions will remember the day al-Qaida terrorists flew airplanes into the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington.

Another hijacked 1 plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania when passengers rebelled. Close to three thousand people died that day.

Next year will be a big anniversary, ten years since the day Americans call 9-11.

But this September eleventh comes at an uneasy time. A large number of Americans say they oppose plans to build an Islamic center near the World Trade Center site in New York.

This week attention centered on a Christian 2 minister with a small following in the state of Florida.

Reverend Terry Jones said he would mark the 9-11 anniversary by burning copies of the Quran. He said he wanted to send a message to Islamic extremists.

Reverend Terry Jones of the Dove World Outreach Center speaks to the media in Gainesville, Florida, on Friday

TERRY JONES: "We are not hateful toward Muslims. We are not aiming this at Muslims, we are aiming this at Sharia law."

His church in Gainesville has maybe fifty members. On Thursday, Mr. Jones met with a local Islamic leader in Florida and agreed to cancel the burning. He said the decision was part of an agreement to move the proposed mosque 3 in New York.

But the imam leading that project denied any such agreement. In reaction, Mr. Jones said he was not canceling the burning, but was suspending it.

Political and religious leaders around the world had condemned 4 him. The plan even led the State Department to warn American travelers to avoid places where protests might take place.

President Obama said burning Qurans could endanger American troops and invite more extremism. Defense 5 Secretary Robert Gates called Mr. Jones on Thursday to urge him to reconsider.

Administration officials called the idea of burning Qurans "un-American." But they also agreed that it would be within constitutional rights, like protesters who burn American flags. The Constitution guarantees free speech and bars the government from restricting the practice of religion.

President Obama has worked to improve relations with the Islamic world. On Thursday he extended greetings to the world's Muslims for Eid al-Fitr, the end of the holy month of Ramadan.

A memorial with pictures of some of the 343 New York City firefighters killed at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001

But many Muslim groups in the United States are limiting celebrations on Saturday because of the timing 6 of Eid and 9-11 this year. A Muslim student leader at George Washington University, for example, called on Muslim students to take part in a day of community service.

On Friday, a new study said national security agencies have not changed enough to deal with new terrorist threats against the United States.

Experts warned of a growing threat from Americans going to other countries to train and work with terrorists. At least forty-three American citizens or residents linked to militant 7 groups were charged with or convicted of terrorism crimes last year. These cases were in the United States and other countries, and were the most since 9-11.

The two former chairmen of the 9-11 Commission that investigated the attacks led the study.

And that's IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English. I'm Steve Ember.


Includes reporting by Nico Colombant, Kent Klein, Elizabeth Lee and Brian Wagner


劫持( hijack的过去式和过去分词 ); 绑架; 拦路抢劫; 操纵(会议等,以推销自己的意图)
  • The plane was hijacked by two armed men on a flight from London to Rome. 飞机在从伦敦飞往罗马途中遭到两名持械男子劫持。
  • The plane was hijacked soon after it took off. 那架飞机起飞后不久被劫持了。
  • They always addressed each other by their Christian name.他们总是以教名互相称呼。
  • His mother is a sincere Christian.他母亲是个虔诚的基督教徒。
  • The mosque is a activity site and culture center of Muslim religion.清真寺为穆斯林宗教活动场所和文化中心。
  • Some years ago the clock in the tower of the mosque got out of order.几年前,清真寺钟楼里的大钟失灵了。
  • The accused has the right to defense.被告人有权获得辩护。
  • The war has impacted the area with military and defense workers.战争使那个地区挤满了军队和防御工程人员。
  • The timing of the meeting is not convenient.会议的时间安排不合适。
  • The timing of our statement is very opportune.我们发表声明选择的时机很恰当。
  • Some militant leaders want to merge with white radicals.一些好斗的领导人要和白人中的激进派联合。
  • He is a militant in the movement.他在那次运动中是个激进人物。
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be tipsy
beneficium divisions
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Bombay mix
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bra top
broad-leaved bottletree
central sation
change of trim
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chronic suppurative abscess of bones and joints
citizen advocate
community standard
crest of beam
educational institution
Edward Teller
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file striping
Haut-Einheits Dosis
historical jurist
house analog
incompatible equations
inhomogeneous coordinates
integrate-and-dimp filter
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Labrador-Ungava Peninsula
Lautovick transfer system
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Llano Largo
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Namur, Prov.de
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NSRI (nuclear safety research index)
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Prix Renaudot
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pyruvate dehydrogenase
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rift lake
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sensible lever
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Tâmega, R.
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von karmans constant
Warren Earl Burger
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