时间:2018-12-11 作者:英语课 分类:英语灵异故事

[00:23.13]Something Lives At Jackman Trail
[00:30.64]住在Jackman Tail上的东西
[00:43.02]For a split second I thought that I had lost my mind.
[00:46.96]I had no idea if anyone else had seen it.
[00:50.62]A mere 1 second later I let loose a terrified scream
[00:54.24]that sounded in perfect unison 2 with Marc.
[00:58.12]He too had seen the creature
[01:00.50]but the two guys in the back seat were too busy goofing 3 off
[01:04.21]and hadn't seen anything.
[01:06.44]We sped out of there as fast as we could.
[01:09.49]A few miles up the road
[01:12.03]we pulled off at a gas station to calm down and get some sodas 4.
[01:16.93]Eric and Forest wanted to know why we had screamed
[01:20.42]and sped away but when we told them they just laughed at us
[01:24.72]and said we were making it up to scare them.
[01:28.05]Some people I've told this to suggest
[01:31.72]that what we saw was a wild dog,
[01:34.58]wild cat or some other animal.
[01:37.53]Others have suggested that it was a demon 5.
[01:41.29]What it was exactly I don't know
[01:43.40]and will not even attempt to explain.
[01:45.95]This happened well over ten years ago
[01:48.64]and even though I live but a few miles from Jackman Trail,
[01:53.26]I haven't been back since and will never go back.
[03:29.53]For a split second I thought that I had lost my mind.
[03:37.32]I had no idea if anyone else had seen it.
[03:43.34]A mere second later I let loose a terrified scream
[03:46.42]that sounded in perfect unison with Marc.
[03:54.39]He too had seen the creature
[03:56.71]but the two guys in the back seat were too busy goofing off
[04:00.46]and hadn't seen anything.
[04:08.43]We sped out of there as fast as we could.
[04:15.18]A few miles up the road
[04:17.10]we pulled off at a gas station to calm down and get some sodas.
[04:29.89]Eric and Forest wanted to know why we had screamed
[04:33.47]and sped away
[04:41.83]but when we told them they just laughed at us
[04:44.78]and said we were making it up to scare them.
[04:57.16]Some people I've told this to suggest
[05:00.36]that what we saw was a wild dog,
[05:03.04]wild cat or some other animal.
[05:14.79]Others have suggested that it was a demon.
[05:21.63]What it was exactly I don't know
[05:23.88]and will not even attempt to explain.
[05:31.02]This happened well over ten years ago
[05:33.48]and even though I live but a few miles from Jackman Trail,
[05:38.16]I haven't been back since and will never go back.
[06:08.44]split  裂缝
[06:13.39]split hairs
[06:17.93]a split second
[06:23.11]lose one's mind
[06:32.00]in one's (right) mind
[06:36.48]mind  心智、理智
[06:40.51]have no idea  完全不知道
[06:45.66]let loose  放出、放任
[06:49.73]let out
[06:52.24]unison  谐音、同奏、一致
[06:55.96]in unison with sb.
[07:00.86]be busy (in) doing sth.
[07:12.67]gas station  加油站
[07:15.49]service station
[07:21.13]calm down  平静下来
[07:26.99]soda  苏打、碳酸水
[07:32.44]laugh at sb.  取笑 / 嘲笑某人
[07:36.90]make up  弥补、和解、化妆、包装
[07:44.62]虚构 / 编造故事
[07:47.19]well  充分地、足足地
[07:50.99]but  仅仅、只有
[07:58.62]Happy times last but a moment.
[08:05.01]since  自此、从那以后
[08:21.71]For a split second I thought that I had lost my mind.
[08:25.42]I had no idea if anyone else had seen it.
[08:29.58]A mere second later I let loose a terrified scream
[08:32.86]that sounded in perfect unison with Marc.
[08:36.43]He too had seen the creature
[08:39.02]but the two guys in the back seat were too busy goofing off
[08:42.67]and hadn't seen anything.
[08:44.82]We sped out of there as fast as we could.
[08:48.19]A few miles up the road
[08:50.66]we pulled off at a gas station to calm down and get some sodas.
[08:55.68]Eric and Forest wanted to know why we had screamed
[08:58.98]and sped away but when we told them they just laughed at us
[09:03.37]and said we were making it up to scare them.
[09:06.78]Some people I've told this to suggest
[09:10.24]that what we saw was a wild dog,
[09:13.36]wild cat or some other animal.
[09:16.00]Others have suggested that it was a demon.
[09:19.84]What it was exactly I don't know
[09:21.89]and will not even attempt to explain.
[09:24.59]This happened well over ten years ago
[09:27.30]and even though I live but a few miles from Jackman Trail,
[09:32.04]I haven't been back since and will never go back.

1 mere
  • That is a mere repetition of what you said before.那不过是重复了你以前讲的话。
  • It's a mere waste of time waiting any longer.再等下去纯粹是浪费时间。
2 unison
  • The governments acted in unison to combat terrorism.这些国家的政府一致行动对付恐怖主义。
  • My feelings are in unison with yours.我的感情与你的感情是一致的。
3 goofing
v.弄糟( goof的现在分词 );混;打发时间;出大错
  • He should have been studying instead of goofing around last night. 他昨晚应该念书,不应该混。 来自走遍美国快乐40招
  • Why don't you just admit you're goofing off? 偷了懒就偷了赖,还不爽爽快快承认? 来自辞典例句
4 sodas
n.苏打( soda的名词复数 );碱;苏打水;汽水
  • There are plenty of sodas in the refrigerator. 冰箱里有很多碳酸饮料。 来自辞典例句
  • Two whisky and sodas, please. 请来两杯威士忌苏打。 来自辞典例句
5 demon
  • The demon of greed ruined the miser's happiness.贪得无厌的恶习毁掉了那个守财奴的幸福。
  • He has been possessed by the demon of disease for years.他多年来病魔缠身。