时间:2019-01-01 作者:英语课 分类:白鲸记


  Man and wife,they say,there open the very bottom of their souls to each other;and some old couples often lie and chat over old times till nearly morning. 

 Thus,then,in our hearts ' honeymoon,lay I and Queequeg a cosy,loving pair. 
 CHAPTER 11.Nightgown. 
 We had lain thus in bed,chatting and napping at short intervals,and Queequeg now and then affectionately throwing his brown tattooed 1 legs over mine, 
 and then drawing them back;so entirely 2 sociable 3 and free and easy were we;when,at last,by reason of our confabulations, 
 what little nappishness remained in us altogether departed,and we felt like getting up again,though day break was yet some way down the future. 
 Yes,we became very wakeful;so much so that our recumbent position began to grow wearisome, 
 and by little and little we found ourselves sitting up;the clothes well tucked around us, 
 leaning against the head board with our four knees drawn 4 up close together,and our two noses bending over them,as if our kneepans were warming pans. 
 We felt very nice and snug,the more so since it was so chilly 5 out of doors;indeed out of bed clothes too,seeing that there was no fire in the room. 
 The more so,I say,because truly to enjoy bodily warmth,some small part of you must be cold,for there is no quality in this world that is not what it is merely by contrast. 
 Nothing exists in itself.If you flatter yourself that you are all over comfortable,and have been so a long time,then you can not be said to be comfortable any more. 
 But if,like Queequeg and me in the bed,the tip of your nose or the crown of your head be slightly chilled,why then,indeed,in the general consciousness you feel most delightfully 6 and unmistakably warm. 
 For this reason a sleeping apartment should never be furnished with a fire,which is one of the luxurious 7 discomforts 8 of the rich. 
 For the height of this sort of deliciousness is to have nothing but the blanket between you and your snugness 9 and the cold of the outer air. 
 Then there you lie like the one warm spark in the heart of an arctic crystal. 
 We had been sitting in this crouching 10 manner for some time,when all at once I thought I would open my eyes;for when between sheets, 
 whether by day or by night,and whether asleep or awake,I have a way of always keeping my eyes shut,in order the more to concentrate the snugness of being in bed. 
 Because no man can ever feel his own identity aright except his eyes be closed;as if darkness were indeed the proper element of our essences, 
 though light be more congenial to our clayey part.Upon opening my eyes then, 
 and coming out of my own pleasant and self created darkness into the imposed and coarse outer gloom of the unilluminated twelve o'clock at-night, 
 I experienced a disagreeable revulsion.Nor did I at all object to the hint from Queequeg that perhaps it were best to strike a light,seeing that we were so wide awake; 
 and besides he felt a strong desire to have a few quiet puffs 11 from his Tomahawk. 

v.刺青,文身( tattoo的过去式和过去分词 );连续有节奏地敲击;作连续有节奏的敲击
  • He had tattooed his wife's name on his upper arm. 他把妻子的名字刺在上臂上。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The sailor had a heart tattooed on his arm. 那水兵在手臂上刺上一颗心。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • The fire was entirely caused by their neglect of duty. 那场火灾完全是由于他们失职而引起的。
  • His life was entirely given up to the educational work. 他的一生统统献给了教育工作。
  • Roger is a very sociable person.罗杰是个非常好交际的人。
  • Some children have more sociable personalities than others.有些孩子比其他孩子更善于交际。
  • All the characters in the story are drawn from life.故事中的所有人物都取材于生活。
  • Her gaze was drawn irresistibly to the scene outside.她的目光禁不住被外面的风景所吸引。
  • I feel chilly without a coat.我由于没有穿大衣而感到凉飕飕的。
  • I grew chilly when the fire went out.炉火熄灭后,寒气逼人。
  • The room is delightfully appointed. 这房子的设备令人舒适愉快。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • The evening is delightfully cool. 晚间凉爽宜人。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • This is a luxurious car complete with air conditioning and telephone.这是一辆附有空调设备和电话的豪华轿车。
  • The rich man lives in luxurious surroundings.这位富人生活在奢侈的环境中。
n.不舒适( discomfort的名词复数 );不愉快,苦恼
  • Travellers in space have to endure many discomforts in their rockets. 宇宙旅行家不得不在火箭中忍受许多不舒适的东西 来自《用法词典》
  • On that particular morning even these discomforts added to my pleasure. 在那样一个特定的早晨,即使是这种种的不舒适也仿佛给我增添了满足感。 来自辞典例句
  • The transition from the terminal's warm snugness to the harshness of the night outside was startling. 从温暖舒适的机场大楼进入室外的风雪之夜,真是触目惊心的转变。 来自辞典例句
v.屈膝,蹲伏( crouch的现在分词 )
  • a hulking figure crouching in the darkness 黑暗中蹲伏着的一个庞大身影
  • A young man was crouching by the table, busily searching for something. 一个年轻人正蹲在桌边翻看什么。 来自汉英文学 - 散文英译
n.吸( puff的名词复数 );(烟斗或香烟的)一吸;一缕(烟、蒸汽等);(呼吸或风的)呼v.使喷出( puff的第三人称单数 );喷着汽(或烟)移动;吹嘘;吹捧
  • We sat exchanging puffs from that wild pipe of his. 我们坐在那里,轮番抽着他那支野里野气的烟斗。 来自辞典例句
  • Puffs of steam and smoke came from the engine. 一股股蒸汽和烟雾从那火车头里冒出来。 来自辞典例句
标签: 白鲸记
aerobic walking
aisle seats
alternative agriculture
banker bill
be deep in thought
broadcasting station of time signal
browns test
carnlough b.
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centroclisis negligens
chrome blue-black r
clad metal
cylindrical irradiance
daylighting criteria
derived working limit
discharge stack
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Edgar Wallace
einstein de broglie formula
erosion control below dam
factual journalism
filament sheath
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Fraunhofer corona
fright night
fuel-optimal control
full autolanding
gage punch
gamble in stock
goal-directed invocation
HC (handling capacity)
holothuria atra
hypersaline water
hypothesis loop
index verborum
lifting plan
lig. auriculare superius
marketing functions and flows
mean body temperature
media advertising
monologue copy
neutral density disc
non-conducting medium
off the rails
over the hills and far away
plinth walling
point of apoapsis
prickle cell
protective bulkhead
renewal time
resin shipping container
sealed relay
self-restoring loop
shock reaction
shunt vessel
single equation model
the region beyond the grave
three-variance system
thyroid nodule
tie him down
toliara (tulear)
tractor armature type relay
transitive inference
tungsten cathode
undersea laboratory
unstable patient
viola rockiana w.beck.
warm someone's jacket
water mass analysis