音标:[stæmˈpi:dz] ;
n. (畜群)惊逃, 奔逃( stampede的名词复数 ); 蜂拥
v. (使)惊逃, (使)奔逃( stampede的第三人称单数 )
n a headlong rush of people on a common impulse
n a wild headlong rush of frightened animals (horses or cattle)
v cause to run in panic
v cause a group or mass of people to act on an impulse or hurriedly and impulsively
v act, usually en masse, hurriedly or on an impulse
v run away in a stampede



  1. A stampede broke out when the doors opened.门一开,人们蜂拥而出。
  2. There was a stampede of panic-stricken crowd from the burning hotel.从失火的旅馆中跑出来乱窜的惊惶失措的人群。
  1. The horses stamped and tore down the street.那些马惊跑起来,没着大街冲去。
  2. The cattle stampeded towards the farm.受惊的牛群向牧场涌去。
  3. Don't be stampeded into buying the house.不要一时冲动买下这所房子。


  • The pigs rushed out in a hysterical stampede.

    出自:P. L. Fermor

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