音标:[slɔgz] ;
v. 猛击( slog的第三人称单数 ); 努力苦干; 辛勤地工作; (人、组织、竞争者等) 决出胜负
v work doggedly or persistently
v walk heavily and firmly, as when weary, or through mud
v strike heavily, especially with the fist or a bat



  1. He started to slog his way through the undergrowth.他踏上了穿越林莽的艰难征程。
  2. I slog my guts out and get paid only a hundred pounds a week.我工作非常努力,但每星期只有100英镑的报酬。
  3. The two teams will slog it out for second place.这两个队将争夺第二名。
  4. The party leader be slog it out in a Tv debate.政党领袖在电视辩论中一决雌雄。
  1. Marking the exam papers was quite a slog.评阅试卷是很辛苦的工作。
  2. It was a long slog to the top of the mountain.到山顶的路漫长而艰难。


  • slog it out打到分胜负
  • slog one's guts out拼命工作
  • slog one's way蹒跚而行


  • Sixey made a mighty slog, but failed to strike the ball.

    出自:H. W. Bleackley
  • He'd have to slog at this thing till he got it right.

    出自:M. Lavin
  • He and his brother had slogged at one another with bare fists.

    出自:B. Chatwin
  • All that..morning..slogging away cleaning Carleton's study.

    出自:R. Dahl