[网络] 有一点很淡的天然酸甜味
词型变化:名词复数形式 : tanginesses



  1. There was a tang of excitement in the air.空气中有着一种兴奋的浓烈气息。
  2. She breathed in the crisp, tangy air and realized that it was almost autumn.她吸了一口凉爽的带着浓郁芳香的空气,意识到秋天就要到了。
  3. Narrow tang knives sometimes have a pommel attached to the handle end of the tang.鼠尾柄芯刀有时在刀尾安装有圆头。


  • tang强烈的味道
  • Tang dynasty唐朝
  • tang chisel半圆凿,有柄凿...


  • He smelled a tang to the breeze, part salt and part smoke.

    出自:J. Clavell
  • Cold and creamy with a light citrus tang.

    出自:J. Cox
  • Worcestershire sauce might lure out her old love of spice and tang.

    出自:M. Flanagan
  • Nor is there anything gives such a tang When by these Ropes these Ringers ring.

  • He spoke it with a slight Scotch tang and a softening of the vowels.

    出自:H. Allen
  • Let thy tongue tang arguments of state.

    出自:Twelfth Night,Shakespeare

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