The early bird?catches the worm is a phrase that weve all heard since the days of elementary school. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃,这是一句从小到大都耳熟能详的俗语。 But what if your brain is just programmed to work at night? 但是,如

发表于:2019-02-02 / 阅读(49) / 评论(0) 分类 阅读空间

Dear Future Husband, 亲爱的未来老公: I'm not yet sure whether you exist, though I'd like to believe that you do. While it may not make much logical sense, you've been on my mind lately. I haven't thought much about what you'll look like, how

发表于:2019-02-08 / 阅读(30) / 评论(0) 分类 阅读空间

Dear Future Husband, 亲爱的未来老公: I'm not yet sure whether you exist, though I'd like to believe that you do. While it may not make much logical sense, you've been on my mind lately. I haven't thought much about what you'll look like, how

发表于:2019-02-09 / 阅读(33) / 评论(0) 分类 实用英语

你是70后,80后,还是90后呢?难道都不是?看此篇文章的你是00后?OMG!岁月不饶人啊,你们怎么崛起得那么快?英文都知道该怎么表达了吗? 80年代:in the 1980s 80年代初:In the early 80's 80后(

发表于:2019-02-14 / 阅读(29) / 评论(0) 分类 英语口语

I live in a house full of millennials, three of whom are having their first skirmishes with working life. Every day I study them, marvelling at how little their early experiences resemble my own. Sometimes I think it is because they are different. So

发表于:2019-02-18 / 阅读(25) / 评论(0) 分类 阅读空间

OLDER people are not the only ones to try too hard to be hip and youthful. Long-established firms can, too. 年长者并非唯一努力让自己看起来时髦年轻的人。老牌企业也会如此。 Just look at Procter Gamble (PG), one of the wor

发表于:2019-03-09 / 阅读(94) / 评论(0) 分类 经济学人商业系列