音标:['sælәul, -ɔl] ;
n. [化]水杨酸苯酯,萨罗
n a white powder with a pleasant taste and odor; used to absorb light in sun tan lotions or as a preservative or an antiseptic or a coating for pills in which the medicine is intended for enteric release
词型变化:名词复数形式 : salols



  • acetyl salol乙酰萨罗
  • acetylamino salol乙酰氨基萨罗...

A: May I help you? B: I need to copy some pages in my book. A: The copier is right over there, in the corner. B: Do I need to pay to use it? A: You have to pay to use the copier. B: How much do you charge? A: You need to pay ten cents for every copy.

发表于:2018-12-02 / 阅读(64) / 评论(0) 分类 英语情景对话-图书馆

Y: (Breathing heavily) P: Yang Chen, You are totally out of breath. What's wrong? Are you running away from the police? What did you do THIS time? Y: Hey! NOT funny! 警察才不会追我呢。我是在练长跑。I'm training for the 1500m. P: So yo

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NASA Successfully Tests Hypersonic 1 Jet Three years after its first test flight ended in an explosion, NASA on March 27 successfully launched an experimental jet that the agency believes reached a re

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088 distance and speed Words Near/close far rush hurry crawl pace velocity wide tall long short length deep narrow broad high depth shallow short-cut long-distance rapid slow fast quick height low faraway Phrases Take(time) A drive/walk A distance of

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Speed and capacity 速度与生产能力 A:OK, so this is our newest machine. It was only installed last year. A:好,这是我们最新的设备。去年刚安装的。 B: What's the running speed of the machine? B:这个机器的运行速度是什么

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Likewise, light travels at its maximum speed through a vacuum-the interstellar highway-but it slows down when it enters air, water, or some other medium. Through air, light moves a hint slower: forty miles-per-second less than its maximum speed. Thro

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