(magister 的复数) 古罗马或中世纪的教师
plural of magister
n. Master; sir; -- a title of the Middle Ages, given to a
person in authority, or to one having a license from a university to
teach philosophy and the liberal arts.

Her brother was waiting in the cool of the entry hall, seated on the edge of the pool, 哥哥在阴凉的门厅里等她,他坐在池塘边, his hand trailing in the water. He rose when she appeared and looked her over critically. 探手在水里晃

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3.DAENERYS 第三章 丹尼莉丝 Her brother held the gown up for her inspection. 哥哥举起长袍给她看。 This is beauty. Touch it. Go on. Caress the fabric. 真漂亮,你摸摸看,没关系,你看看这料子。 Dany touched it. The

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That would be most fitting, Magister Illyrio said. 那是再恰当不过了。伊利里欧总督道。 Dany saw the smallest hint of a smile playing around his full lips, 丹妮瞥见他嘴际扬起细微的笑意, but her brother did not notice. N

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Magister Illyrio's words were honey. Many important men will be at the feast tonight. 伊利里欧总督的话语甜如蜜糖:许多达官显赫都会出席今晚盛宴, Such men have enemies. The khal must protect his guests, yourself chief amon

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Dragons eggs, from the Shadow Lands beyond Asshai, said Magister Illyrio. 这是来自亚夏以东阴影之地的龙蛋。伊利里欧总督说, The eons have turned them to stone, yet still they burn bright with beauty. 历经千万年而成化石,

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A handsome gift, Khaleesi, Magister Illyrio said of the last, after he had told her what it was. Most lucky. 卡丽熙,这可是件好礼啊,伊利里欧总督边对她解释,边说,非常吉利的! The gifts mounted up around her in great

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