音标:[ɡreizd] ;
v. (让动物)吃草( graze的过去式和过去分词 ); 轻擦, 擦破; 擦过; 掠过
s. scraped or touched lightly in passing




  1. We are grazing the sheep in the next field.我们在旁边的地里放羊。
  2. The sheep usually graze in the grass land.羊通常在草地吃草。
  3. Cattle are not allowed to graze in the plots.禁止牛在田里吃草。
  1. The bullet grazed my shoulder.子弹擦过我的肩膀。
  2. I always graze my knuckles.我常常擦破指关节。
  3. She fell down and grazed her knee.她摔倒在地,碰破了膝盖。
  1. Cows are left to graze in the pasture.奶牛都是留给放牧在牧场。
  2. There is good grassland here for your cattle and horses to graze on.这里有很好的草地供你们放牧牛马。
  1. His knee stung from the graze.他的膝盖擦伤后十分疼痛。


  1. The cattle are grazing in the field.牛群在田野上吃草。
用作及物动词S+ ~+n./pron.
  1. We're grazing the sheep in the next field.我们正在旁边一块地里放羊。
  2. He has grazed his knee.他擦伤了膝盖。
  3. He had a miraculous escape when a bullet from the enemy's guns grazed his head.敌人的枪弹擦伤了他的头皮,他奇迹般地幸免一死。
  4. The plane grazed the hilltops.飞机擦着山顶飞过。
  1. She has a severe graze on her elbow.她的肘部有严重的擦伤。


  • first graze首次擦地
  • bullet graze枪弹擦痕,擦过枪伤...
  • graze the shins of something近手某事,沾到某事的...


  • A few goats grazed among the scattered boulders.

    出自:J. A. Michener
  • Anyone who grazes..off the front page of The Times.

  • Wharf timbers creak..as a tethered steamer grazes and pounds against them.

    出自:H. Bascom

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