音标:[sәul] ; 柯林斯词典等级:3 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 灵魂, 心灵, 精神, 精髓, 人, 化身, 典型, 鬼魂
a. 黑人的
n. the immaterial part of a person; the actuating cause of an individual life
n. deep feeling or emotion
n. the human embodiment of something
n. a secular form of gospel that was a major Black musical genre in the 1960s and 1970s
词型变化:名词复数形式 : souls



  1. Creativity is the soul of a nation.创新是一个民族进步的灵魂。
  2. No words can express the secret agony of my soul.没有任何语言能够表达我心灵中的隐痛。
  3. The eye is the window of the soul.眼睛是心灵的窗户。
  4. Knowledge is the food of the soul.知识是精神食粮。
  5. The music will replenish my weary soul.音乐使我疲惫的精神充满活力。


  1. Does the soul live forever?灵魂能够永存吗?
  2. Her body died but her soul went to heaven.她的肉体虽已死亡,但她的灵魂却升入天堂。
  3. They said a prayer for the souls of the men who had been drowned in the storm.他们为那些在暴风雨中淹死的人的灵魂祈祷。
  4. Discipline is the soul of an army.纪律是军队的灵魂。
  5. They say that hardship is good for the soul.他们说艰难困苦对心灵有益。
  6. Most old overseas Chinese keep in the depth of their souls a longing for their motherland.多数老华侨深深怀念祖国。
  7. She has a soul above material pleasures.她有一种不追求物质享受的精神。
  8. He worked for the company with his whole soul.他全心全意地为那个公司工作。
  9. He loved her with his heart and soul.他一心一意地爱着她。
  10. “I pledge you, with all my soul,”said I, filling my glass to the brim.“我真心真意地向你保证”,我一面说,一面斟满我的酒杯。
  11. Your writings lack soul.你的作品缺乏魄力。
  12. Not a soul was to be seen.看不见一个人。
  13. I swear I will never tell a soul.我发誓决不告诉任何人。
  14. She was a dear old soul.她是一位可爱的老人。
  15. The ship sank with 200 souls.那艘船载着200人沉没了。
  16. Brevity is the soul of English.简洁是英语的精华。
  17. Celerity is the soul of warfare.兵贵神速。
  18. He is the soul of the army.他是这支部队的中心人物。
  19. He was the life and soul of the enterprise.他是该企业的核心人物。
  20. He is the soul of honor.他是荣誉的典型。
  21. Your secret's safe with him, he's the soul of discretion.他会严守你的秘密,他是谨慎的化身。


be a good soul
    做个好人或好孩子 be a good child
call one's soul one's own
    有行动自由,不受别人支配 not be controlled by other people


用作名词 (n.)
  • absorb the soul吸收精华
  • call one's soul one's own自己支配自己
  • delight the soul使心情高兴
  • develop the soul启发心灵
  • explore the soul探索心灵
  • express one's soul表示心情〔思想〕
  • keep body and soul together维持生命
  • nourish the soul怀有精神
  • put one's heart and soul into the work全神贯注地工作
  • reveal sb's soul暴露某人的灵魂
  • save sb's soul挽救某人的灵魂
  • sell one's soul出卖灵魂
  • throw one's heart and soul into the work全神贯注地工作
  • cheerful soul乐观的人,快活的人,乐天派
  • good soul好人
  • immortal soul不朽的灵魂
  • kindly soul和蔼的人
  • political soul政治灵魂
  • poor soul可怜的人
  • the greatest soul最伟大的人物
  • thirsty soul酒鬼
  • by〔for,on〕 sb soul某人敢发誓说,天哪
  • by〔for〕 the soul off me无论如何
  • with all one's heart and soul全神贯注(地)
  • with one's whole soul全心全意地
  • soul of a book书的精髓
  • soul of commerce商业之本
  • soul of honour荣誉的典型


  • Weary in body and mind, but in soul perhaps as fresh as rain-green grass.

    出自:P. Kavanagh
  • Soul and body can exist without one another.

    出自:R. A. Knox

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